Catalog excerpts
Immersing ourselves into nature we return to origin living the harmony around us. NATURAL porcelain stoneware, through its soft veins and the distinctive shadows of the most refined types of wood, brings peace and wellbeing sensations into our homes. Plongeant dans la nature nous retournons à l’origine. et nous vivons l’harmonie qui nous entoure. Le grès cérame NATURAL avec de délicats veinages et tonalités typiques des plus nobles parquets transfère chez nous la sensation de paix et bien-être. Bei einem Bad in der Natur kehren wir zu den Ursprüngen zurück und empfinden die Harmonie, die...
Open the catalog to page 2formate formato oberflächen superfícies INDOOR OUTDOOR STRIPES 5 colours couleurs farben cores cream tortora brown wenge pag.16
Open the catalog to page 4NT3 Natural Grey 20x90 N _ NT3 Skirting Natural Grey 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 5NT3 Natural Grey 20x90 N _ NT3 Skirting Natural Grey 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 6NT1 Natural White 20x90 N _ NT1SL Natural White Slat 20x90 N
Open the catalog to page 7NT1 Natural White 20x90 N _ NT1SL Natural White Slat 20x90 N _ Listelo Metálico 1,2x60
Open the catalog to page 8NT2 Natural Cream 20x90 N _ NT2 Skirting Natural Cream 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 9NT2 Natural Cream 20x90 N _ NT2 Skirting Natural Cream 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 10NT4 Natural Tortora 20x90 N _ NT4 Skirting Natural Tortora 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 12NT5K Natural Brown Deck 20x90 N _ NT5 Skirting Natural Brown 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 16NT5K Natural Brown Deck 20x90 N _ NT5 Skirting Natural Brown 9,5x90 N
Open the catalog to page 17NT6K Natural Wenge Deck 20x90 N
Open the catalog to page 18NT6K Natural Wenge Deck 20x90 N
Open the catalog to page 19DECORS décorations dekorationen decorações pre cutted _ pré-coupé _ vorgeshnitten _ pré-corte Example of composition Exemple de composition Beispiel einer Komposition Exemplo de composição Hexagon and Aged Wood are pre cutted. All decors may feature shade variations regarding the corresponding fl oor/wall tile standard tile. Hexagon et Aged Wood sont pré-coupé. Toutes les décorations peuvent souffrir variations de tonalité par rapport aux carreaux base. Hexagon und Aged Wood vorgeschnitten. Alle Dekorationen können im Vergleich zu den jeweiligen Grundfl iesen Farbunterschiede aufweisen....
Open the catalog to page 21SPECIAL PIECES pièces spéciales spezialteile peças especiais SYMBOLS symboles zeichen simbologia skirting pinthe sockel rodapé boleado Fully digital graphics Graphisme totalement digital Komplett digitale Grafik Produto com gráfica totalmente digital Decors sold per m2 Décorations vendues au m2 Dekorationen verkauft pro m2 Decorações vendidas a m2 High Traffic Trafic intense Starke Frequentierung Alto tráfego 9x90 _ 3,8”x36” N Available in all colours with the exception of Wenge. Disponible dans toutes les couleurs excepté le couleur Wenge. Erhältlich in allen Farben außer Wenge. Disponível...
Open the catalog to page 22TECHNICAL INFORMATION _ INFORMATION TECHNIQUE _ TECHNISCHE INFORMATION _ INFORMAÇÃO TÉCNICA 01 Before (beginning the) laying (of) ceramic material, you should take the following aspects into account: - Check if the ceramic material is suitable for (use at) the selected site, according to its specifications and technical characteristics; - Check whether there is enough material to conclude the work; - Check the boxes to see/confirm in the boxes if the product is in the same shade, choice and caliber; - Claims regarding these items cannot be accepted after tile setting. The good performance...
Open the catalog to page 23TECHNICAL INFORMATION _ INFORMATION TECHNIQUE _ TECHNISCHE INFORMATION _ INFORMAÇÃO TÉCNICA For a perfect application of the ceramic pieces, you should definitely use joints. They fulfill important aesthetic and technical functions, facilitating alignment of the materials, absorbing any possible deformation liable to be felt in the structure - floor and wall - thus preventing the transmission of deformations to the ceramic pieces. Use the minimum recommended joints so as to ensure a good aesthetic aspect of the ceramic pieces, and respect the rules of application as follows: Um die...
Open the catalog to page 24TECHNICAL INFORMATION _ INFORMATION TECHNIQUE _ TECHNISCHE INFORMATION _ INFORMAÇÃO TÉCNICA 07 SAFETY AND PREPARATION FOR LAYING THE MATERIAL We advise the use of appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment), namely safety footwear, protective gloves and even goggles (safety glasses) and hearing protection in operations of cutting material. Good practices must be followed in terms of lifting and carr ying loads. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, immer die passende Schutzkleidung zu tragen. Wir ermahnen Sie eindringlich, Schutzschuhe, -handschuhe, -brille sowie Gehörschutz zu benützen, wenn Sie die...
Open the catalog to page 25TECHNICAL INFORMATION _ INFORMATION TECHNIQUE _ TECHNISCHE INFORMATION _ INFORMAÇÃO TÉCNICA POLISHED AND SOFT SHINY PRODUCTS Le nettoyage final et l’entretien du produit doivent être effectués avec des détergents appropriés pour les revêtements de sol. On doit utiliser un détergent hautement concentré, dilué conformément aux instructions du fournisseur. En fonction du degré de salissure, la dilution du détergent pourra être peut être considérablement réduite et dans certains cas, elle peut atteindre la proportion de 1/3 (détergent/eau). Frotter avec un chiffon de nettoyage en microfibre. Si...
Open the catalog to page 26TECNICAL FEATURES donneés techniques technischen eigenschaften características técnicas PACKAGE emballage verpackung embalagem ISO 13006 _ EN14411 _ GRUPO BIa UGL Technical Features Données Techniques Technische Eigenschaften Características Técnicas box _ boîte _ karton _ caixa Test method Méthode d’essai Pruefmethode Norma Prescribed value Valeur prescrite Vorgeschriebener Wert Valor Prescrito Size - Lenght and width Dimension - Longueur et largeur Abmessungen - Länge und Breite Dimensão - Comprimento e largura Side straightness Rectitude des arêtes Kantengeradheit Rectilinearidade das...
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