Catalog excerpts

Pre-weathered titanium zinc with motif NedZink NOVA STRUCTURE Product description NedZink NOVA STRUCTURE is titanium zinc with motif available in different patterns. ‘NedZink NOVA’ as basic material is titanium zinc according to EN 988 that undergoes a patination process. The chemical composition, mechanical and physical properties and measurement tolerances are determined in the KOMO product certificate and the product certificate from Lloyd’s Register, LRIQS (Approval QIS 122). The defined material properties are checked by an independant and neutral research institute at regular intervals. This product certification and the ISO 9001:2008 certificate for the quality management system at NedZink assure a constant and uniform high quality, meeting our own standards and far exceeding EN 988. NedZink NOVA STRUCTURE is mainly used for visibly and aesthetically high quality applications outside and inside. This includes roofs, façades and various interior designs. Surface structure NOVA STRUCTURE Amsterdam NOVA STRUCTURE Brasilia NOVA STRUCTURE New York NOVA STRUCTURE Paris Product range SHEETS standard sizes material thickness
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Transport and storage NedZink products are packed and sent dry. The advice is to store titanium zinc dry and ventilated. This reduces the probability of condensation formation. Surface ‘NedZink NOVA Structure’ titanium zinc is subjected to a patination process with a surface structure. Rolling and smoothing with imprint rollers results in a surface treatment that provides NedZink NOVA with a surface structure on both the top side and bottom side of the material. The properties of zinc as a building material do not change. Properties of the material A continuous stamp is applied to the back...
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16 Pages
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Technical instruction handbook
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NedZink NOIR Pro-Tec
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NedZink NATUREL Pro-Tec
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NedZink NOVA Pro-Tec
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NedZink NOIR
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NedZink NOVA
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Delivery programm
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Corporate Brochure
16 Pages