Kitchen collection preview 2011
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Catalog excerpts

Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 1

k i t c h e n c P R e V i e W Modulnova s.r.l. Via E. Gobbana 87, 33080 Prata di Pordenone (PN), tel. +39 0434 425425, fax +39 0434 425400 E-mail:, o l 2 0 1 1 l e c t i o n

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Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 3

portant sottolineati dalla matericita della finitura linee compositive decise gramma Twenty esal- umes of this kitchen resin finish. The Twenty cisive composition lines that enhance its formal lignes d'agencement dont elles soulignent les choix formels. ie Kuche unterteilt sich ausgearbeiteten Struk- turen charakterisieren a cocina esta estruc- programa Twenty exal- design andrea bassanello

Open the catalog to page 3
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 5

.e aree funzionali sono fanno trapelare della loro essenza. L'occhio e libera di scivolare sulle superfici lisce e puli- mood di vivere la cuci- Work areas are encased that reveal nothing of is free to glide across smooth clean surfaces mood for liveable kitch- zones fonction- nelles sont incorporees essence. Le regard peut surfaces lisses et nettes Strukturen eingebettet und lassen ihren eigent- lichen Zweck nicht er- kennen. DasAuge kann frei uber die glatten und sauberen Oberflachen areas funcionales estructuras monoliticas desliza libremente sobre pias admirando el nuevo estilo de vivir...

Open the catalog to page 5
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 6

stiche importanti come massello dal forte spes- sore spazzolata e finita ad olio con cura artigia- nale rendono unica ed Twenty cemento. with stand- solid wood peninsula, with craftsmanship care give Twenty cemento customisation possibili- teristiques importantes, en bois massif de forte nie a I'huile avec un soin artisanal, permettent Twenty cemento. venbl behandelt wurde, geben eine einzigartige keit Twenty Cemento Bedurfnisse abzustim- caracterizados, como madera maciza cepilla-

Open the catalog to page 6
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 8

Tecnologia, raffinatezza delle forme, design assoluto: una ricerca continua per spingersi al di là del già visto. Twenty si presenta come La Cucina luogo di lavoro, convivialità, scelta della qualità della vita. Technology, refined shapes, absolute design: continual experimentation that pushes beyond all that is déjà vu. Twenty is The Kitchen seen as a place for working, socialising and a quality of life choice. Technologie, raffinement des formes, design absolu : une recherche constante pour aller audelà du déjà vu. Twenty se présente comme La cuisine : lieu de travail, convivialité, choix...

Open the catalog to page 8
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 9

nezza anche nella cura dei vani interni: tutto in ordine grazie alle at- Twenty is fully revealed by attention paid even units. A place for every- cessories that organise both work spaces and Twenty se devoile dans jusqu'aux espaces inte- place grace aux amena- Twenty enthullt sich im sich sowohl die Arbeits- Stauraume organisieren lassen, ist alles ordent- todo en orden gracias a bajo asi como para el

Open the catalog to page 9
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 10

trasformano mantenen- ma vere e proprie arma- qualsiasi esigenza orga- large cupboards transform while main- taining their functional storage units but true sation and good looks. grands buffets conservent toute leur grolien Speise- schranke verwandeln sich und behalten ihre unveranderte Funkti- einfache Elemente asthetischen Anforde- rung gerecht werden. grandes despensas tema de armarios para

Open the catalog to page 10
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 11

vere quotidiano. Light ponibilita e delle diverse finiture, alia perfetta fun- zione dello spazio. gramme that combines tally modularity in differ- ent finishes with perfect treme Kombinierbarkeit fuhrungen miteinander perfekten Funktionsfa- vida cotidiana. Light design andrea bassanello

Open the catalog to page 11
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 13

contribuiscono all'ergo- Contrasting adjacent work areas help to make the layout more ergonomic. Movement, storage units in fact mean more user-friendly ties sont a la base d'un projet ergonomique. ausgestatteten Behalt- nisse erlauben in derTat equipados, permiten moverse facil y armo-

Open the catalog to page 13
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 14

ria nella forma e riappa- alle basi. Un accorgi- changes shape to reap- pear as a table resting on base units. A clever variation that increases pect et reapparaTt sous la forme d'une table travail disponible. Halbinsel-Form verwan- delt sich: die Snackbar Theke verandert sich in seiner Form und taucht terschranken ange- lehnten Tisch auf. Eine geschickte Vorkehrung, stehenden Arbeitsfla- chen vergrbliert. tradicion: la mesa alta ficie de trabajo disponi-

Open the catalog to page 14
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 15

viene ripreso anche sul ticolari rende il progetto worktop with grooves in detail makes this project plan de travail avec le fraisage du bois. Grace projet unique s'adapte a tous les types d'inte- horizontale Zeich- nung wird auch auf der chen das Projekt einma- Umfeld einbauen lasst. seno se repite sobre la talles convierte en unico quier contexto.

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Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 17

particolari dimostrandl voro. II progetto Light nella tecnologia avanza- Attentive careful details search into both design ufacturing technologies. priment toute la passion pour notre travail. Le projet Light se distingue sorgfaltigen Ausfuhrun- Arbeit. Das Projekt Light zeichnet sich durch die signs als auch der fortJ geschrittenen TechnoJ amor por nuestro trabal

Open the catalog to page 17
Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 18

Programma LIGHT Programma LIGHT laccato - lacquer - laqué - lacado - lackiert laccato - lacquer - laqué - lacado - lackiert bianco satinato lucido SBI LBI via tornabuoni satinato lucido SBV LBV terra amazzon satinato lucido STA LTA mandarino satinato lucido SMA LMA verde fieno satinato lucido SVF LVF bianco snow SBW LBW rosso orzo ocra SPA LPA SGO LGO SOC LOC SOFT bordeaux mattone SRO LRO SGM LGM verde lime SOFT verde oliva SOFT SPR LPR verde balsamo SVB LVB SVL LVL 32.33 SNU LNU SAZ LAZ grigio smoke SGS LGS blu notte SOFT SBN LBN grigio bluestone SGB LGB blu scuro SSB LBS nero SNE LNE...

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Kitchen collection preview 2011 - 19

Programma LIGHT Programma LIGHT polimerico opaco - matt polymer - polymère mat - polimérico mate - Polymer matt polimerico lucido - gloss polymer - polymère brillant - polimérico brillante - Polymer Hochglanz bianco calce opaco P21 oxford opaco P32 rosso ketchup opaco P24 bianco latte P22 grigio dune P83 verde acqua P26 light grey grigio luna P35 P37 shark gray giallo sahara P36 P31 ice green blu nautico P29 P27 eucalipto grigio P84 orange P23 bianco calce liquirizia P30 lucido beluga fragola P25 P41 lucido blu infinito P61 grigio polvere lucido P28 P67 bianco latte P42 orange P43 grigio...

Open the catalog to page 19

All MODULNOVA catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Moon cross

    11 Pages

  2. Twenty

    10 Pages

  3. moon gola

    4 Pages

  4. surf

    15 Pages

  5. Infinity

    18 Pages

  6. More

    32 Pages

  7. Float

    4 Pages

  8. Face

    6 Pages

  9. Concept

    2 Pages

  10. MH6

    2 Pages

  11. Light

    2 Pages

  12. Moon

    2 Pages

  13. My Kitchen

    2 Pages

  14. SP29

    2 Pages

  15. Fly

    2 Pages

  16. Blade

    2 Pages

  17. Twenty cucine

    58 Pages

  18. Twenty Bath

    56 Pages

  19. MD HOME

    54 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. 2010 Catalogue

    78 Pages