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Louis - 1

DIVANI . SOFAS Louis Braccioli sagomati con un taglio obliquo caratterizzano la collezione e, grazie al cuscino di seduta intero, l’immagine complessiva risulta morbida ma sofisticata. La possibilità di giocare con la combinazione di elementi con diverse profondità permette composizioni eclettiche e versatili. Contoured armrests with an oblique cut are the characteristics of this collection and, thanks to the seat cushions, the total look results both softer and sophisticated. The possibility to play with its various elements with different depths allows to have versatile and eclectic combinations. LOUIS SMALL divano componibile . modular sofa, cuscini . cushions 50CF BONGO tavolo basso . low table JILL poltroncina . small armchair P. 109 LOUIS PLUS divano componibile . modular sofa, cuscini . cushions 50CF BELT TB40 tavolo basso . low tabl

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Louis - 2

NOME PRODOTTO tipologia . tipologia DIVANI . SOFAS

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Louis - 3

chaise longue PLUS TECHNICAL DETAILS terminale - end unit PLUS 190 * terminale - end unit PLUS 115 • divani ed elementi componibili sfoderabili • fissi per versione in pelle • struttura in legno • imbottitura in poliuretano indeformabile • piedini neri in ABS • staffe in metallo per fissaggio elementi • cuscino seduta in poliuretano e piuma supportata • cuscino schienale in piuma supportata • cuscino bracciolo in piuma supportata optional • sofas and modular units with removable covers • fixed cover for leather version • wooden frame • non-deformable polyurethane padding • black ABS feet •...

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Louis - 4

DIVANI . SOFAS LOUIS SMALL divano componibile . modular sofa cuscini . cushions 50CF, ADRIAN 50R, 55 tavoli bassi . low tables

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Louis - 5

DIVANI . SOFAS LOUIS SMALL divano componibile . modular sofa LOUIS poggiatesta rullo . headrest roll

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Louis - 6

LOUIS SMALL, LOUIS PLUS divano componibile . modular sofa cuscini . cushions 42CS, 50CS HARDY QUATTRO 40, HARDY UNO tavoli bassi . low tables FARRELL pouf DIVANI . SOFAS

Open the catalog to page 6
Louis - 7

poggiatesta rullo - headrest roll elemento - unit SMALL 85 divano letto - sofa bed SMALL cuscino bracciolo - arm cushion SMALL chaise longue SMALL angolo - corner SMALL 100 elemento laterale - side unit SMALL 100 elemento - unit SMALL 170 elemento - unit SMALL 100 terminale - end unit SMALL 115 SKETCHES OF CONFIGURATIONS SMALL + PLUS terminale - end unit SMALL 125 * angolo penisola - peninsula corner unit SMALL 250 elemento penisola - peninsula unit SMALL 230 terminale - end unit SMALL 190 * terminale - end unit SMALL 140 * terminale - end unit SMALL 100

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Louis - 8

DESIGN ANDREA PARISIO Harold, Louis vassoio-tasca tray-pocket Un nuovo accessorio per i divani dal fascino intramontabile Louis e Harold: un vassoio in legno di rovere o in lacca con sella in cuoio dotata di tasche lisce o intrecciate, da posizionare liberamente sui pouf, come portaoggetti e portariviste. A new accessory for Louis and Harold sofas with a timeless charm: a tray in oak wood or lacquer with saddle-leather with smooth or woven pockets, to be freely placed on the ottomans, as a storage piece or magazine holder. LOUIS pouf plus 115 and tray-pocket B-B LOUIS divano . sofa

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Louis - 9

LOUIS pouf plus 115 and tray-pocket B-B LOUIS divano . sofa

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Louis - 10

TECHNICAL DETAILS TECHNICAL DETAILS • vassoio in legno con sella-tasca • wooden tray with saddle-pocket • plateau en bois avec selle - poche • bandeja de madera con silla-bolsa • vassoio in legno con sella-tasca in saddle leather for pouf en cuir sellier pour pouf en cuero para pouf • wooden tray with saddle-pocket in saddle leather for pouf • plateau en bois avec selle - poche • bandeja de madera con silla-bolsa en cuir sellier pour pouf en cuero para pouf • finiture vassoio: impiallacciatura rovere • tray finishes: stained oak veneer - • Tablettausführungen: Eiche Furnier - • finitions...

Open the catalog to page 10

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