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Catalog excerpts


X Structural Engineer's Tools MIDAS/Set is one of the MIDAS structural engineering programs and Is named after the Initiais of 'Structural Engineer's Tools". It Is a collection of handy structural comportent design tools, whlch are easy to use and speed up die day-to-day design proeess. www.MidasUser.com ©Ccpyrghi MIDAS Inbmaion TacftncbgvCo ,LU l⢴- 2CWAil rlghts ssetved

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MIDASISet I .Variety of functionality offered to readily carry out structural design in engineering practice Concurrent view of input and output Windows on the same screen - extremely versatile to change input values while viewing the design results in the output window simultaneously Help functions (Tool tips) provided to enable even a novice to use the design tools wlthout committing a mistake Instant input checking capability of alerting the user when an input value falls beyond the permitted range by highlighting the input value in red in the entry field? Various Help Windows and...

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RC Column Design Module "h The module designs rectanguhrandclrcubr reinforced concrte columns subjeci to axial forces and bl-axhl moments. It anah/zes 3-dimensional axial-moment Interaction from whch column capacicy is cakubtcd. -.-"uila- D*'"i'«* r '.li. 1" *«»>-- -SmilV蕗-- I -ו.'<■..■■ ~ Al ii aՙ- | .* I m RC Beam Design Module The module designs recQngular and T beams subfect to bendlng moment shear force and torsional moment It carnes out optimum design and renforcement check by jatlsfylng the compati bllicy of stress-strain of concrte and rcinforcing steel. Carra ■1" RC Irregular...

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All MIDASIT catalogs and technical brochures

  1. midas FEA

    7 Pages

  2. GTS NX

    16 Pages

  3. midas GTS

    5 Pages

  4. midas Civil

    12 Pages

  5. FX+ Modeler

    49 Pages

  6. NFX catalog

    28 Pages

  7. midas IT

    24 Pages

  8. midas gen

    24 Pages

  9. midas FEA

    24 Pages


    16 Pages

  11. MIDAS/FX+

    11 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. midas civil

    26 Pages