Catalog excerpts

MONDO has been an innovator since 1948, and has stayed ahead of the game ever since with stateof-the-art sports flooring that anticipates athletes’ needs and generates maximum performance. Everything in sports, from a simple workout to a record-breaking race, originates from a single step, push or jump. In other words, that initial, critical contact between the athlete and the surface. It all starts here. 2
Open the catalog to page 3
Innov ation sets th e stage. For every discipline and practice level, athletes need the best flooring support to reach their goals. MONDO sports surfaces were developed to satisfy real, concrete needs: uniform athletic track elasticity, resilience of synthetic grass fibers, controlled wood system bounce. Fundamental characteristics to ensure that all sports participants can safely attain their maximum potential. Because a good starting block is a step toward success.
Open the catalog to page 4
The re Search behind the victories.
Open the catalog to page 5
The quality of the air athletes breathe is just as important as the quality of the surface on which they train and compete. This is why MONDO launched an indoor air quality research program to ensure all its products meet the highest standards for indoor air quality. To guarantee MONDO products are compliant with indoor air quality, we only provide raw materials — natural or synthetic — considered environmentally friendly by the most rigorous national and international standards. The raw materials are constantly controlled during the manufacturing process, and the final products are tested...
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THE OLYMPIC CHOICE FOR 11 GAMES RUNNING From Montreal 1976 to Rio 2016, MONDO tracks have inspired many athletic achievements due to our cutting-edge biomechanical research. Since our first Olympics, MONDO has supplied surfaces not only for athletics, but also for aquatic facilities, multi-sports centers and basketball arenas. Respect for the athletes’ health and the environment, ease of installation and first-rate technical support are only some of the reasons Olympic committees choose MONDO as an Official Supplier.
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FIT N E S S Fitness training encompasses a wide range of exercises with very different movements. Depending on the type of training, intensity, frequency and goals of the participants, flooring needs can continually change. MONDO offers a complete line of fitness training surfaces, so that everyone working to meet physical fitness goals can do so with the best, most appropriate flooring.
Open the catalog to page 8
Ver sat i l e and dur abl e, Ramfl ex i s a doubl el ay er ed v ul cani z ed r ubber fl oor i ng w i t h a hammer ed sur face fi ni sh. T hank s t o t he combi nat i on of t w o l ay er s w i t h di ffer ent W i t h i t s doubl e- l ay er e d con stru ction , Ra mf le x fl oor i ng offer s an opt i ma l comb in a tion of t he w ei g ht of spor t s equi pment w hi l e r esi st ance and shock a b sorption . The 2 w i t hst and w ear fr om we ights a n d light abr asi ons. It s non- por o u s su rf a ce a llows f or easy mai nt enance, and b e ca u se it’s a n tisl i p, i t pr ov i des t he pe...
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EASY AND QUICK TO INSTALL. INCREDIBLY WEAR-RESISTANT. Training with a group can make exercise fun. Ramflex gives everyone the right space. Hundreds of different exercises are available to those looking to train their bodies. Ramfl ex Inl ai d M ar k i ng s i s a doubl e- l ay er ed v ul cani z ed r ubber fl oor i ng . Wat er j et - cut i nl ay s made fr om t he same mat er i al as t he sy st em’s t i l es but i n di ffer ent Ramflex is a versatile, double-layered vulcanized rubber flooring with a hammered surface finish. Due to its combination of two layers with different densities, Ramflex...
Open the catalog to page 11
M ondoAr mor i s a doubl e- l ay er ed v ul cani z ed r ubber fl oor i ng w i t h embossed sur faces. W i t h a combi nat i on of t w o l ay er s W i t h M ondoAr mor, no coatin gs or f in ishin gs of di ffer ent densi t i es, t he pr oduct r esi st s ar e r equi r ed, mak i ng i nst alla tion a n d w ear and t he w ei g ht of spor t s equi pment mai nt enance fast and easy. Mon d oA rmor is w hi l e pr ov i di ng opt i mal shock absor pt i on and ener g y r et ur n. Stron g yet easy to m ain tain . T her e’s no w or kout t hi s fl oor i ng can’t handl e. It s per fect g r i p and sound and...
Open the catalog to page 12
shock- absor bi ng under l ay ment t o t hat i s made w i t h g r anul es f rom post- consi st ent l y pr ov i de t he per fect bal ance of ener g y r et ur n, shock absor pt i on, and under l ay ment pr ov i des exce lle n t comf ort, consi st ent shock absor pt i on , a n d a u n if orm r esponse acr oss t he ent i r e su rf a ce. T he sy st em i s r ecommende d f or f a cilitie s w i t h under fl oor heat i ng syste ms, b e ca u se and cont i nuous heat di ffusion on the sur face w ood fl oor i ng i s affi xed and fi ni shed A u ni qu e sys tem f o r g r o u p ex er c i se. The right...
Open the catalog to page 13
A w orkout th at’s even m ore yours. The surface is created combining rubber and mineral ingredients to make it magnetic. T hank s t o i t s mag net s k it comb in e d with the mag net i c fl oor i ng and w a ll su rf a ce s, Zon e It i s t he i deal sol ut i on fo r qu ickly a n d e a sily per sonal i z i ng y our function a l tra in in g a re a . An i nfi ni t e number of co n f igu ra tion s a n d f u n , space t o di ffer ent act i v i tie s simply b y movin g exper i ence dev el opi ng sur faces for car di o w or kout s. T he sy st em’s speci al mag net i c char g es and k i t of det...
Open the catalog to page 14
bounci ng out of cont r ol . Mon d oA rmor Stre n gth is t he i deal sol ut i on for w eightlif tin g pla tf orms a n d per fect suppor t for t he most i nt ense st r eng t h Silen t an d im pact- r esistant. W h en w in n in g is n ot EN OUGH . T he ext r a- t hi ck , mul t i - l aye re d composition r educes i mpact sounds while provid in g To exceed one’s l i mi t s, t her e’s M ondoAr mor super i or shock absor pt i o n . Mon d oA rmor comfor t , and i t has unsurpa sse d re sista n ce to l ay er t o di ssi pat e shock and st r ess fr om heav y l oads; and a shock- absor bi ng under l...
Open the catalog to page 15All MONDO catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
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9 Pages
3 Pages
Mondo Turf
21 Pages
Indoor Sport
19 Pages