Catalog excerpts

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COLLEZIONI ACCESSORI / ACCESSORIES COLLECTIONS PIEGÀ CURVÀ accessori muro / wall accessories accessori muro / wall accessories COLLEZIONI APPOGGIO / TABLETOP ACCESSORIES SAON accessori appoggio / tabletop accessories accessori hotellerie / hotel accessories accessori hotellerie / hotel accessories piantana svuotatasche / oor stands with tray portasciugamani / towel rack scopini / toilet brush holders scopini / toilet brush holders HOTEL & CONTRACT INMUCIÀ SCONDI PIANTANE / STANDS TIRELA IMPIÈ POSÀ SCOPINI / BRUSH HOLDERS SKOATI BASTON
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LAVABI / WASHBASINS MOMON ACQUAIO MASTELA lavabi mattstone / mattstone washbasin vasche / washbasin lavabo consolle / frame with washbasin top DOCCIA / SHOWER ISTÀ doccia da esterni / outdoor shower CONTENITORI & MOBILI / CABINETS & FURNITURE CIACOLE INCASTRÀ CANAVERA LUNI contenitori alluminio / aluminum cabinets lavabo porta accessori / accessorized washbasin mobili bambù / bamboo furniture collection mobili lavagna magnetica / magnetic blackboard furniture specchi / mirrors specchi / mirrors specchi / mirrors SPECCHI & LAMPADE / MIRRORS & LAMPS SPECI DEDRIO SCALIN FINITURE SPECIALI /...
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54703 SCAGNI / 8060-8061-8063 CIACOLE / 52813-52814-52816-52801-52803-52804 SKUARA / 54211-54214 CRUI / 5685 SPECI / 53441 BANDONI / 5021 BASTON / 5136 PIEGÀ / COLLEZIONI ACCESSORI / ACCESSORIES COLLECTIONS PIEGÀ CURVÀ accessori muro / wall accessories accessori muro / wall accessories
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PIEGÀ design Manuele De Pretto - LAB, 2012 Una essenziale collezione di accessori realizzata da un unico foglio di alluminio. An essential bathroom accessories collection, made from a single sheet of aluminum. Portarotolo e riviste in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum plate toilet paper and magazines holder 395 Barra porta salvietta in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum tower holder Appendino in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum hanger 150 COLLEZIONI ACCESSORI / ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES
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CURVÀ design Emiliano Aiardi - LAB, 2013 Una serie morbida e funky: perchè la bellezza senza espressività è noiosa. A soft and funky series: because beauty without expression is boring. Specchio con lati in alluminio verniciato e mensole, illuminato a LED, prevedere accensione a muro / Mirror with dust painted aluminum sides, shelves and LED lighting, wall light switch necessary 640
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Mensola in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust Painted aluminum shelf Mensola con porta salviette in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum shelf and towel holder 800 Available with SX or DX hole Barra portasalviette e porta accessori in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum towel and accessories bracket COLLEZIONI ACCESSORI / ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES
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Portaspazzolini in melamina e coperchio in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Melamine and dust painted aluminum cover toothbrush holder 85 Portasapone in melamina e coperchio in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Melamine and dust painted aluminum cover soap dish 130 Scatola in melamina e coperchio in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Melamine and dust painted aluminum cover box 205
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Appendino doppio in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum double hanger 130 Portarotolo in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum toilet paper holder 176 COLLEZIONI ACCESSORI / ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES
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81143-81142-81111 LUNI / 54213 CRUI / 53694 ACQUAIO / 3902-3905-44025 SAON / COLLEZIONI APPOGGIO / TABLETOP ACCESSORIES accessori appoggio / tabletop accesories
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SAON design Alberto Demel LAB, Lineabeta R&D, 2013 Semplice e rigorosa collezione di accessori da appoggio, dalle molteplici niture e colori. A simple and precise collection of counter accessories, round or rectangular, made of different materials and colors. Tazza in ceramica portaspazzolini / Ceramic toothbrush holder 78 Spandisapone in alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum liquid soap dispenser 80 COLLEZIONI APPOGGIO / TABLETOP ACCESSORIES
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Spandisapone in vetro riciclato colorato inclinato con beccuccio cromato / Recycled, tilted colored glass liquid soap dispenser with chromed pump 85 Spandisapone in vetro riciclato colorato con beccuccio cromato / Recycled colored glass soap dispenser with chromed pump 90 Recycled colored glass candle holder Bicchiere in vetro riciclato colorato / Recycled colored glass tumbler 84 Portacandela in vetro riciclato colorato /
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52906-52907-52914-52903 VENESSIA / 5345 BASKET / 55861 MEVEDO / 5632 SPECI / 54231 MUCI / 53559 MOMON / 81118 CANAVERA / 53262 OTEL / 71901-44281 SAON / HOTEL & CONTRACT INMUCIÀ SCONDI accessori hotellerie / hotel accessories accessori hotellerie / hotel accessories
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INMUCIÀ design Manuele De Pretto - LAB, 2012 Funzionale contenitore portarotoli a muro, che può contenere no a quattro rotoli. A practical toilet paper holder, and it can store up to four rolls. Portarotoli con supporto in mattstone e alluminio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted aluminum and mattstone toilet paper holder with supply 125
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SCONDI design Manuele De Pretto - LAB, 2012 Per tutto ciò che in bagno dobbiamo discretamente nascondere (ma tenere a portata di mano). For everything that we should discreetly hide in the bathroom, although keeping them at hand. Portarotolo con contenitore in acciaio verniciato a polveri / Dust painted steel plate toilet paper holder and container 270 HOTEL & CONTRACT
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54233-54232 MUCI / 5258 PICOLA / 52372-55003-55006 NOANTA / 5112 IMPIÈ / 71901 SAON / 53708 QUARELO / 5707 CIARI / 5656 SPECI / 5131 POSÀ / 8031 BEJ / PIANTANE & STANDS TIRELA IMPIÈ POSÀ piantana svuotatasche / oor stands with tray portasciugamani / towel rack
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TIRELA design Zaven, 2012 Tante barre liformi, disposte ad altezze diverse e verniciate a polveri in diversi colori, capaci di reggere tanti asciugamani. Nudi, sono bellissimi da ammirare nella loro semplicità. It is composed by many dust painted wiry bars set to different heights, capable of holding many towels: although they are beautiful even naked. Piantana porta salvietta in metallo verniciato a polveri / Dust painted metal rod towel rack 610 PIANTANE / STANDS
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320 Pages