Catalog excerpts

La creatività applicata al vivere quotidiano, l'oggetto-lampada pensato e plasmato per trovare nell'architettura d'interni la sua cornice esemplare. Questo è STUDIO, la nuova linea concepita da LEUCOS come laboratorio d'indagine sull'evoluzione degli stili e delle funzioni, su nuovi materiali e sorgenti alternative. Apparecchi belli come sculture, professionali per la stringente aderenza alle esigenze dell'abitare contemporaneo. – Creativity applied to everyday life, the lamp-object thought and created to find its best setting in interior architecture. This is STUDIO, the new range...
Open the catalog to page 3
tavolo table sospensione suspension parete/plafone wall/ceiling incassi recessed downlights Incasso a scomparsa totale in gesso bianco naturale decorabile. Fully recessed fixture made of decoratable natural white plaster Incasso a scomparsa totale in metallo o alluminio. Fully recessed fixture made of metal or aluminium. Incasso decorativo con diffusore in metallo o alluminio. Decorative recessed fixture with metal or aluminium diffuser. Incasso decorativo con diffusore in vetro. Decorative recessed fixture with glass diffuser. Incasso per installazione da esterno/interno. Recessed fitting...
Open the catalog to page 6
dual inside – In essence, Dual Inside is the meeting of sound and light within a single design element. A technology unique in the world that combines a traditional lamp with high fidelity sound reproduction by means of wireless systems, and can be controlled with extreme ease by any user. Thanks to Sensai technology, a Japanese word that evokes the sought-after values of refinement, harmony and domestic tranquillity. A technology that can be defined as “transversal and versatile” owing to its ease of application. The label distinguishing these products includes all the elements required...
Open the catalog to page 7
Lampada da tavolo in resina poliuretanica compatta con vernice poliestere in bianco lucido. Diffusore in metacrilato trasparente microprismato. FLECHA DESIGN / JORGE PENSI – Table lamp in compact polyurethane resin, finished in gloss white. Transparent, micro-prismatic methacrylate diffuser – Tischleuchte aus kompaktem Polyurethanharz mit weiß glänzendem PolyesPolyesterlack. Schirm aus transparentem Methacrylat mit Mikroprismen – Lampe de table en résine polyurétane compacte avec peinture polyester de couleur blanche brillante. Diffuseur en méthacrylate transparent à microprismes – Làmpara...
Open the catalog to page 9
studio = living architectural
Open the catalog to page 11
– Wall lamp in compact polyurethane resin, finished in gloss white. Transparent, micro-prismatic methacrylate diffuser – Wandleuchte aus kompaktem Polyurethanharz mit weiß glänzendem Polyesterlack. Schirm aus transparentem Methacrylat mit Mikroprismen – Applique en résine polyurétane compacte avec peinture polyester de couleur blanche brillante. Diffuseur en méthacrylate transparent à microprismes – Lámpara de pared de resina poliuretánica compacta con pintura poliestireno de color blanco brillante. Difusor de metacrilato transparente microprismático – Бра из компактной полиуретановой смолы...
Open the catalog to page 12
Open the catalog to page 13
– Suspension lamp in compact polyurethane resin, finished in gloss white. Transparent, micro-prismatic methacrylate diffuser – Hängelampe aus kompaktem Polyurethanharz mit weiß glänglänzendem Polyesterlack. Schirm aus transparentem Methacrylat mit Mikroprismen – Suspension en résine polyurétane compacte avec peinture polyester de couleur blanche brillante. Diffuseur en méthacrylate transparent à microprismes – Lámpara de suspensuspensión de resina poliuretánica compacta con pintura poliestireno de color blanco brillante. Difusor de metacrilato transparente micromicroprismático – Подвесной...
Open the catalog to page 14
– Two sizes hanging lamp in borosilicate glass with shaded chrome-plated finishing and chrome-plated metal. Combination option – Hängeleuchte in zwei Größen aus Borosilikatglas mit abgetönter verchromter Feinarbeit und verchromtem Metall. Zusammenstellungsmöglichkeit – Suspension en deux tailles en verre borisilicate avec finissage chromé viré et métal chromé. Possibilité de composition – Lámpara de suspensión en dos tamaños, en vidrio borosilicatado con acabados cromatizados matizados y metal cromado. Posibilidad de composición – Подвесной светильник в двух размерах, из боросиликатного...
Open the catalog to page 15
ROSONE VERSIONE LED LED CANOPY VERSION – Two sizes hanging lamp in borosilicate glass with shaded chrome-plated finishing and chrome-plated metal. Combination option – Hängeleuchte in zwei Größen aus Borosilikatglas mit abgetönter verchromter Feinarbeit und verchromtem Metall. Zusammenstellungsmöglichkeit – Suspension en deux tailles en verre borisilicate avec finissage chromé viré et métal chromé. Possibilité de composition – Lámpara de suspensión en dos tamaños, en vidrio borosilicatado con acabados cromatizados matizados y metal cromado. Posibilidad de composición – Подвесной светильник...
Open the catalog to page 16
Lampada a sospensione in due dimensioni, in vetro borosilicato con finitura cromatizzata sfumata e metallo cromato. Possibilità di composizione. BEAMER 11 S3 Ø 12 Ø 4.3/4” – Two sizes hanging lamp in borosilicate glass with shaded chrome-plated finishing and chrome-plated metal. Combination option – Hängeleuchte in zwei Größen aus Borosilikatglas mit ababgetönter verchromter Feinarbeit und verchromtem Metall. ZusamZusammenstellungsmöglichkeit – Suspension en deux tailles en verre boborisilicate avec finissage chromé viré et métal chromé. Possibilité de composition – Lámpara de suspensión en...
Open the catalog to page 17All Leucos srl catalogs and technical brochures
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LAGUNA P35 ´platino´
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1 Pages
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general catalogue
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Archived catalogs
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22 Pages
Collection 2007 (EN + IT)
30 Pages