ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound
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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 1

Drywall Finishing Products Construction Guide Drywall Finishing Products

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 2

Table of Contents SECTION Improving indoor air quality to protect the health and PAGE safety of building occupants and meeting the criteria for LEED certification requires a higher standard of quality GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified® . . . . . . . . . . .2 Ready Mix Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 and performance. National Gypsum is focused on providing innovative solutions for sustainable design and green building practices. Effects of Environmental Conditions on Drying Times . . . . . .7 Setting Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 3

ProForm BRAND Ready Mix Products ® ProForm® BRAND is a family of ready to use, drying type joint compounds formulated specifically for the professional drywall finisher. All ProForm joint compounds deliver high performance relative to less shrinkage, sandability, workability with less “pull,” greater crack resistance, wet edge and open time, and hand or tool application. All ProForm ready-mixed joint compounds have achieved GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification status. ProForm® All Purpose Description Premixed vinyl-based compound for the professional that can be used directly from...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 4

ProForm® BRAND Ready Mix Products ProForm® Lite Description A lightweight joint compound that is 30% lighter than conventional All Purpose. Ⅵ Finishing joints Ⅵ Spotting fasteners Ⅵ Finishing cornerbead Ⅵ Texturing 4.5 gal. (17 L) pails 3.5 gal. (13.2 L) cartons 4.5 gal. (17 L) cartons West Coast only: 3.59 gal. (13.6 L) cartons Approx. Coverage: 8.2 gals./1000 sq. ft. (33 L/93 sq. m) Availability: Nationwide (excluding Atlantic Region) Designed for all phases of drywall finishing: taping, fasteners, finishing, texturing, trims and cornerbead. Ⅵ Taping Ⅵ Finishing joints Ⅵ Spotting...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 5

ProForm® BRAND Ready Mix Products ProForm® Taping Lite Description A lightweight joint compound that is 40% lighter than conventional Taping compound. Ⅵ Taping Ⅵ Adhering cornerbeads Ⅵ Laminating wallboard 40% lighter than standard taping compound. Ⅵ Excellent adhesion/bond. Ⅵ Great for use in taping tools. Ⅵ Ready to use right from the container. 3.5 gal. (13.2 L) cartons 4.5 gal. (17 L) pails 4.5 gal. (17L) cartons Approx. Coverage: 8.2 gals./1000 sq. ft. (33 L/93 sq. m) Availability: Central Region Midwest Region Premixed vinyl-based compound for the professional that can be used in...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 6

ProForm® BRAND Ready Mix Products ProForm® Texture Grade Description An all-purpose, ready-to-use material specially formulated for texturing walls and ceilings. Bonds well with many surfaces including gypsum panels, concrete, primed plaster, interior masonry and non-staining wood surfaces. Ⅵ Any non-aggregated texture Ⅵ Stipple texture Ⅵ Knockdown Ⅵ Orange Peel Ⅵ Skip Trowel Ⅵ Ready-mixed, easy to apply Ⅵ Allows great pattern 61.7 lb. (28 kg) pails 50 lb. (22.7 kg) cartons Approx. Coverage: 61.7 lbs./500-1,250 sq. ft. (28 kg/45-112 sq. m) Availability: Southwest Region – carton only A...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 7

Environmental Conditions Varying weather conditions can impact both the quality and appearance of taped drywall joints. Relative humidity, plus temperature, will affect the working characteristics of all joint compounds. For bonding of adhesive, joint treatment, texturing and decorative finishes, temperatures within the building should be maintained at minimum 50˚F (10˚C), both day and night, during joint finishing and drying. Adequate ventilation should be provided to eliminate excess moisture. For example, cool wet weather will slow down the drying process while hot, dry weather hastens...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 8

ProForm BRAND Quick Set Setting Compounds ® ProForm® BRAND Quick SetTM Setting Compounds are quick setting (hardening) type compounds that are not affected by humidity once they have set and dried. They were developed to reduce joint deformities such as ridging and beading and provide shortened joint finishing time. ProFormQuick Set Compounds are suitable for filling voids left in above-grade interior concrete. Required for finishing joints on exterior soffit board. ProForm® Quick SetTM Compound Description Quick setting/hardening compound that is not affected by humidity once it has set...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 9

ProForm® BRAND Quick Set TM Setting Compounds Mixing Mix no more compound than can be applied in the designated set time. Place the amount of water recommended on the compound packaging in a clean 5-gallon pail. A plastic container is recommended because of its ease in cleaning between batches. Add the compound gradually to room temperature clean, drinkable water. Mix the compound until it is smooth and free of lumps. Allow to stand (soak) for one minute, then remix until consistency is smooth and uniform. If a thinner or thicker mix is desired, add water or powder sparingly. When power...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 10

ProForm BRAND Joint Tapes ® ProForm BRAND Joint Tape is designed for use with ready mixed or setting type compounds to conceal and reinforce joints of interior walls and ceilings. ProForm® Paper Joint Tape Description Conceals and reinforces wallboard joints. Tape is 2-1/6" wide and is buffed on both sides to ensure the best working qualities and bond. Center crease allows easy folding for use in corners. Can be used with all ProForm Ready Mix and Quick Set Setting Compounds. Available in: 75' rolls (22.9 m) 20 rolls per carton 250' rolls (76.2 m) 20 rolls per carton 500' rolls (152.4 m) 10...

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ProForm All Purpose Texture Grade Joint Compound - 11

Materials Estimating & Coverage Guide ESTIMATING TABLE Perfect Perfect Spray Wall & Ceiling Ready Mix* Quick Set Spray EM & HF Spray Joint Tape Quantity per 1,000 sq.ft. of Gypsum Board 140 lbs. 55 lbs. 120 lbs. 50-100 lbs. 50-100 lbs. 350 ft. ESTIMATING TABLE Sq. Ft. of Gypsum Board Size Wall/Ceiling_4'x8' 4'x10' 4'x12' Ready Mix*/lbs. Joint Tape/ft. Quick Set/lbs. Nails/ct._Screws/ct. *Based on ProForm BRAND All Purpose Joint & Corner Finishing Application 1. ProForm BRAND Quick Set compounds should be mixed in accordance with the printed 2. A uniformly thin layer of joint compound should...

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