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Molteni &C Dada Engineered

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An historic encounter between craftmanship and technology. Since 1934, Molteni Group has made the continuous pursuit of quality its mission. Attention to detail and continuous technological investments offer products of unparalleled quality, and since 1979 Molteni&C has found in Dada the ideal partner for the production of kitchens. This is a story born as far back as 1926, when Dada was founded as a small craft workshop specialised in every stage of production and in R&D activities, making it a point of reference in the world of kitchens. In 1979, under the direction of Molteni&C,...

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Molteni&C combines meticulous customization with visionary innovation. With a strong focus on craftsmanship, Dada Engineered has built an unrivalled reputation for its unyielding obsession with quality, thanks to a thorough in-house production cycle. Our craftspeoples’ expertise blends artistry and engineering to create modern customised designs. The materials are natural and precious, the finishes understated and textured. Every object thus acquires the intrinsic charm of an architectural furnishing element. Molteni&C coniuga un approccio bespoke con quello più visionario orientato...

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The details of the kitchens become precious distinguishing touches that turn each composition into a true domestic architecture. I dettagli delle cucine diventano preziosi tocchi distintivi che rendono ogni compo-sizione una vera e propria architettura domestica. Dada Engineered

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Superior craftsmanship, with a fine industrial imprint, defines the Molteni&C DNA. With unwavering dedication and matchless experience, our craftsmen bring to life projects developed by internationally renowned designers who have been collaborating with Molteni&C for years. Every element, surface, and finish is carefully crafted using the finest materials from Italy and around the world. The result, which undergoes scrupulous quality, durability, and functional tests, is a testament to a timeless elegance. The Mesero production centre, where Molteni&C Dada Engineered kitchens take shape,...

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Aluminium is processed manually using presses, creating different details, tailormade for each project. L’alluminio viene lavorato manualmente tramite l’ausilio di presse, creando ogni volta dettagli diversi, fatti ad hoc per ogni progetto. Marble is skilfully polished to bring out all its veins and remove slight cutting imperfections. Il marmo viene sapientemente levigato, per esaltarne ogni sua venatura e rimuovere le piccole imperfezioni del taglio

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13 The tempering of glass allows to become La tempra del vetro permette di renderlo extremely durable and able to whitstand estremamente robusto e per resistere ad high thermal fluctuations. elevati sbalzi termici. The thin wooden panels are manually I sottili pannelli in essenza vengono cuciti sewn with a special thread to meticu- manualmente con uno speciale filo, per lously preserve the natural wood grain. rispettare scrupolosamente le venature Dada Engineered

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15 Each panel is edged to ensure perfect aesthetics and the highest durability. Ogni pannello viene bordato per garantire una perfetta resa estetica e una elevata resistenza all'usura. Dada Engineered

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Molteni&C is driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation. The team of engineers and designers from the R&D Dept. regularly explore cutting-edge technologies to push the boundaries of kitchen aesthetics and functionality. With a better future in mind, our objective is to offer unique everlasting kitchen solutions that incorporate sustainability, as guaranteed by international certifications UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001, and CATAS. The process of innovation begins in the technical office, whose 40 plus years of experience results in the production of elements that make Molteni&C...

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Laser cutting of metal ensures pinpoint accuracy, allowing for complex processes. Il taglio al laser del metallo garantisce una precisione millimetrica, consentendo lavorazioni complesse. The handling of materials for shipment is fully automated. La movimentazione dei materiali per la spedizione avviene in modo automotizzato.

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21 The combined action of temperature and equipment pressure allows the marble to be skillfully processed. After melting, the glass is allowed to cool in order to reach the right temperature before proceeding with the next processing stages. Dopo la fusione, il vetro viene fatto riposare al fine di raggiungere la giusta temperatura per poi procedere con le successive fasi di lavorazione. L’azione combinata di temperatura e pressione dei macchinari, permette al marmo di essere sapientemente lavorato.

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Molteni&C is committed to minimising its environmental impact. From the ethical sourcing of materials to the optimisation of production processes, we guarantee high-quality and environmentally friendly furnishings. Most of Molteni&C’s suppliers are locally-based, minimising transport times and streamlining our territorial know-how. By prioritising renewable resources, reducing waste, and adopting eco-friendly production techniques, we contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. The wood used for our furnishings comes exclusively from FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) certified...

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The natural materials from which the kitchens are made, are chosen for their quality, performance, and durability. The automated product packaging process is carried out through a highly sophisticated system that eliminates waste. Il processo automatizzato di packaging di prodotto è realizzato attraverso un sofisticato sistema che evita sprechi. I materiali naturali con cui sono realizzati le cucine, sono scelti per qualità, performance e per la loro durevolezza nel tempo.

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BESPOKE APPROACH Our team of experts works with clients to create tailormade kitchens that reflect their lifestyle. From the initial idea to final installation, our in-house designers and engineers pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every element is carefully crafted and customised. Each project is uniquely inspired by the architecture of the space, creating a thoughtful design that seamlessly integrates with any aesthetic. With a wide range of materials, finishes, and innovative design solutions at our disposal, we are able to create a fine-tailored service, in which we...

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All Molteni&C catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Dining 2023

    179 Pages

  2. AZUL

    4 Pages


    3 Pages

  4. HOME

    93 Pages


    4 Pages


    6 Pages

  7. DEVON

    4 Pages


    3 Pages

  9. louisa

    3 Pages

  10. d 847 1

    2 Pages

  11. sofas catalog

    192 Pages

  12. tea

    2 Pages

  13. surf

    5 Pages

  14. walter

    2 Pages

  15. camden

    3 Pages

  16. d 154-2

    2 Pages

  17. d 655-1-2

    2 Pages

  18. D.552.2

    2 Pages

  19. d 151 4

    2 Pages

  20. octave

    9 Pages

  21. marteen Sofa

    8 Pages

  22. 505 up

    19 Pages

  23. marteen

    3 Pages

  24. gregor

    9 Pages

  25. margou

    2 Pages

  26. hector

    6 Pages

  27. nick

    3 Pages

  28. piroscafo

    3 Pages

  29. Random

    2 Pages

  30. belgravia

    3 Pages

  31. arc

    3 Pages

  32. DOMINO_2021

    3 Pages

  33. gliss master

    57 Pages

  34. ADRIEN

    6 Pages

  35. AVA

    2 Pages

  36. 505

    17 Pages

  37. 4040

    2 Pages

  38. breeze

    2 Pages

  39. CASPER

    3 Pages

  40. ANTON

    4 Pages

  41. 606

    7 Pages

  42. 909

    4 Pages

  43. DOMINO_2016

    6 Pages

  44. EUSTON

    3 Pages

  45. Home #6

    123 Pages

  46. SOFAS #4

    151 Pages

  47. Sleeping #4

    89 Pages

  48. Dining 2018

    139 Pages

  49. M&C 13 - 2019

    25 Pages

Archived catalogs


    83 Pages

  2. M&C

    19 Pages

  3. Night systems

    83 Pages

  4. Dining

    69 Pages

  5. Living systems

    97 Pages

  6. Hi-Bridge

    3 Pages

  7. Diamond

    1 Pages

  8. Gliss Quick

    6 Pages


    3 Pages

  10. Domino_2005

    2 Pages

  11. Home 2013

    86 Pages

  12. Pass 1,5

    42 Pages

  13. Gliss 3,6

    58 Pages

  14. 505 5,5

    54 Pages

  15. Fortepiano

    15 Pages

  16. Portfolio

    18 Pages

  17. Pass 1,4

    46 Pages

  18. Glide Stack

    21 Pages

  19. Gliss 5th

    59 Pages