Catalog excerpts

Nilan VPM 120-560 Active heat recovery and cooling (air/air)
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Nilan VPM 120-560 Industrial ventilation with heat recovery and cooling The VPM 120-560 units are tested heat recovery units with cooling developed for industrial and comfort ventilation for air requirements of up to 5,600 m³/h. Function The Nilan VPM 120-560 units are active heat recovery units with cooling that extract warm, damp air and inject temperate air. This means that particles, odours and dampness are removed and a comfortable indoor climate achieved. The energy in the extracted air is recovered and transferred to the injected air via a combination of passive heat recovery and a...
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Ventilation promotes performance in the workplace Technical specifications: Main dimensions excl. connection pieces LxWxH excl. base Total weight without packaging Power supply Voltage About indoor climate The Danish Working Environment Authority says: "A poor indoor climate in the workplace can and must be prevented. Rules, norms and standards have been set out for indoor climate conditions. A poor indoor climate can result in e.g. feeling unwell, irritated mucous membranes, headache and fatigue among employees. These are symptoms that reduce employees' quality of life and increase their...
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Heating output Heat output is based on an extraction air temperature of 20 °C, and a nominal air volume of 1,200 m3/h, 2,400 m3/h 3,600 m3/h, 4,800 m3/h, and 5,600 m3/h respectively. ■ VPM 120 + HP ■ VPM 240 + HP ■ VPM 360 + HP ■ VPM 480 + HP ■ VPM 560 + HP Cooling output The cooling output is based on an extraction temperature of 25°C/50% RH and a nominal air volume of 1,200 m3/h, 2,400 m3/h and 3,600 m3/h respectively, (total cooling performance) Operating economy The Nilan HP heat pipe is a closed evaporator/condensation circuit which transfers energy from the extracted air to the...
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Facts: • Cooling function • Heat recovery • Renews up to 5,600 m3 per hour (at 350 pascal) • Injection and extraction • Temperature efficiency up to 94% • Option of supplementary heat using water or electrical heating surface • Duct connections 500x600 diameter 500 mm / diameter 400 mm / diameter 315 mm Advantages: • No damp problems or odours • Fresh air supply and extraction of contaminated air • High recovery • Low operational consumption due to heat pipe Options: All data at nominal air volume and fresh air at 4°C and 0% RH. VPM 120: Renews up to 1,200 m3/h (at 250 Pa) Temperature...
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Dimensioned drawing: NILAN-outstanding indoor climate Nilan A/S Nilanvej 2 DK-8722 Hedensted Tel. +45 76 75 25 00 Fax +45 76 75 25 25 nilan@nilan.dk www.nilan.dk the dimensioned drawing shown is a left version: injection on left seen from operator side. the system is also available in a right version: injection on right seen from operator side.
Open the catalog to page 6All Nilan A/S catalogs and technical brochures
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