Catalog excerpts
“Tea is as indispensable in daily life as rice and salt”
Open the catalog to page 2Medea since 1905 — The history of Medea is the story of a company from Medea 的历史要从意大利一家公司的故事讲起, Brianza, area which is famous for the cabinet-making quality of its furniture. Craftsmanship, uniqueness
Open the catalog to page 3Steve Leung — 梁志天 Steve Leung is an internationally acclaimed architect, 国际著名建筑, 室内及产品设计师梁志天先生出生 interior and product designer born in Hong Kong, 于中国香港, 拥有超过 30 年的设计经验, 以现代设 China. He has over 30 years of design experience 计风格见称, 善于将饶富亚洲文化及艺术元素融入 and his works reflect the projects’ unique character with a contemporary touch, taking inspirations from Asian culture and arts. Recognized for 15 times in the Oscar of Interior Design, Andrew Martin Interna- 其作品中, 曾 15 度入选被誉为室内设计奥斯卡的 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖, 并于 2015 年 勇夺 “全球年度设计师” 的殊荣。 tional Interior Design Awards, Steve is the Winner of Interior...
Open the catalog to page 4Reflecting Medea’s venture in the Chinese market, HUO collection includes tea table, tea chair, sofa, lection “HUO” beautifully integrates Medea’s Eu- side table, water pedestal, armchair, coffee table, ropean heritage with hints of Oriental aesthetics. cabinet and screen. Each furniture piece seamles- Drawing inspiration from the elements of “tea” sly integrates the element of tea into its design and tree’s “growth ring” - the concentric circles details, such as the thoughtful electronic pedestal of new cells formed by trees each year, HUO’s especially included in HUO’s tea table to ease...
Open the catalog to page 5Oval Table | 椭圆组合茶几 TEA003
Open the catalog to page 8Armchair upholstered in fabric 面料和皮革饰面, 铜色金属面漆 Sofa upholstered in fabric and 面料和皮革饰面, 铜色金属面漆 and leather, metal details bronze Chair with low backseat, upholstered in fabric and leather, leather, metal details bronze metal details bronze finish. Tea table with sycamore wood 枫木框架结构, 经典绯纹 (浅褐网纹)大理石台面, 铜色金属面漆 带电源插口 structure, top in emperador marble, metal details bronze finish. Equipped with electrical connection for kettle. Chair with high backseat,
Open the catalog to page 22Oval Table | 椭圆组合茶几 Oval table with sycamore wood 枫木框架结构, 嵌入式经典 绯纹 (浅褐网纹)大理石 台面, 铜色金属面漆 Screen with sycamore structure 枫木结构, 双侧边折叠 铜色金属面漆 structure, top with emperador marble insert, metal details bronze finish. Side table with sycamore wood 枫木框架结构, 经典绯纹 (浅褐网纹)大理石台面, 铜色金属面漆 structure, top in emperador marble, metal details bronze finish.
Open the catalog to page 23Meda — Italia Via Vigiiazzola 135 T.+39 0362 70585 2020 © Medea s.r.l. - Tutti i diritti riservati
Open the catalog to page 24