Catalog excerpts

L II V I N G C O L L E C T II O N COLLECT ON ITALY , Md Home via Gabbana 87,33080 Prata di Pordenone(PN), ITALY, tel +39 0434 425425, fax +39 0434 425400, E-mail info@mdhome.it, www.mdhome.it www.mdhome.it L L I V I N G C O L LL E E C C T T II O O N N
Open the catalog to page 1
twenty cemento Nuove sensazioni, nuovi elementi, nuove proporzioni: tutto viene progettato, disegnato e realizzato per dare nuova vita al living con emozioni materiche e cromatiche assolutamente inedite. New sensations, new elements, new proportions: a whole new look for living areas thanks to planning, design, and production based on totally unprecedented physical and chromatic emotions. Nouvelles sensations, nouveaux éléments, nouvelles proportions : tout est conçu, dessiné et réalisé pour donner vie au séjour en créant, à travers les matières et les couleurs, des émotions absolument...
Open the catalog to page 3
semplicita delle linee tezza del design contri- buiscono alia creazione piuttosto alia nascita di un'atmosfera emozio- phisticated design think contribuent a creer, plus qu'un espace domes- Designs tragen nicht nur zur Bildung eines haus- Entstehung einer emoti- onalen Atmosphare. casero sino mas bien al
Open the catalog to page 5
di pieni e di vuoti crean- do nuovi equilibri archi- tettonici in grado di esal- ogni elemento d'arredo. empty spaces in this architectural equilibrium that enhances the func- tionality of each interior design piece. gramme dessinent nouveaux equilibres lite de chaque element Elemente dieses Programmes gestalten neues architektonisches maUigkeit eines jeden grama delinean el espa- vacios, creando nuevos equilibrios arquitectoni-
Open the catalog to page 6
spesa in legno riesce ad armonizzare funzionalita del design entra in modo deciso nella quotidianita design comes through loud and clear, compre- pendu en bois parvient entre resolument dans de nous pour en souli- gner I'originalite. richte aus Holz gelingt consigue armonizar nuestra cotidianidad
Open the catalog to page 8
Movimento, ritmo, dise- dano la grande parete sua ritmicita alia forma- lita della parete attrez- architectonic design covered wall, also avail- able with a coloured back panel, its tempo sorised wall. Mouvement, rythme cloison avec la biblio- theque, dont le fond peut etre colore, en contraste avec le carac- tere formel de la compo- sition murale. Bewegung, Rhythmus, sind auch mit farbigem Ruckenteil erhaitlich GleichmaGigkeit einen quema arquitectonico loreada, contrastando
Open the catalog to page 10
II grande tavolo, che cita teriale naturale e caldo come il legno invita a The large, almost tradi- heart of the living area. Natural warm wood is renoue en partie avec naturel et chaud comme Der grolie Tisch erinnert lasst Alltagsmomente miteinander verbringen. natural y calido como vida cotidiana.
Open the catalog to page 11
parete attrezzata dise- sulla parete contribuen- interni. Senza dimenti- lumes, bringing harmo- while prioritising functio- parfaitement organise : Alles an seinem Platz Wand sorgt fur Volumen Dabei darf naturlich die Zweckmaliigkeit nicht aulier Acht gelassen Todo en su sitio y todo
Open the catalog to page 12
rilettura degli elementi out keeps the past alive tion of more traditional- concept elements, like tructuration n'impose mais permet une relec- ments qui font partie deux consoles. zulbsen bedeutet nicht vergessen, aber erlaubt eine neue Anordnung eines konventionelleren beiden Konsolen. a olvidar el pasado sino
Open the catalog to page 13
Vani a giorno, cestoni estraibili, ante a ribalta, cromatismi innovativi, finiture diverse, nuovi ponibili : tutto solo per il kets, lift-up doors, inno- vative colours, unusual grands tiroirs extrac- tives, portes relevables, couleurs innovantes, assortiments inedits bliotheques modulaires: tout pour le sejour exclu- ziehbare Kbrbe, Turen Innovationen, unge- wbhnliche Kombinatio- Ausfuhrungen, neue Materialien, individuell matismos innovadores, combinaciones inusua- rentes, nuevos materia- todo unicamente para el
Open the catalog to page 14
che ogni casa deve es- sere diversa dalle altre stabilita alia base di tutto idea that each home has doit etre differente des autres et doit respecter base de tout et a votre Idee, dass jedes Haus anders sein muss als Persbnlichkeit seines Bewohners bewahren soil. Alles kann mitein- ander gesehen werden More se basa en la idea de que cada casa tiene demas y debe reflejar la vive en ella. A vuestro servicio, todo se basa
Open the catalog to page 16
terni passa attraverso la scelta di finiture ancora caso della pietra piasen- tina che dona un sapore mobile sospeso. mentation with interi- Piasentina stone that lends a totally new look rieur passe par le choix meuble suspendu. noch wenig bekannten absolut neuen Stil gibt. interiores pasa a traves bados todavia poco co- nocidos: como la piedra ciona un aire totalmente
Open the catalog to page 17
dare nuova vita alia casa: soluzioni che fino a poco tempo faereMI impensabili oggi contri- buiscono alia creazione niture in a living room whole home. Solutions unthinkable until recent- ly today help to create pour le sejour permet de pensables, contribuent nouvelles atmospheres. Wahl eines Mbbels tung von neuen Stim- el salon supone dotar de nueva vida a la casa: hace poco eran incon- cebibles ahora contribu-
Open the catalog to page 19
matericita delle finitu- Twenty, oltre alia com- sibility di creare ambien- colour textures available combine with the modu- larity of the Twenty living novative rooms possi- textures chromatiques gramme sejour Twenty, tiques innovants. fugung stehen, bieten neben ihrer Kombinier- cromaticas disponibles salon Twenty, ademas permiten crear innova- dores espacios domes-
Open the catalog to page 20
redo piu vicino al calore della tradizione senza ity of this wood panel- hi-fi equipment, makes the living area stand tradition but still demand Dotee d'une grande per- pareils hi-fi, caracterise plus chaud, plus proche tionnel, sans renoncer gens fur HI-FI Anlagen konzipiert wurden, kenn- Einrichtung bevorzugen ohne dabei auf Design boiserie equipada para nido caracteriza el salon
Open the catalog to page 21
grande mensolone pavimento incornician- programma componibile stile che rendono sofi- sticata I'intera composi- large shelf rests on tire modular wall project as one. Style details that make the entire layout creant un tout avec I'agencement modulaire grolie Holzkonsole binierbaren Programm gran repisa de made- ma modular para pared.
Open the catalog to page 23All MODULNOVA catalogs and technical brochures
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Wardrobe Kitchen
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moon gola
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32 Pages
4 Pages
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2 Pages
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2 Pages
twenty resina
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My Kitchen
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Twenty cucine
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Collezione bagni 2011 vol. 5
112 Pages
Bath collection vol.3
48 Pages
Twenty Bath
56 Pages
Archived catalogs
Kitchen collection preview 2011
20 Pages
2010 Catalogue
78 Pages
Kitchen FLY - SP29
56 Pages
Kitchen Collection vol.1
88 Pages