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Listotech Srl is the sister company of Precompressi spa that for over 60 years has had a leadership role in the design and manufacture of industrial prestressed elements. The 10.000m2 production plant is equipped with the latest technology on the market and has over 20 m Euro in revenue and 60 employees. Listotech srl est née de PRECOMPRESSI Spa entreprise qui depuis plus de 60 ans a un rôle de leader dans la conception et la fabrication industrielle d'éléments précontraints . L'usine de production de 10.000 mètres carrés, est équipé des dernières technologies sur le marché avec 20 millions...

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ADAXITE MADE IN ITALY NO PLASTIC NO WOOD NO MAINTANCE NO REPLACEMENT NO SPLINTERS NO BACTERIA OR MOLD THE STONE WITH SOUL One of a kind, due to the high-tech prestressed steel core and Adaxite material composition, LISTOTECH® contains the secret of a highly evolved technology: Prestressing. Used for over a century and now symbolic of great architectural works, LISTOTECH® revolutionizes its scope of application, mastering it and enclosing it in subtle elements with a thickness of only 3 cm. Prestressing makes the stone comes to life, revealing its extraordinary exibility. LISTOTECH slats are...

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Technical installation / Installation technique / Technisches installations / Installacion tecnica Cleaning and treatment / Nettoyage et traitement / Reinigung und Behandlung / Limpieza y tratamiento Glueing Tools / Outils pour coller / Werkzeuge für die Verklebung / Herramientas para pegar Products / Produits / Produkten zum Reinigen und Behandlung / Productos para limpiar y hacer tratamientos Epoxy bicomponent glue Colle composant epoxy Zwei-Komponenten-Epoxid-Kleber Pegamento epoxidico bicomponente Glue gun Pistolet à colle Klebepistole Pistola para pegamento Cutting disk Disques de...

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Technical sheet / Fiche technique / Technisce Datenblatt / Ficha tecnica CHARACTERISTICS DESCRIPTION VALUE Brown (LSM01) - Yellow (LSY01) - Green (LSV01) Dark grey (LSG01) - ICE grey (LS) High-carbon steel wire strands COMPRESSION STRENGTH FLEXURAL STRENGTH ABRASION RESISTANCE WEAR STRENGTH MAXIMUM CONCENTRATED LOAD WITH FIXED HINGED CONTINUOUS SUPPORT Screwed installation on 50 cm support span Screwed installation on 50 cm support span Structural adhesive installation on 50 cm joist span (min. adhesive support lenght 10 cm) MAXIMUM DISTRIBUTED LOAD WITH BEAM/METALLIC FIXED JOISTS...

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LISTOTECH® srl Via De Toni 6 35011 Campodarsego Padova (Italy)

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All LISTOTECH S.r.l. catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Listotech

    41 Pages

  2. metallia

    7 Pages