Glide Stack
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Catalog excerpts

Glide Stack - 2

Organizing space andseparating rooms into orderly sequences of place and function without forcing the home to become a permanent and inflexible structure.The modern home is a refinedstage-set that presents our tastes and emotions; it is also a fine mechanism that can alter its configuration according to time and need.Not a home made up of roomsbut a series of changing situations, scenarios that define the spaces on the basis of uses that can be changed as time passes.Inspired by the screens seen inJapanese homes, the sliding partitions can separate or unite spaces. Not cupboards but fitted...

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Glide Stack - 4

Space becomes a path, a changing circuit of unpredictable perspective trajectories with movement as the matrix behind the whole design. Fluid and continuous spaces - almost infinite - in which sliding screens mark obligatory passages, corridors, rare corners, unexpectedly opening into light in a succession of spectacular perspectives and views entrusted with the meaning of the project. Space follows or goes before us, leaving us immersed in a feeling of great centrality. Lo spazio come percorso, circuito mutevole di imprevedibili traiettorie prospettiche: il movimento la matrice dellintero...

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Glide Stack - 6

Designed by Rodolfo Dordoni, Glide is a system of mobile partitions that can modulate the relationships between all the rooms in the home. A dynamic variable in the modern domestic space, this sliding wall system allows you to create different situations, a functional scenario that multiplies the form, use and transparency of space. Disegnato da Rodolfo Dordoni, Glide un autentico sistema di partizioni mobili con cui modulare le relazioni fra diversi ambienti della casa. Variabile dinamica del moderno spazio domestico, il sistema di pareti scorrevoli consente di allestire situazioni...

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Glide Stack - 8

Impeccable detail and cladding, precisemovements, the partitions slide on parallel tracks, guaranteeing the most flexible use. Perfect acoustic insulation and dust seal. Impeccabili nei dettagli e nei rivestimentiquanto precisi nei movimenti, i pannelli scorrono su binari paralleli garantendo la massima flessibilit duso. Perfetto lҒisolamento acustico e la tenuta alla polvere. > 14Glide13 size="-1">

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Separating without dividing; changing thespace at different times of the day. Playing with light and reflections that shine on glossy surfaces. Separare senza dividere, modificare lospazio nei vari momenti della giornata. Giocare con la luce e con i riflessi che brillano sulle superfici lucide. > 16Glide15 size="-1">

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Glide Stack - 14

Designed by Rodolfo Dordoni, Stack is a complete and versatile walk-in wardrobe system equipped for hanging and storing with shirt trays and trouser rails, drawers and storage compartments. All mounted on racks to allow a free choice of position and height. Disegnato da Rodolfo Dordoni, Stack un sistema di cabina armadio completo e flessibile. Attrezzature per appendere e appoggiare; portacamicie e portapantaloni; cassetti e contenitori per riporre. Tutto montato su cremagliere per scegliere liberamente la posizione e laltezza volute. > 26Stack25 size="-1">

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Glide Stack - 17

Stack e Glide sono una combinazioneideale. Sobri ed eleganti allesterno, i pannelli possono diventare allҒinterno lussuose e funzionali pareti specchianti. Stack and Glide form an ideal combination.Simple and elegant on the outside, the panels can become luxurious and practical mirrored walls on the inside. > 32Stack31 size="-1">

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Glide Stack - 20

AD Nicola Gallizia Styling Studio CZ36 Photo Armando Bertacchi Graphic design Marco Strina Copy Enrico Morteo Print Grafiche Boffi Giussano (Milano) 01.2007-A15000 Thanks to Brion Vega - Milano Contrast - Milano Corrado Corradi - Milano Flavio Lucchini - Milano Flos - Milano Galleria Marella - Milano Galleria Myowngallery - Milano GB Ballardini - Milano I+I - Milano Kundalini - Milano Marco Pieri - Milano Marino Affaitati Giovanni - Milano Nava Design - Milano Nippon Bonsai - Milano Normann - Copenhagen Paoloni Confezioni - Macerata Penta - Cabiate San Lorenzo - Milano Sfera -Milano Sharp...

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Molteni&CVia Rossini 50, 20034 Giussano (Milano) Italia T+39 0362 359.1 F+39 0362 354448 >

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