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Catalog excerpts

Material - 1

Material Gres Effetto Cotto Cemento • Concrete Terracotta Look Stoneware • Grès Effet Ciment Cotto • Beton-Cotto-Optik Feinsteinzeug • Gres Efecto Cotto Cemento • Керамогранит С Эффектом Н

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Material - 2

Una nuova collezione in grande formato che interpreta il cemento con un elegante accento minimalista. Superfici sulle quali affiora in modo irregolare una graniglia fine, componendo una texture imperfetta e naturale che restituisce la sensazione di una materia leggermente usurata. Declinata in 6 colori neutri e 4 formati – dal 120x120 al 30x60 – Material è impreziosita da mosaici tradizionali su tutti i colori e a spaccatella. A new large-size material that takes an elegant, minimalist approach to concrete. Surfaces with a fine-grained grit emerging unevenly onto the surface, creating a...

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Material - 3

5 M0K3 Material Greige Rett. 120x120 6 M0K2 Material Light Grey Rett. 120x120 M8EH Material20 Light Grey Rett. 80x80 7 M0K3 Material Greige Rett. 120x120 8 M0K4 Material Beige Rett. 120x120 M0UU D_Segni Decoro Mix Caldo 20x20 9 M0KF Material Light Grey Rett. 60x120 M895 Fresco Light Struttura Ars 3D 32,5x97,7

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Material - 4

Colori • Colours Blue Grey Dark Grey Light Grey Greige Beige White Superfici • Surfaces MATERIAL Naturale • Matt Strutturato 20mm • Structured 20mm Mosaici • Mosaics Mosaico M0LS Blue Grey MOLT Dark Grey M0LU Light Grey Mosaico Mix 30x30 (1) 10 M8EJ Material20 Greige Rett. 80x80 11 M0K3 Material Greige Rett. 120x120 ME18 Fabric Linen Struttura Fold 3D 40x120 12 M0K1 Material Dark Grey Rett. 120x120 Formati • Sizes 120x120 60x120 M0K0 Material Blue Grey Rett. M0K1 Material Dark Grey Rett. M0K2 Material Light Grey Rett. M0K3 Material Greige Rett. M0K4 Material Beige Rett. M0K5...

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Material - 5

Style tips Material: i suggerimenti Marazzi per un mix di materie a contrasto o in perfetta armonia. Material: Marazzi’s suggestions for a mix of contrasting or perfectly matched materials. Material: sugerencias de Marazzi mezclando materias en contraste o en perfecta armonía. Material : les suggestions Marazzi pour unir les matières en contraste ou en parfaite harmonie. Material: рекомендации от Marazzi для смешивания материалов и получения либо контраста, либо полной гармонии. Material: Lösungen von Marazzi für den kontrastreichen oder harmonischen Materialmix. 1 MZUD Treverkdear Brown...

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All MARAZZI catalogs and technical brochures

  1. The Top 2024

    78 Pages

  2. Grande - Slabs

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  3. HO.RE.CA

    46 Pages

  4. Marble Look

    82 Pages

  5. Wall Coverings

    299 Pages

  6. Concrete Look

    141 Pages

  7. Stone Look

    151 Pages

  8. Wood Look 2022

    173 Pages


    37 Pages

  10. Workbook

    97 Pages

  11. Colour Plan

    99 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. COLLECTION 2022

    287 Pages


    119 Pages


    7 Pages


    5 Pages


    5 Pages


    5 Pages


    3 Pages

  8. VERO

    43 Pages


    39 Pages

  10. Plaza

    7 Pages

  11. Alba

    7 Pages

  12. Carácter

    7 Pages

  13. Wall Coverings

    131 Pages

  14. Concrete Look

    83 Pages

  15. Stone Look

    155 Pages

  16. Wood Look

    125 Pages

  17. Workbook

    285 Pages

  18. Pinch

    5 Pages

  19. Mineral

    5 Pages

  20. Treverkmood

    19 Pages

  21. Treverkway

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  22. SistemB

    21 Pages

  23. Treverkhome

    33 Pages

  24. Treverkchic

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  25. SistemN

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  26. Clays

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  27. Treverk

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  28. Block

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  29. Treverkever

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  30. Blend

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  31. Bisque

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    21 Pages