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Catalog excerpts

René - 1

René Derivazione diretta del divano René, anche la poltroncina è accogliente come un nido e si caratterizza per le forme organiche e arrotondate. Tra linee avvolgenti e proporzioni armoniose, che sia per una zona conversazione, per un’area living o la camera da letto, questa seduta esprime il suo charme anche grazie ai rivestimenti, da morbide pelli a tessuti di pregio, che ne esaltano le curve. Directly deriving from René sofa, the small armchair is as welcoming as a nest, characterized by organic and rounded shapes as well. Featured by enveloping lines and harmonious proportions, whether for a conversation corner, a living area or a bedroom, this seat expresses its charm thanks to the upholstery - from soft leathers to the finest fabrics, which enhance its smooth curves. poltroncina - small armchair • small armchair with fixed cover • Kleinsessel mit Festbezug aus einer • petit fauteuil avec housse fixe dans • pequeña butaca con funda fija selezione di tessuti di collezione e in pelle Boston e Cleveland - cuscino seduta sempre sfoderabile con sovrapprezzo sfoderabile in una selezione di tessuti di collezione • struttura in legno • imbottitura in poliuretano a densità differenziate e fibra poliestere • piedini in legno tinto black • in metallo varnished opaco black per versione girevole in a selection of Meridiani fabrics and in leather Boston and Cleveland - seat cushion always provided with removable cover fully removable cover available only with a surcharge in a selection of Meridiani fabrics • wooden frame • padding in polyurethane with different densities and polyester fiber • wooden feet, black stained • metal feet, black matt varnished for swivel version Auswahl von Meridiani Stoffen und aus Leder Boston und Leder Cleveland verfügbar - abziehbare Sitzkissen Gegen Aufpreis sind auch abziehbare Anbauelemente erhältlich • Holzgestell • Polsterung aus Polyurethanschaum unterschiedlicher Dichte und Polyesterfaser • Holzfüße Black gebeizt • Metallfüße, black matt varnished bei Drehausführung une sélection des tissus Meridiani et en cuir Boston et Cleveland - coussin assise toujours déhoussable avec un surcoût, déhoussables dans une sélection des tissus Meridiani • structure en bois • rembourrage en polyuréthane à densités différenciées et fibre • pieds en bois teinté black • pieds en métal varnished black mat pour version pivotante en una selección de telas Meridiani y en piel Boston y Cleveland - cojín asiento siempre desenfundable con suplemento: desenfundables en una selección de telas Meridiani • estructura de madera • relleno en poliuretano con densidad diferenciada y fibra • patas de madera teñid

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All MERIDIANI catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. Romeo

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  3. Gino

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  4. Cosette

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  5. Claudine

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  6. Brons

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  7. Zoe

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  8. Teresina

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  9. Teresa

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  10. Queen

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  11. Nanì

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  12. Lolyta

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  13. Liu

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  14. Keeton

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  15. Josephine

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  16. Isabelle

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  17. Ida

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  18. Forrest

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  19. Cecile

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  20. Berry

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  21. Baco

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  22. Oscar

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  23. Nora

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  24. Jeanette

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  25. Wallis

    3 Pages

  26. Vetra

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  27. Timothy

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  28. Scott

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  29. René

    5 Pages

  30. Prince

    5 Pages

  31. Oscar

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  32. Norton

    4 Pages

  33. Neuman

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  34. Max

    6 Pages

  35. Louis Up

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  36. Louis

    10 Pages

  37. Law

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  38. Joseph

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  39. James

    9 Pages

  40. Hector

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  41. Harold

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  42. Fox

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  43. Belmon

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  44. Bacon

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  45. ALLEN

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