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Catalog excerpts

Johnny - 1

COMODINI . NIGHT TABLES Johnny Forme essenziali e funzionali: Johnny è un nuovo complemento Meridiani per lo spazio notte. È un comodino cilindrico, con due cassetti, definito da un disegno frontale concavo e da un top ribassato, che è possibile realizzare in lacca lucida o opaca, come la struttura, e anche in marmo. A completamento della collezione, l’opzione di un piano in cuoio posizionabile liberamente sui top. Essential and functional shapes: Johnny is the new Meridiani complement for the bedroom. Johnny is a cylindrical night table with two drawers, defined by a concave front design and a lowered top, which can be made in glossy or matt lacquer - like the frame - as well as in marble. To complete the collection, a saddle leather cover can be placed over the existing top. JOHNNY 2024 comodino - night table • comodino con due cassetti • struttura in legno • finiture struttura: • night table with 2 drawers • wooden frame • frame finishes: • Nachttisch mit zwei Schubladen • Holzgestell • Ausführung für Gestell: • chevet avec deux tiroirs • structure en bois • finition structure: • mesita de noche con 2 cajones • estructura de madera • acabados estructura: lacca opaca o lucida • finiture piano: lacca opaca o lucida vetro retroverniciato nei colori delle lacche marmo MR1, MR2 o MR3 cuoio - optional finiture • vedi campionario matt or glossy lacquer matt or glossy lacquer back-painted glass in lacquer colours marble MR1, MR2 o MR3 saddle leather - optional Lack matt oder Hochglanz Lack matt oder Hochglanz Rücklackiertes Glas in alle Lackfarben Marmor MR1, MR2 oder MR3 Kernleder - Extra • siehe Musterbox laque mate ou brillante • finitions plateau: laque mate ou brillante verre retro-laqué dans les couleurs de laque marbre MR1, MR2 ou MR3 cuir sellier - optional finitions • voir boite d’échantillons laca mate o brillo • acabados sobre: laca mate o brillo vidrio retrobarnizado en los colores de laca mármol MR1, MR2 o MR3 cuer

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All MERIDIANI catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. Gino

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  3. Cosette

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  4. Claudine

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  5. Brons

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  6. Zoe

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  7. Teresina

    3 Pages

  8. Teresa

    4 Pages

  9. René

    1 Pages

  10. Queen

    1 Pages

  11. Nanì

    2 Pages

  12. Lolyta

    3 Pages

  13. Liu

    3 Pages

  14. Keeton

    3 Pages

  15. Josephine

    2 Pages

  16. Isabelle

    2 Pages

  17. Ida

    2 Pages

  18. Forrest

    4 Pages

  19. Cecile

    2 Pages

  20. Berry

    1 Pages

  21. Baco

    2 Pages

  22. Oscar

    4 Pages

  23. Nora

    2 Pages

  24. Jeanette

    1 Pages

  25. Wallis

    3 Pages

  26. Vetra

    3 Pages

  27. Timothy

    6 Pages

  28. Scott

    2 Pages

  29. René

    5 Pages

  30. Prince

    5 Pages

  31. Oscar

    4 Pages

  32. Norton

    4 Pages

  33. Neuman

    2 Pages

  34. Max

    6 Pages

  35. Louis Up

    3 Pages

  36. Louis

    10 Pages

  37. Law

    6 Pages

  38. Joseph

    3 Pages

  39. James

    9 Pages

  40. Hector

    3 Pages

  41. Harold

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  42. Fox

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  43. Belmon

    4 Pages

  44. Bacon

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  45. ALLEN

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