Catalog excerpts

Elevate Your Efficiency of Material-Handling Tasks ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES Energy Saving, Helical Gear Driven Traction GFC-L2 freight elevator equipped with high efficient helical gear driver) traction machine. Through the advanced technology of precision gear cutting and grinding, the traction machine brings more comfortable and quiet riding for the passengers. Moreover, it saves more than 15% electricity compared with the traditional worm gear driven traction machine. For the large capacity of car, we use worm gear traction machine to transport more goods, (applicable in the range of...
Open the catalog to page 2
Detailed disposing of fan and lighting, please consult our local agenis Elevator cow shown is sightly Alteram from actual tor*. ENTRANCE DESIGNS Elevator cater shown is signify dflerent (rem actual low
Open the catalog to page 3
Durable Vinyl TileS (For Car Flooring) Painted Finish (For Car Walls / Car Doors & Entrance Doors / Door Frames) Cofor shown is siighlfy different from actual tone. False Call Canceling - Car Button Type (FCC-P) If the wrong car button is pressed, it can be canceled by quickly pressing the same button again twice. Non-Service to Specific Floors - Car Button Type (NS-CB) [Optional] Service to specified (loots can be restricted by locking out car buttons from the car operating panel. Repeated Door - Close (RDC) If the elevator doors cannot fully close because of blocking of an object in the...
Open the catalog to page 4
OPERATING SYSTEMS & SIGNAL EQUIPMENT Etavatw cotor shown is slightly different from actual tone.
Open the catalog to page 5
Hoistway Plan Entrance width Machine Room Plan Power supply Traction machinery power supply Hoistway Section Hoisting hook Concrete finish ' The above Installation drawings [1:1 roping) are only applicable for rated capacity under 1500kg. Hoistway Plan Entrance wdtri Machine Room Plan Hoistway Section Hoisting hook ncrete finish — 1 The above installation drawings (2:1 roping) are only applicable lor rated capacity 2QfXh-2500kg1.
Open the catalog to page 6
Hoistway Plan Machine Room Plan Power sujjply Traction machinery power supply Hoistway Section Croeie finish ■ The ebove installaliOnd rawing* {2:1 roping) ate only applicable (or raled capacity 3500-4000kg. Hoistway Plan Hoistway Section * The aboi/e installalion drawings (2:1 roping) are poly applicable for rated Capacity SOOOfcg.
Open the catalog to page 8
Horizontal Dimensions and Reaction Loads Rated speed Entrance Car rnternal (mfmin) width machine room Machine room Freight elevators of less than 2500kg capacity can only be loaded by handtrucks with casters Goods cannot be loaded by torklift. Please consult our local agents if you plan to use a fork lift to load and unload goods with our Iraclion-type freight elevators of 2500kg
Open the catalog to page 9
Maximum Number Stops, Travel and Minimum Floor Height HM: Machine raon height Fnelni-rj elevaters of lew Tian250D*a capacity can only be loaded toy nancflrucKis w in casters. Goods ;arv-ot be loaded toy flarkiift. Pease 'orwu* our local agents rf you p an to Lt=e a fori;lift to icJd and unload goads with our tracttafv-^pe freHgm elevators of 250DKg. capacity or rnone.
Open the catalog to page 10
(2-panel side sliding doors) Sill support (by owner] (3-panel side sliding doors) Sill support (by owner) Finished wall Hell indicator Finished well Hell indicator Door plan Door plan Poor OlOVi.ilil.iri Door elevation * For other door types, please contact our local agents for detail. Sill support (by owner) (4-panel center opening doors) Finished wail Door plan Hall indicator Door elevation
Open the catalog to page 11
Standard Feature
Open the catalog to page 12
Optional Feature Operational and Service Features A fully-loaded car bypasses hall calls in order to maintain maximum operational efficiency. (Optional in case of 1C - 2BC system.) Exclusive operation where an elevator can be operated using the buttons and switches located in the car operating panel, allowing smooth boarding of passen- gers or loading of baggage. For maintenance or energy-saving measures, a car can be taken out of service temporarily with a key switch [with or without a timer) mounted in a specified hall. Specific Floors Specific Floors - Switch/Timer Type To enhance...
Open the catalog to page 13
INSTALLATION PLANNING Elevator Site Requirements ■ T he temperature of the machine room and elevator shall be below 4Q°C. ■ The following conditions are required for maintaining elevator performance a. The relative humidity shall be below 90% on a monthly average and below 95% on a daily b. The machine room end the elevator holstway shall be free of dust or harmful gas. c. The walla, floors, and ceiling of the machine room shall be finished with mortar or other materials so as lo prevent concrete dust * Voltage fluctuatior shall be with In a range of +5% lo -10%. Work Not Included in...
Open the catalog to page 14All MITSUBISHI Electric Elevator Escalator catalogs and technical brochures
11 Pages
Series-Z Escalator
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Spiral Escalators
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∑AI -2200C
13 Pages
11 Pages
13 Pages
23 Pages
13 Pages
11 Pages
NexWay-S Package R
11 Pages
Design Guide
13 Pages
Elevator Security Solution
4 Pages
7 Pages
9 Pages
11 Pages
15 Pages
Signal Fixtures
5 Pages
Hall Designs
1 Pages
Car Designs
6 Pages
13 Pages
ELENESSA [Series-IP Version2]
11 Pages
9 Pages
Elevator Information Display
4 Pages
13 Pages
NexWay-S Series-IP/AP
13 Pages
Elenessa Series-IP
21 Pages
Elenessa Series-AP
21 Pages
NexWay Series-IP
17 Pages
Nexiez MR
12 Pages
14 Pages
Nexway Brochure
19 Pages
Moving Walks A Type
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
11 Pages
21 Pages
9 Pages
11 Pages
Elevators - Nexiez
10 Pages
Ryoden technology - G series
7 Pages
Moving Walks A Type
8 Pages
Moving Walks J Type
4 Pages
Elenessa Brochure
16 Pages
8 Pages
J Type
6 Pages
A Type
4 Pages