Catalog excerpts
Kitchen Sink Collection >
Open the catalog to page 1Table of Contents 2 Lancelot Professional > 3-4 Lancelot > ٮ Undermount 5-6 Drop-In Sinks 7-8 MoenStone > Granite 9-10 Lancelot > ή Specifi cations11-12 Stainless Steel Drop-In Specifi cations 13 MoenStone > Specifi cations 13 Accessories 14 Undermount Component Design Suggestions While the faucet gets attention because it stands proudly above the countertop and showcases its beauty for all to see, the sink handles the load in the kitchen. Your sink is an important element of design and functionality that should never be overlooked. ThatΒs why Moen > builds sinks using the same philosophy...
Open the catalog to page 21 0" dee p bowls > L ance l o t Pro f ess i onal undermount s i n k / 223 7 9 A be r dee n ٙ hi g h arc sin g le-handle p ulldown kitchen faucet / 7590SL 1 5 - Y ear L imite d W arrant y on a ll L ance l ot sin k s Now y ou can have a p rofessional- g rade sink to match y our p rofessional- g rade a pp liances. The Lancelot Professional u ndermount sink series f eatures clean, stylish design and commercial-quality construction to please the resident gourmet. Am p le 10 " dee p bowls suit modern kitchen dimensions and accommodate lar g e cookware. Sidewalls meet the bottom of the s ink at a...
Open the catalog to page 3L a n ce l ot u n de rm ou n t s in k / 22 36 2 Ab er d een Ι h i gh arc s i ngle-handle pulldown k i tchen f aucet / 75 90SL T hink outside the square. With Lancelot undermount sinks, you can get the durability o f stainless steel in shapes that add p ersonalit y to y our kitchen. Choose an oval or round bowl f or an ele g ant look. Install a rounded sink that features a softl y curved back for a customized look. You can o p t for traditional s q uare versions, as well . T here are more than a dozen models that include single- and double-bowl options. Each f eatures dent-resistant 1 8 - g...
Open the catalog to page 4Rou n d u n de rm ou n t s ink / 22 3 4 8 Salora a > ή single-handle pullout kitchen faucet / 7570S L > D oub l e - bow l u n de rm ou n t s ink / 22 359 M o n t i ce ll o > ή Cathedral > ή two-handle kitchen faucet with ProtΩg > 鮮 side spray / 7786SL Soa p /lotion dis p enser / 39 1 0SL Visit >
Open the catalog to page 5Camelot double-bowl sink k / 22234 Camerist single-handle pullout kitchen faucet / 75 4 5C I f you pre f er the ease o f installation a ff orded by a drop-in sink, Moen > ٮ o ff ers several models and price points. O p t f or a dro p -in version f rom our fl a g shi p sink series the luxurious Lancelot > ֮ . Or select from the elegant a nd sturd y C amelot > ή line. And the outstandin g value of the Excalibur > se ri es m ea n s t h e r eΒs n o n ee d to sac ri fi ce quality when you have a tight design or remodeling budget. 5 >
Open the catalog to page 6Ca m e l ot doub l e - bow l s ink / 2221 9 Castleby y > ή two-handle high arc kitchen faucet with side spray / 7 90 5 Visit >
Open the catalog to page 7MoenStone Granite bi g sin g le sink / 2 5 2 75 BK Abe r dee n Ι high arc single-handle pulldown kitchen faucet / 7590C PR C olor. Texture. Durabilit y . Moen S tone G ranite has it all. First, Moen S tone g ives y ou the o pp ortunit y to color-coordinate y our sink to your decorating scheme. Each popular color option has a natural texture that adds beauty to any kitchen. Best o f all, the colo r is molded throu g hout the entire stain-resistant bowl so marks never show. Add to that heat-resistant q ualities that allow y ou totake a 535F pan from stove to sink without worry. Unsurpassed...
Open the catalog to page 8Moen S tone G ran i te double equal k i tchen s i nk / 2 5 3 5 V Vestige single-handle kitchen faucet with side spray / 7 06 5 SL > MoenStone Cast Enameled Granite Iron Steel Composite Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Poor Good GoodScratch ResistanceHeat ResistanceImpact Resistance MoenStone Granite double e q ual kitchen sink / 2 5350 W Salora a > ٮ single-handle pullout kitchen faucet / 7570C CHOOSE YOUR FINISH To order, combine the sink model number with one of these finish letter(s). W / White V / Ivory BK / Black Visit >
Open the catalog to page 916-gauge stainless steel with 15-year limited warranty > New New New New Bar/Prep / 22 381 Single bowl / 2238 B i g /medium double bowl D ou bl e b ow l / 223 7 8 1 6 ˝ x 2 ˝ x 1 ˝ 3 2˝ x 2 ˝ x 1 ˝ 2 2 379 31˝ x 20˝ x 10˝ 34 ˝ x 20 ˝ x 1 ˝ > 18-gauge stainless steel with 15-year limited warranty D -s h ape d ou bl e b ow l / 22392 D -s h ape d ou bl e b ow l / 223 7 6 D -s h ape d ou bl e b ow l / 223 7 7 2 7˝ x 1 6 ˝ x 1 ˝ 32 ˝ x 1 8 ˝ x 1 0˝ & 8 ˝ 32 ˝ x 1 8 ˝ x 8 ˝ & 1 ˝ D -s h ape d ou bl e b ow l / 223 7 2 D -s h ape d ou bl e b ow l / 223 7 3 28 ˝ x 1 8 ˝ x 1 ˝ & 6 ˝ 28 ˝ x 1 8 ˝ x 6...
Open the catalog to page 1018-gauge stainless steel with 15-year limited warranty Sin g le bowl / 22 36 22 Sin g le bowl / 22 356 S in g le bowl / 22 355 S in g le bowl / 22 35 4 9 ˝ x 1 6 ˝ x 1 ˝ 1 6 ˝ x 21˝ x 1 ˝ 16 ˝ x 21˝ x 8 ˝ 1 4˝ x 1 8 ˝ x 1 ˝ Sin g le bowl / 22 353 Sin g le bowl / 22 35 21 S in g le bowl / 22 351 S in g le bowl / 22 350 1 4 ˝ x 1 8 ˝ x 8 ˝ 4 ˝ x 1 6 ˝ x 1 ˝ 14 ˝ x 1 6 ˝ x 8 ˝ 9 ˝ x 1 2 ˝ x 6 ˝ > 18-gauge stainless steel with 15-year limited warranty Tr i ple bowl / 223 11 3 -hol e D ou bl e b ow l / 223 1 6 4 -hol e C entered double bowl D -s h ape d ou bl e b ow l 43 x 22 x 8 & 6 & 8...
Open the catalog to page 1120-gauge stainless steel with 10-year limited warranty Tr i ple bowl / 222 11 3 -hol e D ou bl e b ow l / 222 1 9 4 -hole D ou bl e b ow l D oub l e bow l 43 x 22 x 7 > 1 / / / > 4 & 5 & 7 > 1 / / / > 4 33 x 22 x 1 & 7 > 1 / > 4 222 17 3 -hol e 22212 3 -h o l e 2 2218 4-hole ( shown ) 22213 4-hole ( shown ) 33 x 22 x 7 > 1 / > 4 33 x 22 x 8 Doub l e bow l Doub l e bow l Doub l e bow l 22238 4 -hole 222 3 4 n o -h o l e 22236 1-hole 2 5 x 22 x 7 > 1 / > 4 & 5 2 5 x 1 8 x 7 & 5 2 5 x 1 8 x 7 & 5 Si ngle bowl Si ngle bowl Si ngle bowl 22229 3 -hole22230...
Open the catalog to page 1222-gauge stainless steel with 5-year limited warranty D oub l e bow l D oub l e bow l D ou bl e b ow l D ou bl e b ow l 22 8 2 6 3 -h o l e U c h a nn e l22827 4-hole U channel 22 8 21 4-h o l e 22866 3 -hol e 22823 4 -hole ( shown ) 33 x 22 x 7 > 1 1 / / / > 1 1 3 3 3 4 2 2867 4-hole ( shown ) 3 3 x 22 x 5 / / / > 2 & 6 / / / > 8 22825 4-hole J channe l 33 x 22 x 8 33 x 22 x 6 > 1 1 / / / > 2 Sin g le bowl Sin g le bowl 22 83 1 3 -h o l e U c h a nn el 22 868 3 -h o l e 22832 4-hole U channel ( shown ) 22869 4-hole ( shown ) 2 5 x 22 x 6 > 1 1 / / / > 2 2 5 x 22 x 8 >...
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