Catalog excerpts
l L w kenia_urbansiyle kenia 01 datalle Valencia, 30 de mar2o. nl sol Inunda las estancias. la primavera despierla y la cludad te Invita a descubrirla.. Valencia, 30th march, the sun Hoods Ihe rooms, spring wakos up, and Ihe cily Inviles you to discover...
Open the catalog to page 1Mega mobillario presents you the new collection Kenla, a combination of American walnut veneer and lacquar in different timshes and colors: gloss, satin, white, stone, bison, graphite ... Mega mobillario ta presenta la nueva coleccldn Kenia, una combinacldn de Chapas de nogal amaricano y lacas en diferentes acabados y colores: brlllo, satlnado. colores bianco, piedra. bisdn, gralilo..
Open the catalog to page 2open Ihe doors, open your windows, enjoy Ihe sun. enioy me people, enjoy you lifelll alwu las puerlas. abro las ventanas, dislrula del sol. de la genie, dislrula de la vidalli
Open the catalog to page 4Kenia. composiclones infiniias: bajas y anchas. alias y anchas, con llbrarfas. con eslanies. con mbdulos coigados, con escritorio. para lodo tipo lie casas y gustos. Kenia. intinite compositions: Low anil Wide, high arid wide, with bookstores, with shelves, with wall units, desk, lor all types ol homes and tastes.
Open the catalog to page 6kenia 08 detalle general
Open the catalog to page 7Kenla. apatadores con frames llsos. con frentes con dibuio. dferenfos anohos...
Open the catalog to page 10kenia 25 detalle alto HO problems of space? kenia has modules for all measures iproblemas de espacio? kenia tiene mddulos para todas las medidas
Open the catalog to page 20tenia delates, mcorpora una solucidn al problems de los cables, olvfrialos para slempre kenia 34 detalle kenia details, incorporates a solution to the problem of cables target them forever
Open the catalog to page 27combining gives you life and life is hapoinass! combination willi walrml. vdiilu and sKxih combinat da vida y la vida alegila! combinacibn con nogal, bianco y piodra
Open the catalog to page 30Nogal, bianco. bison cualquler color combine bien con nueslras sillas serena Walnul, while, bison, any color combines well wah our chairs serena
Open the catalog to page 33All MEGAMOBILIARIO catalogs and technical brochures
32 Pages
Kenia Loftstyle
35 Pages
MYA new collection
24 Pages
48 Pages