Catalog excerpts

SPORTFLEX SUPER X 720 K41INTENSIVE TRAINING TAKES TO THE TRACKTEsTED iN collaboration wiTH THE TuRiN MEN’s spRINT TEAM, SpoRTFLEx SupER X 720 K41 is THE MONDO suRFAcE spEdFicALLY DEsiGNED TO ACCOMMODATE INTENsiVE TRAINING BY PROFEssiONAL ATHLETEs. EMBOSSED SOLID-RUBBER TOP LAYER Vulcanized rubber surface layer with raised embossing for optimal elasticity and grip, and efficient drainage. CO-VULCANIZED MULTI-LAYER DUAL DUROMETER Two different layers of solid rubber with their own formulations, vulcanized together to form a continuous, seamless piece of material. AIR-CELL TECHNOLOGY Air-filled chambers on the bottom layer compress, then expand, acting like bowstrings and projecting athletes up and forward. ELONGATED HONEYCOMB BACKING Hexagonal air-filled chambers surrounded by ribs that deform in three dimensions on the track underlayment minimize the time the athlete is in contact with the flooring, maximize energy return, and optimize the floor's reaction time. 08/01/2019 Mondo keeps the right to modify the characteristics of the products in any moment
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SPORTFLEX SUPER X 720 K41 Professional athletes love to practice on the same surface on which they compete, but for more intense training sessions and drills, they prefer a solution that offers a greater level of comfort. Sportflex Super X 720 K41 is what they want. Designed to be installed in combination with Sportflex Super X 720 K39, which is used for competitions and practice, K41 guarantees the extra comfort required for athletic drills and intensive training, and a shock absorption coefficient of 41%, while maintaining the same biomechanical behaviour as K39. Sportflex Super X 720 K41...
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IIIIIMOMDODIMENSIONSTHICKNESS WEIGHT LENGTH HEIGHT length height 08/01/2019 Mondo keeps the right to modify the characteristics of the products in any moment
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Mondo Turf
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Indoor Sport
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