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Catalog excerpts

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ADVANC ED THERMAL INSULATION New freedom for efficient and innovative thermal insulation systems

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Since its foundation in 1989, Porextherm preformed elements as well as for Dämmstoffe GmbH has been a supplier art, high capacity production facilities in individual applications. Porextherm’s of innovative thermal insulation solu- Kempten, Germany, in order to be able research & development and engineer- tions. We have continually expanded our to supply the strongly growing domestic ing departments offer many solutions core competencies in the field of micro- as well as international markets. that perfectly meet these demanding porous high-performance thermal insu- lation materials and...

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MICROPOROUS HIGH-PERFORMANCE THERMAL I N S U L AT I O N F R O M - 1 9 0 ° C T O 1 1 0 0 ° C The highly efficient insulating effect of For example, maintaining the same insu- multi-layer barrier films, using a special our products is based on a microporous lating capacity, the insulating material patented process. The evacuation of fumed silica. WDS Ultra allows the reduction of layer the material completely prevents any Between the spherical microporous thickness by the factor 6 and the weight thermal transmission by convection. particles only punctual transition points Vacupor®-Vacuum...

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Vacupor® – a clear advantage Of course, we are able to offer Vacupor® can be used in the tempera- Vacupor®, according to your particular ture range between -50 °C and 120 °C. temperature range. insulation problem, in various shapes and sizes and we are continually devel- The core material is produced without In most cases, when it comes to achiev- oping further flexible applications for ing the most efficient thermal insulation this outstanding insulation material. usually does not contain any organic components which may set free harmful in the tightest spaces, Vacupor® is the product of...

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WDS® – COOL DESIGN SOLUTIONS IN THE H I G H - T E M P E R AT U R E R A N G E positioned immediately below the range – unlimited applications cooking surface contain Porextherm important in thermal insulation. insulating materials used for its outstanding mechanical and thermal Porextherm is not limited to a certain With a temperature stability of up to characteristics. In electrical thermal area of application. On the contrary, we storage heaters, Porextherm products have developed a broad range of differ- products offers an ideal product for promote the optimal exploitation of every...

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POREXTHERM – THERE FOR YOU IN 36 COUNTRIES W I T H P R E S E N T LY 4 5 PA R T N E R S W O R L D W I D E Our range of WDS® products. insulation material. For this purpose, the WDS® Flexible consists of individually material is sealed inside a sheathing cut blanks and are specially developed WDS Ultra is used where a highly film. The film protects the insulation and produced for particular problem effective, but at the same time thin material from moisture while at the solutions. This requires, aside from boundary is required between heat and same time providing the necessary the necessary...

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Domestic appliances Temperature controlled packaging Fire protection Porextherm Dämmstoffe GmbH

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All Morgan Advanced Materials catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Vacupor® NT

    3 Pages

  2. Vacuspeed®

    7 Pages