

Catalog excerpts

Pregio - 1

Imlttamo I'anilco c vivUmo il modcrno. per que*to non siamo dci soprawissuti del passato, ma ci accostiamo rispctlosamcntc a qucstc cpochc i profuml, 1 colori. i sapori. i suoni. 1c lincc chc 1c hanno caraitcri//atc. A Vol Usciamo i! complio di inscrirli ncllc vosire case assicmc agli oggctli piu cari. riconoscendoli come I vostri "mobill di famlglla". nach und leben das Modcrnc. deswegen sind wir kcinc Obcrlcbcndc dcr Vcrgangcnhcit. sodcrn nahcrn uns rcspcktvoll dicscn Zcitcn durch die Aufnahmc dcr Duficn. Ruben. Ccschmackc. Klangc uns Llnlcn, die sic geke naze Ich net haben. Wir lasscn lhncn die Aufgabc. sic in Ihr Haus uisimmcn mil Ihrco licbstcn GegenstSnden *u stcflcn. sirlicr. daft sic schon "FamHlcomObcr sind. and live the modern. For I hat reason wc aren't survivors of the past, but wc respectfully approach these epochs the scent, the colours, the tastes, llic sounds and the lines which characterized them. Wc will leave you the task to fit then) in your house. together w-ilh your dearest objects. being sure that they already are "family furniture". Mobili in nocc massiccio. Mobcl aus Massivnufibaumholz. i urniturc in massive walnut.

Open the catalog to page 1
Pregio - 2

che dolce come pialla scorrc in ogni mia idea senza mutare il sogno, con queste vesti di legno han crcato un nuovo nido. attcnto sempre have "bared" a new plant for you And then, stop by step, without changing the dream, they have created the new nest willi these wooden "clothes". with the artisan's wise spirit. «er considerate of your everyday life, which flics fast among his strong and precious shapes... ...adding music to your every wish. Maurizio Fietta Via Marini 52. 3 1020 San Zenonedegli Ezzelini. Treviso, Italia

Open the catalog to page 2
Pregio - 3

NewDesign Maurizio Fietta Via Marini 52, 31020 San Zenone degli Ezzelini, Treviso, Italia Tel. Fax: + (39) 0423.567308 -

Open the catalog to page 3
Pregio - 30

uber alio mcinc Gedankcn lauft, haheii liir dich tine nciic Pflanzc cnthlofii und, cine nach Her andcrcn. ■lire Adern gestrcichelt. olinc den Traum /.u verandcrn, mil dlcscn Klcidem aus I lolz, cin itcucs Nesl geschaffen. init dcr wciscn Scclc Soef dcin I^gTichcS Lebcn, iniincr wacnend intniltcn dicscr koslbarcn. kralts'olkn rormen... all dcinc Wflnschc erfolknd.

Open the catalog to page 30
Pregio - 36

Doux commc l'outil Qui glisse dans mcs idles Et puis, pclil a petit Sans troubler le songe, Elles ont d'habits de bois Avec l ame savante de 1 artisan

Open the catalog to page 36
Pregio - 62

Blbo Cecchlnl 6 Luca Rantelll 'Bibo 6 Lwca designers 1 Biho 6 Luca designers studio rOcchfcllo Bruno Martino Picrgiorgio Rebcsco Ciada Itigoni. Picro Paccagnclla Francesco Rigo. Marghcrita rallnl Susi Pasquotto. Silvio Anliga Si ringra/iano tutti coloro alia rlUSClIa di quote catafogO Graficlic Amiga Stampato su carta Schcufclcn Finito di stamparc ncl dicembre 1999 AB« r*pnjdwtion - occ pirtul - ot ntofclt j/vi p«(uK> Iron ifcu rjtilrgK ii fotbi&cn J-^I p .r-inib!: h> h«

Open the catalog to page 62

All New Design di Maurizio Fietta catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Pregio II

    35 Pages

  2. Ciribo

    68 Pages

  3. Pregio III

    27 Pages


    38 Pages