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Catalog excerpts

James - 1

DIVANI . SOFAS James Un’alchimia di relax ed estetica, di look contemporaneo e tributi al passato. Linee pure ed equilibrio delle proporzioni definiscono la collezione James, resa riconoscibile dallo schienale leggermente inclinato. Una linea perfetta per il relax, in cui la seduta profonda invita anche alla lettura o alla conversazione; la collezione comprende divani ed elementi modulari in diverse profondità, oltre a una poltrona nella versione Slim; è inoltre disponibile una versione divano-letto. A unique ploy of comfort and beauty, of a contemporary look and tribute to the past and memory. James collection, showing pure lines and soft covers, is made recognizable by the slightly slanted backrest which defines all the line. Perfect for relax, the deep seating may result suitable also for reading or for conversation. This collection includes sofas, modular units, an armchair, in the Slim version, and a sofa-bed. JAMES LARGE divano componibile . modular sofa cuscini . cushions 55SP, 65SP HARDY tavolo basso . low table BONGO tavolo basso . low table P. 81 JAMES divano . sofa cuscini . cushions 55SP JUDD TB50, TB60 tavoli bassi . low table

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James - 2

JAMES divano componibile . modular sofa cuscini . cushions 55SP, COLE console, BELT TB 180110OV tavolo basso . low table

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James - 3

JAMES divano . sofa, cuscini . cushions 65SP LOLYTA DUE DIAMOND poltroncina . small armchair MILLER CINQUE tavolo basso . low table DIVANI . SOFAS

Open the catalog to page 3
James - 4

TECHNICAL DETAILS angolo - corner unit divano letto - sofa bed 220 • armchair - sofas - modular units with removable cover • fixed cover for leather version (feet showing) • wooden frame • non-deformable polyurethane padding • feet in black - light - almond stained wood • metal brackets for modular units joining • seat cushion in polyurethane and reinforced feathers • back cushion in reinforced feathers (no SLIM version) • lumbar cushion - optional in reinforced feathers • optional cushion CF in reinforced feathers • three fold metal mechanism with electric welded base, including a mattress...

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James - 5

DIVANI . SOFAS JAMES LARGE divano componibile . modular sofa cuscini . cushions 55SP, PEK UNO tavolo basso . low table, BLAKE tavolo basso . low table

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James - 6

angolo - corner unit LARGE terminale - end unit LARGE 180 terminale - end unit LARGE 130 elemento - unit LARGE 110 chaise longue LARGE

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James - 7

JAMES SLIM divano e poltrona . sofa and armchair JAMES SLIM appoggiareni . lumbar cushions ADRIAN 50R tavolo basso . low table BIRK specchio . mirror DIVANI . SOFAS

Open the catalog to page 7
James - 8

JAMES SLIM poltrona . armchair JAMES SLIM relax chaise JAMES SLIM appoggiareni . lumbar cushion, BOBO 45 tavolo basso . low table PEK UNO tavolo basso . low table, BIRK specchio . mirror

Open the catalog to page 8
James - 9

terminale - end unit SLIM 95 appoggiareni - lumbar cushion SLIM chaise longue SLIM angolo - corner unit SLIM elemento - unit SLIM 80 relax chair SLIM 95 poltrona - armchair SLIM

Open the catalog to page 9

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