Catalog excerpts
ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 1EN Decostone, The Art of Making Stone® GR Decostone, The Art of Making Stone® Our cities and buildings should be designed in a way that causes the minimum impact to the environment. This is the reason why we need to adapt to new building materials that are cost effective and compatible with high ecological standards. Consumers tend to select eco-friendlier products and corporations have realised that their operations influence the environment and that they need to be responsible for its protection. The necessity for greener products is gaining global recognition and this is how we have...
Open the catalog to page 3DE Decostone, The Art of Making Stone® Aujourd’hui, des raisons écologiques et économiques nous conduisent à un changement drastique à la façon de construire nos villes et les bâtiments ou nous vivons ou travaillons. Nos points de vue personnels concernant l’environnement influencent directement nos choix en tant que consommateurs et ainsi nous devenons très attentifs aux produits que nous choisissons, qui doivent être plus respectueux de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles. Les entreprises, du moins celles opérant dans les pays développés, commencent à prendre conscience de...
Open the catalog to page 4Aragone ^&@ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 5Aragone amber
Open the catalog to page 6Aragone olive
Open the catalog to page 7Aragone bronze
Open the catalog to page 9Armorique ^ ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 13Armorique olive
Open the catalog to page 15Armorique bronze
Open the catalog to page 17^ ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 20Savoie olive
Open the catalog to page 23Savoie bronze
Open the catalog to page 254 ^ecostone Th e Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 28Ardennes ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 29Ardennes beige
Open the catalog to page 31Andes ^&@ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 33Andes beige
Open the catalog to page 35Andes gray
Open the catalog to page 37Vermont ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 39Vermont beige
Open the catalog to page 41Vivid olive
Open the catalog to page 44Vivid beige
Open the catalog to page 45Vivid gray
Open the catalog to page 47Nevada beige
Open the catalog to page 51Nevada gray
Open the catalog to page 53Chateau ^Cecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 55Chateau beige
Open the catalog to page 57Chateau gray
Open the catalog to page 59Deco Bricks
Open the catalog to page 61Deco Bricks brown 61
Open the catalog to page 62Deco Bricks foggy
Open the catalog to page 63Deco Bricks aged 63
Open the catalog to page 64Universal Universal Aragone corner thin corner thick Flat Texture Corners are available in all colors. * Vivid texture uses Ardennes and Andes corner ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 65Universal Thin Corner Universal Thin Corner Universal Thin Corner Universal Thick Corner Universal Thick Corner Universal Thick Corner Colonial Corner
Open the catalog to page 66Save Energy with Decostone ^ Decostone is also designed for use on thermal The Art of Making Stone ' 1 Wall (substrate) 2 Adhesive for bonding the thermal insulation panels 3 EPS thermal insulation panels 4 First base coating leveling layer of adhesive 5 Alkali resistant plastic mesh 4-5mm, weight > 145g/m2, tensile strength >2000 N/50mm 6 Anchors and application of the second base coating leveling layer of adhesive 7 Stone adhesive according to C2TE S2 category EN 12004 and EN 12002 8 Decostone handmade stone veneer Important notice! We strongly recommend the use of a universally...
Open the catalog to page 67Application stages 1 Ensure a clean substrate free of dust, moisture and wake areas, apply a primer. 2 Install the leveled base profile. 3 Apply the thermal insulation panels, (at least 24 hours idle time till the next step). 4 Seal all joints that exist between panels with low expansion polyurethane foam. 8 Install Handmade stone veneer DECO STONE. 9 Clean the substrate from dust dirt and ensure that there are no weak areas. Apply the primer. 10 Prepare the adhesive taking into consideration the amount of water. Mathios Refractories recommends the use of Extra Stone Glue a special adhesive...
Open the catalog to page 68Extra Stone Glue 68 EN Acrylic, heavy duty elastic adhesive for natural and artificial stones as well as decorative brick applications. It is categorized as C2TE S1 type according to EN12002 and it is supplied in 25 Kg paper bags. It can be applied on internal and external surfaces, providing high adhesive strength and resistance to humidity. FR Colle acrylique et élastique renforcée à pierre naturelle et reconstituée, de classement C2TE S1 selon la norme européenne EN12002, au sac de 25 kg. A utiliser aux murs intérieurs et extérieurs, offrant une forte adhésion et résistance à l’humidité...
Open the catalog to page 69Sample boards stand Promotional Material / Pallet Sample board
Open the catalog to page 70* ecostone The Art of Making Stone
Open the catalog to page 71EN ISO 9001 : 2008 In accordance with TUV AUSTRIA CERT procedures, it is hereby certified that REFRACTORIES S.A. MATHIOS REFRACTORIES S.A. 5, Epidavrou str. GR-182 33 AG. IOANNIS RENTIS, ATHENS, GREECE Applies a Quality Management System in line with the above standard for the following scope RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION & TRADING OF REFRACTORY, ANTI-ACID, INSULATING, BUILDING CHEMISTRY, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS & PRODUCTION OF STONE VENEERS - REFRACTORY, ANTI-ACID & BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS. Certificate Registration No. 20 100 0087 Certification Body at TUV AUSTRIA CERT GMBH This...
Open the catalog to page 725 Epidavrou Str., 182 33 Athens, Greece Τel: +30 210 4913502, Fax: +30 210 4903949 e-mail: Επιδαύρου 5, 182 33 Αγ.Ι.Ρέντης Τηλ.: 210 4913502, Fax: 210 4903949 e-mail: Τel: + 33 (0) 6 68968371 e-mail: Nikola Malasevski 9 2600 Dupnica, Bulgaria Τel: +359 878186555, Sofia showroom: 36 Okuluversten Pat Perl Park Mall Sofia, Bulgaria tel :+359 701 40094 Fax:+359 701 40094 e-mail: Harpener Feld 11, 44805 Bochum, Deutschland, Τel: +49 234 61 03 925-926, Fax: +
Open the catalog to page 73Energy Ecology Decoration
Open the catalog to page 74All Mathios SA catalogs and technical brochures
Mat Green - Mat Grass
1 Pages
Product Catalogue
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Mathios Stone
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2 Pages
2 Pages
mathios bricks
32 Pages
Refractory Products
92 Pages