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Queen - 1

Queen Poltroncina e divano, disponibile anche in versione modulare, dalle forme delica- tamente avvolgenti che lasciano convivere richiami alla tradizione e gusto squisitamente contemporaneo. Small armchair and sofa, the latter also available in the modular version, having gently embracing shapes, which recall tradition but have an extremely contemporary taste. poltrona - armchair • poltrona sfoderabile • fissa per versione in pelle con piedini a vista • struttura in legno • imbottitura in poliuretano indeformabile • piedini in legno tinto black - light - almond • cuscino seduta in poliuretano e piuma supportata • cuscino schienale in piuma supportata • armchair with removable cover • fixed cover for leather version, showing feet • wooden frame • non-deformable polyurethane padding • feet in black - light - almond stained wood • seat cushion in polyurethane and reinforced feathers • back cushion in reinforced feathers • Abziehbare Sessel • Fester Lederbezug mit sichtbaren Füßen • Holzgestell • Polsterung aus unverformbaren PU-Schäumen • Holzfüße black - light - almond gebeizt • Sitzkissen aus PU-Schäumen und Abdeckung aus Polsterdaunen • Rückenkissen aus Polsterdaunen • fauteuil déhoussable • fix pour version en cuir avec pieds apparents • structure en bois • rembourrage en polyuréthane indéformable • pieds en bois teinté black - light - almond • coussin assise en polyuréthane et plumes renforcées • coussin dos en plumes renforcées • butaca desenfundable • fija para versión en piel con patas a vista • estructura de madera • relleno en poliuretano indeformable • patas de madera teñida black - light - almo

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