Catalog excerpts
Le Cromie nascono dalla miscelatura di tessere dello stesso formato appartenenti a diverse materie di Mosaico+. La disposizione casuale dei colori e le caratteristiche materiche delle tessere conferiscono alle cromie una forte dinamicita, in un gioco di riflessi e ombreggiature, superfici lucide e opache. Cromie are formed by mixing chips of the same size in different Mosaico+ materials. The random arrangement of the colours and material characteristics of the chips give the shades great dynamism, in a game of reflections and shadows, glossy and matt surfaces.
Open the catalog to page 3Cromie So fia CR.0K 3 7 | A u r o r e V io la A U .0 1 4 7 wall painting Mape i Durs ilite Ma t t 8 0 7 1 4
Open the catalog to page 4+ Cromie Sofia CR.0K37 wall painting + Mapei Dursilite Matt 807 14
Open the catalog to page 5cromie inspiration 02 + Cromie Palma CR.0K43 wall painting + Mapei Dursilite Matt 80056 8■■■■*■■■■!•■■■! ■IVIElllLltin »■■■■■■■')■■ HI sssSaViBsssSn! limi'iitaMuiRi' V- r_i«c-!I i inBRBBHIPRtfp ' i 1 iiN^MndiaMAni r-. ■■■■■ ks: ■=iJiisp»'' ar r i7 -IEI:..14'P r f’-f i jF" IBRBVQaaP ■aiirr <7 Jj.ii "t ' : - i '■CiiHHtBH^EiiiaidantaBvflsiii im J : i i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■uni ■■■■■■■<!■ u jjiiinijiHiiiniiiiii«e b imn m i inr.r ■■■■”■ ■■■ ■■■■v^H’i ■" ■■ ei
Open the catalog to page 7Cromie Bie lla CR.0 L 8 0 wall painting Mape i Durs ilite Ma t t 8 0 8 9 3
Open the catalog to page 9Cro mie Biella CR.0 L8 0 wall painting
Open the catalog to page 10Cromie Cus c o CR.0 Z 6 7 wall painting Mape i Durs ilite Ma t t 8 0 7 2 4
Open the catalog to page 11Cromie 10x10, 15x15 e 20x20 mm: mosaici in vetro formati da tessere delle collezioni Solid Colors (Vetrina, Concerto, Perle, Aurore, Tanticolori, Doro), di spessore 4 mm, montati su rete in fibra di vetro. Cromie 10x10, 15x15 e 20x20 mm: glass mosaic comprising chips from Solid Colors collections (Vetrina, Concerto, Perle, Aurore, Tanticolori, Doro) 4 mm thick mounted on fiberglass mesh. Cromie aqua 20x20 mm: mosaico di vetro fuso, composto da tessere quadrate e bisellate delle collezioni Tanticolori e Perle, di spessore 4 mm, montate su rete o su carta. Cromie aqua 20x20 mm: fused mosaic...
Open the catalog to page 13cromie 10x10 10x10x4 mm 3/8”x3/8”x1/8” O Glossy • Matt © Mix WHITE GREY BLACK Botanic Black Mix 1 CR.0Y39 ZZ CX.S900 Neutro Botanic White Gold Mix 1 CR.0Y37 ZZ CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Grey Mix 2 CR.0Y26 ZZ CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Grey Mix 3 CR.0Y27 ZZ CX.S900 Neutro
Open the catalog to page 14cromie 10x10 10x10x4 mm 3/8”x3/8”x1/8” O Glossy • Matt © Mix Senape M Mix 1 CR.0572 IZZI CX.S900 Neutro • Botanic Purple Mix 3 CR.0Y24 CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Purple Mix 4 CR.0Y36 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Orange Mix 2 CR.0Y35 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Purple Mix 1 CR.0Y38 ZZ CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Purple Mix 2 CR.0Y23 ZZ CX.S900 Neutro
Open the catalog to page 15PINK VIOLET Botanic Orange Mix 1 CR.0Y34 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Sole G Mix 1 CR.0575 IZZI CX.S900 Neutro O Botanic Yellow Gold Mix 1 CR.0Y40 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro
Open the catalog to page 16cromie 10x10 10x10x4 mm 3/8”x3/8”x1/8” O Glossy • Matt © Mix WHITE GREY BLACK Botanic Olive Mix 1 CR.0Y31 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Muschio G Mix 4 CR.0561 IZZI CX.S900 Neutro O Botanic Green Mix 1 CR.0Y28 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Olive Mix 2 CR.0Y33 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Green Mix 2 CR.0Y30 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Olive Mix 3 CR.0Y32 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro Botanic Green Mix 3 CR.0Y29 ZZl CX.S900 Neutro
Open the catalog to page 18POWDER RED PINK VIOLET Pavia CR.0H99 I I CX.S026 Ghiaccio Correggio CR.0Y47 IZZI CX.S900 Neutro
Open the catalog to page 19Lecce Oro CR.0M49 IZZI CX.S012 Cobalto TURQUOISE Rimini CR.0L84 I I CX.S009 Turchese
Open the catalog to page 20WHITE GREY BLACK
Open the catalog to page 21PINK VIOLET Jakarta Oro CR.0L73 ZZ CX.S015 Sabbia
Open the catalog to page 22aqua 20x20 20x20x4 mm 3/4”x3/4”x1/8” 0 Paper Mounted Mosaic WHITE GREY BLACK Galway CR.0Y50 I I CX.S005 Grigioverde Phuket CR.0Y44 IZZI CX.S006 Giada BROWN Bianco Lux AQ.0N3 8 I I CX.S026 Ghiaccio
Open the catalog to page 24cromie aqua 20x20 20x20x4 mm 3/4”x3/4”x1/8” 0 Paper Mounted Mosaic PINK VIOLET BLUE TURQUOISE Rosa Mix AQ.0C99 I I CX.S026 Ghiaccio GREEN Azzurro Mix AQ.03 93 | AQ.0393-C O I I CX.S026 Ghiaccio Verde - Bianco Mix AQ.0Y52 I I CX.S005 Grigioverde Turchese Mix AQ.0S34 I I CX.S034 Carta da zucchero Azzurro S. Mix AQ.03 94 | AQ.0394-C O I I CX.S034 Carta da zucchero
Open the catalog to page 25WHITE GREY BLACK Ostuni CR.0232N I I CX.S026 Ghiaccio
Open the catalog to page 26cromie 23x23 23x23x8 mm 7/8"x7/8"xl/4" + BROWN Mix op. 12 DL0C23 ' '.X.'.O'jO -,.,1,1,1., RED PINK VIOLET Este CR.0M22 I I CX.S020 Veneziano rr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr e-rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rvrn rrrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr YELLOW Mix op. 4 DL.0C18 IZZI CX.S015 Sabbia □ EM.0309 33% r DV.0948 34% □ Dl 09 | : %.
Open the catalog to page 27GREEN rri" -rrg r rr~B i n r: nnrrrjai- Errrr rr
Open the catalog to page 29c re a t i v e d i r e c t i o n U f f i c i o m a r k e t i n g M o s a ico+ Ma s s i m o N a d a l i n i g ra p h i c d e s i g n Punto Digital photo Punto Immagine Con la stam p a d i q ue sto c at alogo abbiam o cercat o di av v icinarci il p iù p ossibile a lla re altà crom at ica delle t es s ere dei m os aici; i cam p io ni sta m pa ti h an no tutt av ia v alore s olam ent e indicat iv o. When prin ting th is ca ta logu e , e v e r y e f f o r t has be e n m ade t o r e pr o duc e the rea l colors of the m osaic c hips ; ho w e v e r, pr int e d s am ple s ar e guideline only....
Open the catalog to page 30©mosaico+ MKIMO01501 Catalogo Cromie 04.19 4.0K MOSAICCT □ q q m
Open the catalog to page 31All Mosaico + catalogs and technical brochures
29 Pages
Jointed and Diamond
27 Pages
33 Pages
87 Pages
155 Pages
144 Pages
50 Pages
56 Pages
82 Pages
Sfumature20x20 catalog2011
28 Pages
42 Pages
54 Pages
36 Pages
38 Pages
44 Pages
124 Pages
10 Pages
76 Pages
44 Pages
38 Pages
40 Pages
aqua / tanticolori
38 Pages