

Catalog excerpts

monocrystalline - 2

Te c h n o l o g y M itsubish i Elect r ic is consta nt ly pu rsu i ng t he latest i n tech nolog ica l i n novat ions a nd adapt i ng t he newest brea kt h roughs i nto ou r photovolta ic products. Qua l it y Tota l qua l it y f rom desig n to ma nu fact u r i ng ensu res opt i ma l per for ma nce a nd sa fet y of ou r produc ts i n t he rea l world . Rel iabi l it y Bu i ld i ng upon a l most a cent u r y of ma nu fac t u r i ng ex per ience si nce ou r fou nd i ng i n 1921, we k now how to ma ke ou r produc ts last . Rest assu red t hat we w i l l be t here for ou r c ustomers i n t he...

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monocrystalline - 3

M it s u bi s h i E le c t r ic ’s ph i lo s ophy f or m a nu f a c t u r i n g phot o v olt a ic pr o du c t s c ome s f r om t h r e e u nw av e r i n g ba s ic pr i nc iple s: a d v a nc e d t e c h nolo g ie s , t he h i g he s t q u a l it y, a nd lon g- t e r m r e l i a bi l it y. We u nde r s t a nd t h at phot o v olt a ic s y s t e m s a r e a lon g- t e r m i nv e s t me nt ; t he r e f or e , no c ompr om i s e s s hou ld b e m a de w he n c ho o s i n g t he r i g ht pr o du c t s i n orde r t o av oid f ut u r e pr oble m s . A t M it s u bi s h i E le c t r ic , w e i nt e g...

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monocrystalline - 4

M i t s u b i s h i E l e c t r i c ’s M o n o c r y s t a l l i n e P r e m i u m M o d u l e L i n e The technolog y and design of our products incorporates our comprehensive experience and extensive k now-how in creating photovoltaic modules. The Mitsubishi Electric difference lies in all of the small details that add up for outstanding performance, reliability, and safety. High-efficiency 4 Busbar Monocrystalline Cells New selective emitter and half-cut technologies boost cell efficiency Flexible Cell Tab Wiring Flexible tab material has been developed to reduce physical stress on the...

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monocrystalline - 5

Mitsubishi Electric Logo and Traceable Barcode Each module is tagged with a unique barcode which is used for greater product quality control and product traceability Improved Frame Design with A re-designed module frame with protection bar has improved overall module strength New Junction Box Design with The new junction box has been redesigned for use with monocrystalline cells for high safety

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monocrystalline - 6

Te c h n o l o g y Selective Emitter Silver electrode Heavily doped region (greater conductivity) Anti-reflection layer Lightly doped region (low carrier charge recombination loss) Monocrystalline silicon In a standard doping process, silicon wafers are doped with phosphorus to create a P/N junction. The level of doping concentration was a trade-off between conductivity with the cell electrodes and carrier charge recombination. Higher concentration levels leads to higher conductivity, but more carrier charge losses, and vice versa. As a solution, Mitsubishi Electric has introduced a new...

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monocrystalline - 7

Through an industry-leading innovation of integrating 4 busbars into each cell, internal electrical resistance is reduce' boosting cell output by 3%* This is possible because the distances between the busbars are shorter and less current flows through each smaller electrode where resistance is the highest. ^Approximate improvement compared to a standard 2 busbar cell. Newly Re-designed Junction Box Our field-proven high safety junction box has been re-designed and optimized for use with monocrystalline cells. As one of the most critical parts of the module in terms of safety our junction...

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monocrystalline - 8

Taguchi Method By integrating the quality control methods of Genichi Taguchi, a renowned engineer and statistician, we have been able to optimize our quality management processes and further expand the range of production quality controls. As a result, our products boast not only very high, but also a very stable level of production quality Production from the Cell to Module Mitsubishi Electric takes pride in researching, designing, manufacturing and assembling all of our photovoltaic products from the cell to the module in our own facilities located in Japan. By taking total control, we...

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monocrystalline - 9

Cell Uniformity Every cell we produce is measured for electrical characteristics and undergoes a very strict selection process before being assembled into a module. This ensures that all cells in the module have uniform characteristics for optimal performance. Cell ID Laser Marking We have introduced a new cell tracking system in which each cell is marked with a unique dot matrix code. This makes each individual cell traceable throughout the cell production process, allowing us to make numerous manufacturing improvements. The dot matrix code is nearly impossible to see with the naked eye,...

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monocrystalline - 10

Improved Frame Our classic hollowless L-frame design has been improved with a smarter protection bar insert. As a result, the strength of the new frame has increased by approximately double that of the previous L-frame. In addition, modules can now be installed by clipping the shorter sides, simplifying system design and installation. Double Corrosion-resistant Frame Coating The highly durable aluminum frame is treated with two separate corrosion-resistant coatings for excellent durability and a beautiful finish. Even the individual screws have double anti-corrosive coatings for lasting 4...

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monocrystalline - 11

High Snow Load Our modules have been designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as in areas with high snowfall. The high structural strength of the modules has passed the IEC 61215 static loading test at 540OPa. Installable in Areas with High Salt Normally, high salt content in the air (in areas such as next to the ocean) can do serious damage to the structural integrity of a PV module, and can also pose an electrical safety hazard by causing corrosion. However, due to the intelligent design and high quality of the materials used, our modules can be safely installed in such...

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Monocrystalline Product Line-up PV-MLT Series High-efficiency modules featuring half-cut monocrystalline cells

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monocrystalline - 13

Specifications Sheet MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Model name Cell type +1-3% (The average Pmax of each pair of modules has a positive tolerance) Normal operating cell temperature (NOCT) Maximum system voltage Fuse rating Output terminal Module efficiency Packing condition Cable conforms with TÜV Specification 2 PfG 1169/08.2007 Product Warranty Output Warranty ^Measured at 800w/m2, ambient temp 20°C, wind speed 1 m/s 90% of rated minimum Pmax for 10 years 80% of rated minimum Pmax for 25 years Electrical Characteristics Curre nt-Voltage Powe r-Voltage Jnitmm [inch; Temperature dependence of Isc, Voc...

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All MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Solar Power catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MDT Series

    2 Pages

  2. TD Series

    2 Pages

  3. MJT Series

    2 Pages

  4. UJ Series

    2 Pages

  5. MLT Series

    2 Pages

  6. MLE Series

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. B8292

    2 Pages

  2. s-serie

    6 Pages

  3. PV Inverter

    8 Pages