Letti 2,6 (beds)
1 / 70Pages

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Letti 2,6 (beds) - 2

_etti com comodini cassettiere chests of drawers bedside tables dressers Beds Molteni&C

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Letti 2,6 (beds) - 3

Clip Patricia Urquiola 74 Glove Patricia Urquiola 64 High-Wave Hannes Wettstein 40 Honey Arik Levy 32 Levante M.D.T. 4 Low-Wave Hannes Wettstein 48 Night&Day Patricia Urquiola 20 Wish Rodolfo Dordoni 56 606 Rodolfo Dordoni 84 707 M.D.T 112 808 M.D.T. 94 909 Luca Meda 90 3030 Hannes Wettstein 104 Chiave di Violino B. Reichlin, G. Geronzi 100 Domino Nicola Gallizia 120 Quake Arik Levy 108 When Rodolfo Dordoni 116 Descrizioni tecniche Technical descriptions 126 Reti e Materassi Slatted bases and Mattresses 132 Rivestimenti Covers 130 Il letto un'isola, una spiaggia, un rifugio. A letto si...

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Letti 2,6 (beds) - 4

Levante M.D.T. Un letto completamente in legno che si caratterizza per le nitide forme ed una presenza discreta. La testata curvata, progettata per rendere confortevole il riposo, d rigore al progetto esaltandone contemporaneamente la forma. A bed in total wood which stands out for its clear lines and discreet prsence. The curved headboard, designed to make rest more comfortable, gives substance to the design highlighting its shape at the same time. 4

Open the catalog to page 4
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 8

Le testate sono 1 segro d* tfi letto, l sue rrmajre e la sua identrt. aeano lto rtomer*) a3 LTterflfca *adora. tfcegra The hoxfcc&ti $ t*^ tf=rtty o* a bad. te rro^ard peracrelfy I cr⢩tes a pic«C ed scec© L»ar*P f#r$ 1o an aront 1radtc*\ il ae«6 ihe tocm aod 瀌rffllEG a pfeoe m 13

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Letti 2,6 (beds) - 11

Levante viene proposto nelle classiche Levante is offered in the classic Molteni essenze Molteni: rovere scuro o grigio, essences: dark and grey oak, weng weng, noce canaletto e nell'innovativa or American walnut and the innovative finitura a poro aperto, nei colori open grain finish in the Molteni range della gamma Molteni, che ne esalta colours which underline the beauty of la matericit驠. the materials. Levante 19

Open the catalog to page 11
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 12

Night&Day Patricia Urquiola Una forma originale dove estetica ed ergonomia si incontrano. Sintesi di una costante ricerca espressiva di Patricia Urquiola e l'attitudine a sperimentare tipica di Molteni&C. Night&Day, si distingue per una linea giovane ed essenziale e dal segno forte e deciso della testata che conferisce personalit e qualit estetica all'ambiente notte. An original shape where looks and ergonomics meet. The synthesis of Patricia Urquiola's constant research into expression and Molteni&C's typical aptitude for experimentation. Night&Day stands out for its young, minimal lines...

Open the catalog to page 12
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 14

WSW&Day un letto ramxto e arrpo. con b scftfcnate hitorclto Irclrebite h diverse posizbni, cos) da facilite b stae appoggf詢ii per leggere o gjardsre lt has a pacd=d heectoaTO ttft csn b© ttted lo serrai psflCns 10 taciiate tftse stting \jp to raad cr wGteh "IV.

Open the catalog to page 14
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 17

Rivestimento completamente sfoderabile, Totally removable unholstery in both the fabric sia nella versione tessile che in pelle, per una and leather versions, for easy maintenance. facile manutenzione. Night&Day si inserisce Night&Day is ideal for contemporary and sia in ambienti contemporanei che classic environments thanks to the vast range classici grazie alla vasta gamma di tessuti of Molteni&C fabrics and leathers. e pelli Molteni&C. Night&Day 31

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Honey Arik Levy Honey is a fabric bed with a slim, modern line. A simple but elegant bed characterised by its upholstery in fabric or leather, its materials and its tailoring, typical of the most refined "couturiers" Honey propone una linea moderna e snella per il letto tessile. Un letto semplice ma elegante, caratterizzato da rivestimenti in tessuto o pelle, arricchiti da materiali e lavorazioni sartoriali, tipiche dei "couturier" pi raffinati. 32 33

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Letti 2,6 (beds) - 20

Honey, un letto dalle dimensioni contenute, progettato anche per ambienti raccoiti, facile da montare e trasportare, disponibile in diverse misure, sia in larghezza che in lunghezza, per offrire una gamma completa. Il contenitore sottorete con meccanismo basculante di nuova concezione studiato per facilitare l'accesso al vano completa l'offerta. Honey, a bed of limited size, designed to fit into various sleeping environments, easy to assemble and transport and available in various sizes, both in width and in length, to offer a complete range. The container below the mattress opens with a...

Open the catalog to page 20
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 22

High-Wave Harnes Wtetsten \foLmi rtcprosi per ira sofixencteme fixctonait Hsrnes Wettsteh dseg"*3me a'ctttettua del iceo di classica e&janza, senza per questo rrxrcisre ai'ergcmrra del comfcrt ^llnf篪iro dlia ttata trwa posto un meccanferro rrotile a d© posekxii che assfcxra i ssstecro ci ina corroda postira di lettura Se^re \0L1rres (a amazivg turofcnalty. Hannes VWsttsten cteagns "aichtecwe fcr rest" tfdasE霯c eegance, Wthcut 0dng ip fyirrrc ccrrfcrt Tte 秮nsicte Ihe heactterd hous a nx^rg rrecharܯsm v^^ccolfcnsto snajre acteqjde axrt fcr a ccrr篯crtatte rexlrg positif

Open the catalog to page 22
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 26

Low-Wave Harnes \Atettsten Unee rese per wa mettent e*=gaiza; grche relia ursfcxie ccn testata p bassa lagarma W&ve ncn riruxiaafta lunzbnallt繠 del sosregro rrottte del cusoro L'rtera garrfra dai lelti Vtie dtsfxniWe ccn rtvestimeriti h lessulo o pele. tutti r^Diosamerte sfcderaQIi Teu 1res 렀re a stzp of rroctetn *sg=ince: the twv heacbcati ^^r"n ol tte rgncp at» rcopccaes the fuxticfialty c* tt*e rrcvftg cusrtcn support. Ibe whcte range cf V\&e bds is arf.ktte vwth coings

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Precisione dei volumi, delle superfici e funzionale accuratezza dei dettagli: l'appoggio a terra, affidato a due elementi in acciaio cromato, nasconde un pratico cilindro che consente al letto di scorrere con facilita. Prcision of volumes, surfaces and functional accuracy of each dtail: two support 驩lments in chrome-plated steel set directly on the floor hide a practical cylinder that enables the bed to slide easily. Low-Wave 53

Open the catalog to page 28
Letti 2,6 (beds) - 30

Wish Ftodotto Doctoii Letto niatflnK'fle h legno massello dalb linee essen/fili e raffrate,  dolato ti morbidi cuscini pet la testata, in tessuto o h pele, che si combinant) ccn i legni del slruUura: tovere saxo, rovere gigb, v/eng o noce canafeflo. Ttfti gli d੩menti sono ccmptelamente sfoderabili. A ckxde bed in sdd wxti v\ith rririma!, flhed Ihes, comee wflh soft pilows fa the head, h fatxfc a h teather, vtfich contre wth the wod ot the stnctue: dak cak, g©y oak. v\eng or Arnertean wahut. Ali co\ers can be rern䠻\ed.

Open the catalog to page 30

All Molteni&C catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. AZUL

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  14. walter

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  15. camden

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  16. d 154-2

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  17. d 655-1-2

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  18. D.552.2

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  19. d 151 4

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  31. arc

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  32. DOMINO_2021

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  33. gliss master

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  34. ADRIEN

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  35. AVA

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  36. 505

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  37. 4040

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  38. breeze

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  39. CASPER

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  40. ANTON

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  41. 606

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  42. 909

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  43. DOMINO_2016

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  44. EUSTON

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  45. Home #6

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  46. SOFAS #4

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  47. Sleeping #4

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  48. Dining 2018

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  49. M&C 13 - 2019

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Archived catalogs


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  2. M&C

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  3. Night systems

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  4. Dining

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  5. Living systems

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  6. Hi-Bridge

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  7. Diamond

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  8. Gliss Quick

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  10. Domino_2005

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  11. Home 2013

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  13. Gliss 3,6

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  14. 505 5,5

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  15. Fortepiano

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  16. Portfolio

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  17. Pass 1,4

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  18. Glide Stack

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  19. Gliss 5th

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