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MONDO has been an innovator since 1948, and has stayed ahead of the game ever since with stateof-the-art sports flooring that anticipates athletes’ needs and generates maximum performance. Everything in sports, from a simple workout to a record-breaking race, originates from a single step, push or jump. In other words, that initial, critical contact between the athlete and the surface. It all starts here. 2

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Innov ation sets th e stage. For every discipline and practice level, athletes need the best flooring support to reach their goals. MONDO sports surfaces were developed to satisfy real, concrete needs: uniform athletic track elasticity, resilience of synthetic grass fibers, controlled wood system bounce. Fundamental characteristics to ensure that all sports participants can safely attain their maximum potential. Because a good starting block is a step toward success.

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The re Search behind the victories.

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The quality of the air athletes breathe is just as important as the quality of the surface on which they train and compete. This is why MONDO launched an indoor air quality research program to ensure all its products meet the highest standards for indoor air quality. To guarantee MONDO products are compliant with indoor air quality, we only provide raw materials — natural or synthetic — considered environmentally friendly by the most rigorous national and international standards. The raw materials are constantly controlled during the manufacturing process, and the final products are tested...

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THE OLYMPIC CHOICE FOR 11 GAMES RUNNING From Montreal 1976 to Rio 2016, MONDO tracks have inspired many athletic achievements due to our cutting-edge biomechanical research. Since our first Olympics, MONDO has supplied surfaces not only for athletics, but also for aquatic facilities, multi-sports centers and basketball arenas. Respect for the athletes’ health and the environment, ease of installation and first-rate technical support are only some of the reasons Olympic committees choose MONDO as an Official Supplier.

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TR ACK & F IELD Athletics is where our expertise is unmatched, with more than 260 world records having been set on our tracks. What’s the secret to our success? Our production method: MONDO surfaces are made of pre-fabricated rubber in controlled production conditions. The advantages of this include total control of the raw materials used, greater ease of repair if damaged and the highest quality of the installed product regardless of the environmental conditions. What’s more, MONDO tracks guarantee perfect uniformity of dynamic response on all the surfaces, so athletes always have complete...

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Total c ontrol In producti on,product and perf ormance.

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OFFICIAL TRACK SUPPLIER IAAF AND MONDO. Together,bringing athletics towa rds new goals. MONDO has been IAAF Partner since 1987: a collaboration that has allowed two important realities to unite their technical skills with the common goal of growing athletics with passion and innovation. In 1999, MONDO was among the first companies to achieve an IAAF Certified Athletic Track Products certification. Today, MONDO track surfaces and equipment are IAAF Certified and used in the most important international competitions. The number of MONDO IAAF Certified Class I and IAAF Class II systems is...

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MONDO helps at hletes win by putting only the best surfaces under their feet — flooring that guarantees superior performances during both training and competition. Why train on anything else? Surface consistency reduces pelvic movements, posture realignments and rigidity correction of the lower limbs, which minimizes ener gy loss and maximizes athletic preparation. The surface’s uniform dynamic response gives athletes complete control of stride, running rhythm and balance, so training results can be replicated during competitions. Therefore, the ideal solution in the quest for personal...

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In search of the perfeCt surface. We’re right there with the athletes who challenge themselves every day on our surfaces. We know their stories. We feel their pain. We share their dreams. MONDO products are the foundation on which they try, and then succeed. We are there for every effort and every victory. We consider it an honor to be a part of their experience. That’s why, when designing athletic tracks, our research and development laboratory strives to develop the most innovative technological solutions. We test our surfaces with professional athletes all over the world. We then take...

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The vulcanized top layer integrates a three-dimensional network of prevulcanized rubber granules to optimize the elastic response of the entire surface. Non directional Tessellation Surface embossing that enhances slip resistance and traction reduces the need for shoe spikes to penetrate the surface to grip the track, enabling athletes to run faster because their feet spend less time in contact with the track. Elongated honeycomb backing Air-filled chambers on the bottom layer compress, then expand, acting like bowstrings and projecting athletes up and forward. Air-cell Technology Hexagonal...

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A c onst ant push t ow ar d t he fi ni sh l i ne t o pass y our opponent s and exc eed y our ow n l i mi t s: t hat ’s w hat at hl et i c s i s about . And t o pr ov i de at hl et es w i t h t he c ondi t i ons t hey need t o r eac h t hei r ful l pot ent i al , and i nc r eases adher enc e in the rain c al l ed N on Di r ec t i onal Tesse llation™, M axim um elasticity an d un iform respon se. Optim iz ed en ergy respon se. M ondot r ac k W S’s bac k i ng fe atu re s ROLL Length honey c omb- shaped geometric post ur e w hi l e r unni ng w hi c h r educ es fat i gue. In addi t i on, i t hel...

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Elongated honeycomb backing Air-cell Technology Hexagonal air-filled chambers surrounded by ribs that deform in three dimensions on the track underlayment minimize the time the athlete is in contact with the flooring, maximize energy return, and optimize the floor’s reaction time. Air-filled chambers on the bottom layer compress, then expand, acting like bowstrings and projecting athletes up and forward. A top-notch lower layer. Spor t fl ex Super X 72 0 pr ov i des uni for m dy nami c r esponse ac r oss t he ent i r e t r ac k , t o guar ant ee opt i mal pac i ng. For ev er y t hi ng fr om...

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All MONDO catalogs and technical brochures


    4 Pages


    6 Pages


    2 Pages

  4. Mondo Turf

    21 Pages

  5. Indoor Sport

    19 Pages