Livre des 50 ans


Catalog excerpts

Livre des 50 ans - 2

1962 - 2012 Cinquant’anni sono passati e Neri S.p.A. é alla terza generazione. Celebriamo l’evento ripercorrendo i momenti che hanno fatto la nostra storia. 1962 - 2012 Fifty years have passed and Neri S.p.A. is in its third generation. We celebrate the event tracing the moments that made our history.

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Domenico Neri fonda l’omonima azienda. Domenico Neri founds the eponymous company. 1962

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I primi prodotti per giardini e parchi. The first products for gardens and parks. 1963

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Il logotipo dell’azienda. The logotype of the company. 1964

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La gamma si estende all’illuminazione stradale. The range extends to street lighting. 1965

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La verniciatura durante i primi anni. The painting in the early years. 1966

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La prima lanterna in stile. The first classical lantern. 1967

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Corpo illuminante progettato per Philips. Lighting fixture designed for Philips. 1968

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Si passa alla produzione industriale: lanterna con mensola in fusione di ghisa. Industrial production starts: lantern with bracket in cast-iron. 1969

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La prima serie di pali in ghisa per centri storici, progettata da Domenico Neri. The first set of cast-iron luminairs for town centres, designed by Domenico Neri. 1970

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Nuova versione del marchio. New version of the mark. 1971

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Installazione di pali in ghisa: Loreto (MC), Italia. Installation with cast-iron poles in Loreto (MC), Italy. 1972

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Amalfi (SA), Italia. Amalfi (SA), Italy. 1973

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Ascoli Piceno (AP), Italia. Ascoli Piceno (AP), Italy. 1974

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La prima collezione di arredo urbano. The first urban furniture collection. 1975

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La gamma si amplia con nuove tipologie di lanterne. The range grows and new types of lanterns are added. 1976

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Il nuovo stabilimento a Longiano (FC), Italia. The new plant in Longiano (FC), Italy. 1977

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Piazza Maggiore a Bologna (BO), Italia Piazza Maggiore in Bologna (BO), Italy. 1978

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Il primo gazebo in ghisa, progettato da Domenico Neri. The first cast-iron gazebo, designed by Domenico Neri. 1979

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Restauro e ripristino dei lampadari della Reggia di Miramare a Trieste (TS), Italia. Restoration and recovery of the chandeliers in the Palace of Miramare in Trieste (TS), Italy. 1980

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Trani (BT), Italia. Trani (BT), Italy. 1981

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Restauro e riproduzione dei pali di Venezia (VE), Italia. Restoration and reproduction of the luminaires in Venice (VE), Italy. 1982

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Il primo chiosco commerciale poi scelto dalla città di New York, USA. First commercial kiosk, chosen by New York, USA. 1983

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Centro storico di Vicenza (VI), Italia. Vicenza (VI) city centre, Italy. 1984

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Parco del palazzo imperiale a Tokio, Giappone. Imperial Palace garden in Tokyo, Japan. 1985

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La più grande piazza d’Europa: Prato della Valle a Padova (PD), Italia. The biggest square in Europe: Prato della Valle in Padua (PD), Italy. 1986

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Nuova versione del marchio. New version of the mark. 1987

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Il grande gazebo di Porto Rico, progettato da Domenico Neri. The big gazebo of Puerto Rico, designed by Domenico Neri. 1989

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La prima linea in stile contemporaneo: Genus. The first contemporary style lighting range: Genus. 1990

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ID mi i*>,,w»fl*£i sm *u.\ WIIII ANuuuamoN THE rTAJJAM MIAOW OP CAST BON. LONOIANO, MUIM Will AHT1P Wl-I-I. AMI AftlJi ATfc Italiano delta Ghisa. Esposizione eArti Applicatedi delta Ghisa is born. Accademia Italiana delle Arti eArti

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Grande struttura in ghisa per il parco divertimenti Gardaland, Italia. Large cast-iron structure for the Italian amusement park Gardaland. 1992

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Nuova serie di pali in ghisa che illuminano la chiesa di San Nicola a San Pietroburgo, Russia. New range of castiron luminaires, that illuminates Saint Nicholas church in Saint Petersburg, Russia. 1993

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Centro commerciale ad Hamamatsu, Giappone. Shopping centre in Hamamatsu, Japan. 1994

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Le nuove lanterne si conformano alle leggi sull’inquinamento luminoso. The new lighting fixtures comply with light pollution regulations. 1995

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Restauro dei pali di Piazza della Scala a Milano (MI), Italia. Restoration of the luminaires of Piazza della Scala in Milan (MI), Italy. 1997

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Premio Guggenheim “Impresa e Cultura”. ‘Business and Culture’ Guggenheim award. 1998

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Restauro dei pali ottocenteschi di O’Connel Bridge a Dublino, Irlanda Restoration of the nineteenth-century luminaires of the O’Connel Bridge in Dublin, Ireland. 1999

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Progetto custom made per la città di Riccione (RN), Italia. Illuminazione e arredo urbano disegnati da Italo Rota. Custom-made project for the town of Riccione (RN), Italy. Luminaires and urban furniture designed by Italo Rota. 2000

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Nasce il centro di ricerca Neri, dedicato all’innovazione tecnologica e all’illuminotecnica. The centre devoted to research and technological innovation is born in Neri. 2001

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Concorso Internazionale di Design “Neri 40 years Award”: il prodotto Heron vince il primo premio. International design competition ‘Neri 40 years Award’: Heron wins the first prize. 2002

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Brevetto dell’ottica basculante Morfomatic System. The optical tilt Morfomatic System obtains its patent. 2003

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Progetto di illuminazione custom-made per l’Emirate Palace a Dubai, Emirati Arabi. Custom-made lighting project for the Emirate Palace in Dubai, UAE. 2004

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Nasce la Fondazione Neri, centro di ricerca internazionale sull’arredo urbano. The Fondazione Neri is born, an international research centre for urban furniture. 2005

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Piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa (PI), Italia. Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa (PI), Italy. 2006

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Riproduzione dei pali del Louvre di Parigi, Francia. Reproduction of the cast-iron luminaires of the Louvre in Paris, France. 2007

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Nuovo stabilimento produttivo ad alta sostenibilità ambientale. New environmentally sustainable plant. 2008

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Mosca, Russia. Moscow, Russia. 2009

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Comfort e Performance, il nuovo modo di concepire i LED. Comfort and Performance, the new way of conceiving LED. 2010

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Aprono le sedi di Singapore, Kiev e Miami. The branches of Singapore, Kiev and Miami open. 2011

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All NERI catalogs and technical brochures

  1. NERI | Mag

    12 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Syrma

    4 Pages

  2. Kuma

    6 Pages

  3. Avior

    6 Pages

  4. Tabit

    8 Pages

  5. Maia

    7 Pages

  6. Propus

    5 Pages

  7. Rigel

    5 Pages

  8. Chara

    4 Pages

  9. Atlas

    4 Pages

  10. Altair

    5 Pages

  11. Tyl

    5 Pages

  12. Nashira

    8 Pages

  13. Castore

    5 Pages

  14. Sheliak

    7 Pages

  15. Alcor

    7 Pages

  16. Alya

    4 Pages

  17. Matar

    5 Pages

  18. Hydra

    4 Pages

  19. Alkes

    5 Pages