

Catalog excerpts

Magda - 1

— Apertura recliner con pulsantiera , — Recliner opening with button system I — Relax electrique ayant un system boutons — Apertura reclinable con sistema de pulsadores — Poggiatesta reclinabile I — Reclining headrest — Appui-tete ajustable — Reposacabezas reclinable Esempi di componibilita — Sectionals examples — Exemples de compositions — Ejemplos de modularidad — Rivestimento Pelle / Tessuto — Imbottitura BRACCIOLI / Poliuretano espanso SEDUTA / Poliuretano espanso SPALLIERA / Poliuretano espanso — Opzioni Cucitura a contrasto — Comfort Standard — Piedi Metallo — Struttura Telaio in legno — Coverings Leather / Fabric — Filling ARMS / Foam SEAT CUSHION / Foam BACK CUSHION / Foam — Options Contrast stitching — Comfort Standard — Legs Metal — Structure Wooden frame — Revetement Cuir / Tissu — Rembourrage ACCOUDOIRS / Mousse ASSISE / Mousse DOSSIER / Mousse — Options Coutures contrastees — Confort Standard — Pieds Metal — Structure Structure en bois — Revestimiento Piel / Tela — Imbottitura APOYABRAZOS / Poliuretano expandido SENTADA / Poliuretano expandido RESPALDO / Poliuretano expandido — Opciones Costura en contraste — Confort Estandar — Pies Metal — Struttura Estructura en madera - Modello brevettato — Patented model Finitura piedi — Legs finishes — Finition de pieds — Acabados de pies Maxdivani s.r.l. Largo Epitaffio 1 - 70022 Altamura (BA) Italy Tel / Fax +39 080 9266200 - 26 Marrone Dark brown Marron Marron 37 Mast ice Darke taupe Mastic Masilla 41 Ferro calamina Calamine iron Fer calamine Hierro calamina 42 Grigio scuro Dark grey Gris fonce Gris oscuro L’azienda si riserva di apportare alcune modifiche alle dimensioni. Le dimensioni sono soggette a leggere variazioni dovute alla manifattura. Some dimensions reported in this legend may be changed by the manifacturer. Such dimensions are subject to small discrepancy due to the handmade product. Les dimensions indiquees dans cette legende peuvent etre modifiees par le fabricant. Les memes sont sujettes a de legeres differences dues a la fabrication artisanale. La Empresa se reserva el derecho de hacer algunos cambios en las dimensiones. Las dimensiones estan sujetas a ligeras va

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All Maxdivani catalogs and technical brochures

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  10. Sipario

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  11. Chicca

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  12. Mia

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  13. Grace

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  14. Autografo

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  15. Affogato

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  16. Raffaello

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  17. Stefi

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  18. Sele

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  19. Grant

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  21. Moma

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  22. Mayon

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  24. Leonardo

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  25. Riflesso

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  37. KILT

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