Catalog excerpts

Release Note Release Date : June. 2014 Product Ver. : GTSNX 2014 (v2.1) Integrated Solver Optimized for the next generation 64-bit platform Finite Element Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering 1.1 Embedded Beam Element 3.1 3D 2D Section (Save & Export to SoilWorks) 1.3 Repair Shape (Topology Optimize) (Improvement in data summary) 1.4 Model Simplification (Remove small entity) 3.3 Relative deformed shape for Dynamic analysis results 3.4 Improvement i P b result 34I t in Probe lt 2. Analysis 2.1 Hardening Soil (MMC Hardening) 2.2 2 2 Soft Soil Creep (Secondary Consolidation) * Appendix Creep / Shrinkage Function Group 2.3 Geometric Nonlinear Effects (Estimate Initial configuration) p g 2.4 Concrete Creep & Shrinkage (Time-dependent behavior) 2.5 General Contact Element (Contact Analysis) Integrated Solver Optimized for the next generation 64-bit platform Finite Element Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 1.1 Embedded Beam Element Beam element must have a node connection with the surrounded element, otherwise embedded beam element can make a node connection with Mother element automatically. ■ Beam and Embedded beam element have the same DOF(degree of freedom), so can be used for the same purpose, but even a node of Embedded element cannot protrude from Mother element. Embedded Beam Element are available in both 2D and 3D. In case of embedded structures like pile foundation or pipeline umbrella for tunnel, embedded beam element can be used to model those...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 1.3 Repair Shape (Automatic) ■ Geometry > Tools > Check Shape > Repair Shape Find and modify geometric errors automatically for atypical and inaccurate shape ■ Recommend to perform "Geometry Clean Geometry Simplify Topology Optimize" continuou: ■ The user can perform this function when have failed to create mesh for selected geometry Check Shape Check Shape Repair Shape Check Duplicates ' 1 Select Target Object® ID Part Name Error Geometry Simplify Topology Optimize 'Geometry Clean : modify invalid shape nal-di rfeetion [Abnormal topology] [Tangled shape]...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 1.4 Model Simplification (Manual) Geometry > Remove > Remove Manual Find and remove entities to simplify geometry ■ Recommend to remove small edge and face to create better quality of mesh The user can perform this function when have failed to create mesh with inputted size for selected geometry Select Target Object (.s} *; Remove Vertex Select connected faces Remove / Merge Select Target Objects) 'Remove Vertex: remove the shortest edge of ones which are connected to the selected 'Remove Edge: remove selected edge and corresponding vertex at the same time...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 2.1 Hardening Soil (Review of model parameters) Model Type Modified Mohr-Coulomb | General | Porous | Non-Lini secant Stiffness inTri-axial Tangential Stiffness Primary Pedometer Test Loding Elastic Modulus at Unloading -ailure Ratio Reference Pressure hear Hardening Parameter Para meter Soil stiffness and failure Secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test Tangent stiffness for primary oedometer loading Unload/ reloading stiffness Power for stress-level dependency of stiffness Effective cohesion Effective friction angle Ultimate dilatancy angle Failure...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 2.2 Soft Soil Creep (Secondary Consolidation) Based on the 1D - creep theory, an extension was made to a 3D- model. Stress-dependent stiffness ( Parameters can be estimated from Compression and Recompression index (Cc.Cs)) Consider Secondary (time-dependent) consolidation and pre-consolidation stress ■ Failure parameters as in Mohr-Coulomb model ■ In case that time-dependent behavior is critical, this model is applicable to estimate the creep from FE analysis. Over Consolidation Patio [OCR) Slope of Consol Line (Lamda) Slope of Over Consol Line £k; □ Cap Shape...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 2.3 Geometric Nonlinear Effects (Estimate Initial configuration) ■ Analysis > Analysis Case > General > Analysis Control ■ Consider geometric nonlinear effects in stress, fully coupled and slope stability analysis Analysis can take into account load nonlinearity. Reflecting the effects of follower loads, In case of large deformation analysis, the user can check more reasonable behavior. In case of embankment, "Initial Configuration" option in General tab is applicable to che Analysis Control Geometry Nonlinearlity \7\ Consider Geometric Nonlinear Effects ED...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 2.5 General Contact Element (Contact Analysis) ■ Analysis Methods > Contact > Define Contact (Contact Type > General) -> Only available in 3D model ■ General contact considers the impact and impact friction between two objects in analysis, otherwise two objects are bonded (like rigid link) each other by Welded contact General contact can be used in nonlinear (static, dynamic) and fully coupled analysis. With Geometric Nonlinearity option, solver will take into account all possible corr automatically regardless of the distance (defined Contact tolerance) between...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 3.2 Improvement in 3D PDF Report (Material / Property table & Animation Option) ■ Tools > Export 3D PDF > Export 3D PDF The user can generate 3D PDF report automatically ■ The report includes model information (material, geometry and mesh) and all types of results with animation like s Adobe reader is required to check the report -■■■|_||^-! -oundation Grid Forces Output Orientation Output Option ] Solid Stresses I Pile Relative Dis| ■> File Name report S"Oi§fl Solid Strains + -Q -J Nodal Seepage Resi rjl-nSSP Solid Stresses GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 3.3...
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GTSNX 2014 V2.1 Release Note 3. Post Processing 3.4 Improvement in Probe Result (3D PDF Report (Material / Property table & Animation Option) Result > Advanced > Probe (Result Tag) The user can check Node and Element ID in the table The user can check the result and its location in the model based on Node / Element ID [Node / Element Toolbar] [Probe Result] [Extract Result] Appendix 1. Time Steps / Creep Formulation 2. Creep / Shrinkage Function Group - Design code 3. Elastic Modulus Function - Design code Integrated Solver Optimized for the next generation 64-bit platform Finite Element...
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