TerrealNA Cladding
1 / 28Pages

Catalog excerpts

TerrealNA Cladding - 1

Terra Cotta Cladding and Sunscreens ZZZZ LUDOWICI ROOF TILE

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TerrealNA Cladding - 2

Chevilly Bureau Larue, France Piterak Slim 40™ and Autan™ Red Orange

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TerrealNA Cladding - 3

Terreal North America takes an engineered systems and solutions approach to designing and manufacturing terra cotta cladding systems. In addition to having multiple factories to produce terra cotta tiles, our approach is to design, support, engineer and manufacture systems. Our in-house professional team along with our engineering and fabricator partners, ensure a systems approach is supplied. We offer complete detail and design support, including engineering calculations that can be sealed by registered engineers in all states. With millions of square feet installed around the world,...

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TerrealNA Cladding - 4

TERREAL NORTH AMERICA ➔ Shifts the primary moisture barrier away from sealed vapor barrier ➔ Keeps majority of the moisture away from the vapor barrier and interior/exterior pressure differential ➔ Allows for air flow between cladding and vapor barrier to facilitate drainage and keep system dry Moisture drainage Insulation (rigid or mineral wool) Terreal Terra Cotta panel Air/Vapor barrier if required ➔ Improves structure life expectancy by protecting primary wall with second skin ➔ Energy savings due to thermal benefits from reduction in heat transfer into the building and additional...

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Indiana University-Purdue University Parking Deck Indianapolis, IN Piterak Slim 30™ and Custom Zonda XL 15™ 12 Light Grey, 13 Storm Grey, Custom Blue and Custom Grey

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LDLC Headquarters Ecully, France Maestral™ Red Orange ➔ Oldest terra cotta manufacturer in Europe ➔ Millions of square feet installed worldwide ➔ Substantial capacity due to large automated factories ➔ Over 1,000 projects completed ➔ A variety of complete, engineered rainscreen systems offered ➔ 26 terra cotta factories around the world including 3 terra cotta cladding manufacturing facilities ➔ Factory representation in the United States (not distributors or independent brokers) Cladding systems de signe d fo r a wide r a n ge of applica tio ns a nd budge ts Senior Care Residential Renewal...

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Moncrief Cancer Institute Fort Worth, TX Piterak Slim 30™ Smooth and Custom Ridged Custom Soft White Matte Glaze

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA ➔ Perfect natural and sustainable material to re-clad existing buildings with failing wall systems ➔ Increased energy efficiency with added layer of insulation ➔ Lightweight, systems starting at 7 pounds per square foot ➔ Easy installations in all weather conditions ➔ Installed from the exterior, so building may remain occupied ➔ Natural, earth tone colors to harmonize with other structures and building materials ➔ Economical solution that is durable and beautiful for generations ➔ Wide range of colors, sizes and textures for countless aesthetic design opportunities...

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Nicolas Dubois Residences Saint Amand-les Eaux, France Zephir™ Red Orange and Champagne Roosevelt Tower Dunkerque, France Piterak™ Salmon Pink SRCJ Villeneuve d’Ascq, France Zephir™ Red Orange Santa Margarida Monjos Barcelona, Spain Zephir™ Red Orange

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding Alstom Bureau Saint-Ouen, France Piterak Slim 40™ Custom Chocolate Brown Rue Cuvier Offices Montreuil, France Piterak Slim 40™ Red Orange Housing Arras, France Piterak Slim 40™ Red Orange and Red

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding P I T E R A K 4 0 ™ Piterak Slim 40™ is a 40mm thick, double-skin terra cotta rainscreen cladding product with overlapping horizontal reveals. The product is a large module terra cotta panel available in three standard sizes and a multitude of made-to-order sizes with a maximum height of 2’-0” and length of 6’-0”. All sizes may be cut by the installation contractor for specific field conditions. Through exceptional engineering and manufacturing, our product provides a high wind resistance and the highest (Q4) impact resistance rating under French...

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding Moncrief Cancer Institute Fort Worth, TX Piterak Slim 30™ Custom Color Beijing COFCO Beijing, China Piterak Slim 30™ Red Piterak Slim 30™ and Autan XL™ Champagne

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding P I T E R A K 3 0 ™ Piterak Slim 30™ is a 30mm thick, double-skin terra cotta rainscreen cladding product with overlapping horizontal reveals. The product is a large module terra cotta panel available in four standard sizes and a multitude of made-to-order sizes with a maximum height of 2’-0” and length of 6’-0”. All sizes may be cut by the installation contractor for specific field conditions. Piterak Slim 30™ provides excellent structural load performance that is equivalent to thicker terra cotta panels while providing a slender profile and...

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding Piterak XS 18™ Custom Color

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding P I T E R A K 1 8 ™ Piterak XS 18™ is an economical 18mm thick, double-skin terra cotta rainscreen cladding product with overlapping horizontal reveals. The product is a thin, lightweight and strong medium module terra cotta panel available in three standard sizes and a multitude of made-to-order sizes with a maximum height of 1’-4” and length of 4’-0”. All sizes may be cut by the installation contractor for specific field conditions. Piterak XS 18™ maintains excellent structural load performance that is comparable to thicker terra cotta panels...

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding Naperville Public Library Naperville, IL Zephir™ Flamed Languedoc Smooth Duke University Durham, NC Zephir™ Ebony, Chocolate Brown and Dark Grey Filmore Project Denver, CO Zephir™ and Autan™ Red

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TERREAL NORTH AMERICA Terra Cotta Cladding Z E P H I R ™ Zephir™ is a single-skin terra cotta rainscreen cladding product with open horizontal reveals. The product provides a small module terra cotta panel available in a variety of surface textures and three standard sizes that may be cut by the installation contractor for specific field conditions. Zephir™’s exacting manufacturing tolerances, lightweight composition and straightforward rainscreen support system provides for ease of installation. Due to this ease of installation, Zephir™ is an excellent economical terra cotta cladding...

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All LUDOWICI catalogs and technical brochures

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  7. Quarry Tile

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  8. photobook2013

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  10. LudoSlate

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  12. Chimney Pots

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  13. sweets 2005

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Archived catalogs

  1. East Lake

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  2. LudoShake

    3 Pages

  3. LudoSlate

    8 Pages