Matters 2023


Catalog excerpts

Matters 2023 - 3

Matters. Like the materials that make up our world. Like what matters, what’s valuable and meaningful to us. We set out from the ground up, from the essential aspects of everyday life, to better comprehend their nature and impact on our lives. Materials combined so that they could be viewed from a new perspective. Matters is a suggestion, a reflection, and invitation to experiment.

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Matters 2023 - 4

variation # 1 Texture geometriche e tagli netti esaltano la robustezza e la solidità del legno. Le tonalità più scure delle essenze si uniscono armoniosamente alla vivacità dei tessuti, creando equilibrio visivo e soluzioni sofisticate. Geometric textures and clean cuts highlight the sturdiness and solidity of the wood. The darker tones of the timbers balance out the vitality of the fabrics, creating visual harmony and sophisticated solutions. Brushed brill Moka oak Chocolat S grey oak on fossil black Satin grey glass Chocolat R grey oak on fossil black Grey oak

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Matters 2023 - 5

variation # 2 Toni caldi e avvolgenti, ispirazioni provenienti dalla natura. Le essenze emergono nelle loro tonalità primarie creando un’atmosfera ricca di sfumature e contrasti. Questa sinfonia richiama l’essenza della terra e la forza degli elementi. Warm and enveloping hues, inspired by nature. The essences emerge in their primary tones, creating an atmosphere full of nuances and contrasts. A symphony that recalls the essence of the earth, and the power of the elements. Natural oak Natural oak Bronze aluminium Clay matt lacquered Chocolat R natural oak Bronze mesh glass Canaletto walnut...

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Matters 2023 - 6

variation # 3 Intagli e lavorazioni tridimensionali impreziosiscono le superfici dei legni. La compattezza dei toni pastello viene ammorbidita dalle trame dei tessuti; l’essenzialità del vetro viene scaldata dai riflessi del bronzo. Carvings and three-dimensional workmanship embellish the surfaces of the wood. The compact pastel tones are softened by the textures of the fabrics; the essential nature of the glass is warmed by bronze reflections. Moka oak Titanium aluminium Matrix B wood Thermowood oak Bronze aluminium Transparent bronze glass Matrix A wood

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Matters 2023 - 7

variation # 4 Variazioni cromatiche in cui il grigio viene interpretato attraverso materiali differenti: dalle essenze ai vetri, dai marmi, alla solidità dell’alluminio. Colour variations where grey is interpreted through different materials, from wood, to glass, to marble, to the solidity of aluminium. Transparent grey glass Lead grey aluminium Grey oak Grey transparent fluted glass Reflective grey glass

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Matters 2023 - 8

The study of wood’s untapped potential evolves, with solutions that turn furniture systems into flexible architectural elements. Tai by Piero Lissoni is a fresh take on boiserie, where energy and depth are merged in a symmetrical alternation of geometric decorations in relief.

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Matters 2023 - 9

variation # 5 Texture inaspettate prendono forma grazie all’intensità dei toni scuri e si contrappongono a vetri dal sapore industriale, in un equilibrio elegante e contemporaneo. Unexpected textures take shape thanks to the intensity of dark tones, juxtaposed with glasses with a dash of industrial style, striking an elegant and contemporary balance. Vertical black fossil oak Black smooth leather Dove grey backpainted glass Ying boiserie moka oak Transparent grey glass Black fossil oak

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Matters 2023 - 10

variation # 6 Sperimentazioni innovative sulla materia. Il vetro serigrafato insieme alla boiserie Tai: specchio e alluminio in una contaminazione di elementi, come espressione del dialogo fra tradizione e tecnologia. Innovative experimentation with matter. Screen-printed glass with Tai boiserie: mirror and aluminium in a contamination of elements, expressing the dialogue between tradition and technology. Moka oak Iron grey matt lacquered Liquorice on transparent grey glass Black aluminium Reflective grey glass Tai on black fossil oak

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Matters 2023 - 11

variation # 7 Testa di moro, verde salvia, arancio. Calde tonalità autunnali si alternano alla trasparenza di vetri caratterizzati da texture tridimensionali. Dark brown, sage green, orange. Warm hues alternate with the transparency of glass, characterised by three-dimensional textures. Matrix B Bronze aluminium Marks satin extraclear glass Ivory matt lacquered Satin bronze glass Canaletto walnut Flutes Mini satin pure white backpainted glass

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Matters 2023 - 12

variation # 8 Toni chiarissimi e trasparenze si fondono con accenti azzurri e blu per un mood quasi etereo. Light tones and transparencies blend with light and darker blue details to create a near-ethereal mood. Chalk white backpainted glass Natural aluminium Rippled glass White aluminium Flutes Mini satin extraclear glass White aluminium Transparent extraclear fluted glass Marks extraclear glass

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Matters 2023 - 13

The exploration of glass and its new potential paves the way for the study of patterns and decorations that embellish and give the product a new identity. Liquorice is a finish characterised by geometric screen-printed glass decorations that embellish the lines of the door frames and glass surfaces.

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Matters 2023 - 14

Lualdi Spa Via Kennedy 20010 Marcallo con Casone (MI) T. +39 02 94363000 Showroom Milano Foro Buonaparte 74 20121 Milano T. +39 02 8052445 Miami Lualdi Inc. 6101 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33137 T. +1 305 5764333 New York 584 Broadway, suite 1005. New York, NY 10012 T. +1 212 334 4544 Los Angeles 8784 Beverly Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90048 T. +1 310 734 7088 a.d. Lissoni Graphx foto Andrea Ferrari styling Studio Salaris retouching, pre press A. De Pedrini stampa Grafiche Mariano 2023 I...

Open the catalog to page 14

All Lualdi catalogs and technical brochures

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