

Catalog excerpts


"La matematica non possiede soltanto la verita ma anche la bellezza suprema, una bellezza rigorosa e sobria, come quella della scultura". "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty, a rigorous and sober beauty, like that of sculpture". "Les mathemathiques possedent non seulement la verite mais aussi la beaute" supreme, une beaute rigoureuse et sobre comme celle de la sculpture". "Die Mathematikvereint in sich nicht nurdie Wahrheit sondern auch die auGerste Schonheit, d.h. eine rigoros und nuchtem Schonheit, wie die der Bildhauerei". "La matematica no posee...

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Cosi e Logica di Rex, una collezione che traduce il carattere di forza e matericita della pietra naturale aH'interno di geometrie pure. Design armonico e proporzionato nel programma di una collezione interamente progettata in Materia & Colore. This is how Logica by Rex is, a collection which translates the characteristics of strength and matter of the natural stone inside pure geometries. Harmonic and proportionate design as part of the programme of a collection entirely designed in Materia & Colore, C'est ainsi qu'est la Logique de Rex, une collection qui traduit le caractere de force et...

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Colours - Couleurs - Farben - Colores

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Ravimenti e rivestimenti in gres fine porcellanato. Homogeneous porcelain tiles wall and floor tiles. Sols et revfitements en gres oerame fin. Boden-und Wandfliesen aus Feinsteinzeug. Pavimentos y Revestimientos en Gres Porcelanico fino Beige Graff. 711439 Beige Graff. 711429 Beige Graff. 711459 Beige Graff. 711449 Beige Graff. 711419 Beige Graff. 711409 Pavimenti e rivestimenti in gres fine porcellanato. Homogeneous porcelain tiles wall and floor tiles. Sols et revetements en gres cerame fin. Boden-und Wandfliesen aus Feinsteinzeug. Pavimentos y Revestimientos en Gres Porcelanico fino

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Grigio Graff. 711440 Grigio Graff. 711430 Grigio Graff. 711460 Grigio Graff. 711450 Grigio Graff. 711420 Grigio Graff. 711410 Tabacco Graff. 711441 Tabacco Graff. 711431 Tabacco Graff. 711461 Tabacco Graff. 711451 Tabacco Graff. 711421 Tabacco Graff. 711411 Ravimenti e rivestimenti in gres fine porcellanato. Homogeneous porcelain tiles wall and floor tiles. Sols et revfitements en gres oerame fin. Boden-und Wandfliesen aus Feinsteinzeug. Pavimentos y Revestimientos en Gres Poroelanioo fino Pavimenti e rivestimenti in gres fine porcellanato. Homogeneous porcelain tiles wall and floor tiles....

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Antracite. 711437 Antracite. 711427 Antracite. 711457 Antracite. 711447 Antracite. 711417 Antracite. 711407 Antracite Graff. 711442 Antracite Graff. 711432 Antracite Graff. 711462 Antracite Graff. 711452 Antracite Graff. 711422 Antracite Graff. 711412 Pavimenti e rivestimenti in gres fine porcellanato. Homogeneous porcelain tiles wall and floor tiles. Sols et revStements en gres cerame fin. Boden-und Wandfliesen aus Feinsteinzeug. Pavimentos y Revestimientos en Gres Poroelanieo fino Decors - Decors - Dekore - Decoros CERAMICHE ARTISTICHE

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I soggetti sono miscelatti casualmente nelle scatole. The items are randomly mked in the Les produits sont melanges au hasard dans les bdites. Die Produkte sind zufallig Los productos estan mezolados Segmento Bianco. 711464 Segmento Bianco Mix. 711476 Segment) Bianco/3.711481 Segmento Bianco/3 Mk. 711489 PEZZI SPECIALI. Trims. Pieces speciales. Formstucke. Piezas epeciales. Battiscopa Bianco - 711527 Elemento L Bianco - 711542 Torello Gradino Bianco - 711532 Set Angolo Bianco - 711537 Full q. round Bianco - 711516 Ang. Full q. round Bianco - 711521 Segmento Beige. 711470 Segmento Beige Mk....

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I soggetti sono miscelatti casualmente nelle scatole. The items are randomly mked in the Les produits sont melanges au hasard dans les boTtes, Die Produkte sind zufallig Los productos estan mezclados Segment) Grigio. 711472 Segment) Grigio Mix. 711478 Segmento Grigio/3. 711485 Segmento Grigio/3 Mix. 711491 PEZZI SPECIAL!. Trims. Pieces speciales. Formstucke. Piezas epeciales. Battiscopa Grigio-711529 Element) L Grigio - 711544 Torello Gradino Grigio - 711534 Set Angolo Grigio - 711539 Full q. round Grigio - 711518 Ang. Full q. round Grigio - 711523 PEZZI SPECIAL!. Trims. Pieces speciales....

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I soggetti sono miscelatti casualmente nelle scatole. The items are randomly mked in the Les produits sont melanges au hasard dans les boTtes, Die Produkte sind zufallig Los productos estan mezclados PEZZI SPECIALI. Trims. Pieces speciales. Formstucke. Piezas epeciales. Battiscopa Antracite - 711531 Elemento L Antracite - 711546 Torello Gradino Antracite - 711536 Full q. round Antracite - 711520 Ang. Full q. round Bianco - 711525 FORMAT! - SEES - FORMATS - FORMATE - FORMATOS PEZZI SPECWLI - TRIMS - PIECES SPECWLES - SONDERTEILE - PIEZAS ESPECMES

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Gres Fine Porcellanato • Coloured through body Fine Porcelain • Gres Cerame Fin « Feinsteinzeug » Gres Porcelanico Fino CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS - CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES - TECHNISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN - CARACTERiSTICAS TECNICAS Norma di riferimento: - Specification Reference: - Notre deReferaxe: - Hauprrarn: - Norma de referenda: EN 14411 APP.G - GRUPPO Bla GL *Prova esegulta su articolo Beige. Test carried out on Beige item. Test wurde auf Beige Produkt durchgefuhrt Essai execute surproduit Beige. Prueba efectuada sobre producto Beige. **Prova eseguita su...

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CERAMICHE ARTISTICHE Uffici commerciali: Via Canaletto, 24 • 41042 Fiorano (Mo) Italy • Tel 0536-840811 • www.rex-cerart.it • info@rex-cerart.it • info for USA and CANADA: infousa@rex-cerart.it

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All Luxury Design catalogs and technical brochures

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  8. Matouche

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  9. GOLD

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  14. LOGICA

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  23. ma maison

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