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Gino - 1

PANCHE, POUF . BENCHES, POUFS Gino Gino è un pouf originale e curioso, appartenente alla famiglia delle sedie Cosette e Claudine. Caratterizzato da una seduta rotonda e da tre gambe cilindriche, disponibili non solo in tessuto o pelle ma anche in legno o laccate, Gino è pratico e funzionale, un complemento sfizioso per qualsiasi angolo della casa. Gino is an original and quirky pouf from the Cosette and Claudine chair family. Gino is a functional and useful piece with a round seat and three cylindrical legs, available in fabric, leather, wood, or lacquer. A delightful complement to any corner of the house. GINO 2024 poltrona - armchair • pouf imbottito non sfoderabile • padded pouf with fixed cover • gepolsterter Hocker mit Festbezug • pouf rembourré non déhoussable • pouf acolchado con funda fija en una in una selezione di tessuti di collezione e pelle • struttura in legno • imbottitura in poliuretano e fibre poliestere • gambe in massello di faggio tinto black. in poliuretano rigido laccato opaco/lucido o rivestite in una selezione di tessuti di collezione (stesso tessuto della struttura) in a selection of Meridiani fabrics and leathers • wooden frame • padding in polyurethane and polyester fiber • legs in solid beech black stained. in rigid polyurethane matt or glossy lacquered - covered in a selection of Meridiani fabrics (same fabric as the frame) aus einer Auswahl von Meridiani dans une sélection des tissus et cuirs Stoffen und Leder Stoffen Meridiani • Holzgestell • structure en bois • Polsterung aus PU-Schäumen und • embourrage en polyuréthane et fibre Polyesterfaser polyester • Füße aus massiv Buchenholz black • pieds en hêtre massif teinté noir. gebeizt. aus hartem Polyurethan matt/ en polyuréthane rigide laque mate Hochglanz lackiert oder mit Bezug aus ou brillante ou dans une sélection einer Auswahl von Meridiani Stoffen des tissus Meridiani (même tissu (gleicher Stoff wie Gestell) que la structure) selección de telas y pieles Meridiani • estructura de madera • relleno en poliuretano y fibra poliéster • patas de haya maciza teñida en negro. de poliuretano rígido lacadas mate o brillo - tapizadas en una selección de telas M

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All MERIDIANI catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. Cosette

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  4. Claudine

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  5. Brons

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  6. Zoe

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  7. Teresina

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  8. Teresa

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  9. René

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  10. Queen

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  11. Nanì

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  12. Lolyta

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  13. Liu

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  14. Keeton

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  15. Josephine

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  16. Isabelle

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  17. Ida

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  18. Forrest

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  19. Cecile

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  20. Berry

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  21. Baco

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  23. Nora

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  24. Jeanette

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  25. Wallis

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  26. Vetra

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  32. Norton

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  34. Max

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  35. Louis Up

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  37. Law

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  38. Joseph

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  39. James

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  40. Hector

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  41. Harold

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  42. Fox

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  43. Belmon

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  44. Bacon

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  45. ALLEN

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