Catalog excerpts

– In the sixties, the design meets the Murano glass. Renewal and tradition give birth to the LEUCOS style. The range IDEA today reinterprets that creative flash, respecting the original model, but at the same time being ready to welcome every modern expression of the design that regards glass as its mean and goal. The results are devices of great aesthetic rigour, perfect synthesis of formal research and material innovation. Negli anni Sessanta, il design incontra il vetro di Murano, rinnovamento e tradizione danno vita allo stile LEUCOS. La linea IDEA reinterpreta oggi quel lampo creativo,...
Open the catalog to page 3
tavolo table sospensione suspension parete/plafone wall/ceiling
Open the catalog to page 6
Lampada a sospensione in vetro borosilicato contenente graniglia in vetro rosso o fili bianchi di colatura. Struttura in metallo cromato. Ø6 2.3/8” – Hanging lamp in borosilicate glass containing red glass grit or white lines of curtaining. Frame in chrome-plated metal – Hängeleuchte aus Borosilikatglas mit Kies aus rotem Glas oder mit Fäden aus Ablaufen. Gestell aus verchromtem Metall – Suspension en verre borosilicate contenant du gravier en verre rouge ou des fils blancs de coulure. Armature en métal chromé – Lámpara de suspensión en vidrio borosilicatado con terrazo en vidrio rojo o...
Open the catalog to page 8
Lampada da terra in vetro borosilicato contenente graniglia in vetro rosso o fili bianchi di colatura. Struttura in metallo cromato, base in metallo (TR), base in cemento con maniglia in tondino da armatura (TR1). SHAKER TR1 – Floor lamp in borosilicate glass containing red glass grit or white borosilicate red lines of curtaining. Frame in chrome-plated metal, base in metal chrome-plated (TR) and base in cement with handle in reinforcing rod for scaffoldreinforcing rod scaf ing (TR1) – Lampadaire en verre borosilicate contenant du gravier Lampadaire verre borosilicate en verre rouge ou des...
Open the catalog to page 10
idea = timeless design
Open the catalog to page 11
idea = timeless design
Open the catalog to page 12
Open the catalog to page 14
– Floor lamp with borosilicate glass diffuser and semitransparent copper- or chrome-plated finishing. Frame in metal with copcopper- or chrome-plated staff, and rust or anthracite painted base. Touch-dimmer switch – Stehleuchte mit Schirm aus BorosilikatBorosilikatglas und halbdurchsichtiger verkupferter oder verchromter FeiFeinarbeit. Gestell aus Metall mit verkupfertem oder verchromtem Stab und Rost- oder Anthrazit-lackiertem Fuß. Schalter vom Typ Touch-Dimmer – Lampadaire avec diffuseur en verre borosilicate et finissage cuivré ou chromé semi-transparent. Armature en métal avec hampe...
Open the catalog to page 15
Lampada da sospensione con diffusore in vetro borosilicato e finitura ramata o cromata semi trasparente. Struttura in metallo con finitura ramata o cromata in accoppiamento con il diffusore. Ø6 2.3/8” CLOCHE DESIGN / DANILO DE ROSSI – Hanging lamp with borosilicate glass diffuser and semitransparent copper- or chrome-plated finishing. Frame in metal with copper- or chrome-plated finishing matched with the diffuser – Hängeleuchte mit Schirm aus Borosilikatglas und halbdurchsichtiger verkupferter oder verchromter Feinarbeit. Gestell aus Metall mit verkupferter oder verchromter Feinarbeit je...
Open the catalog to page 16
Open the catalog to page 18
– Table lamp with borosilicate glass diffuser and semitransparent copper- or chrome-plated finishing. Frame in metal with copcopper- or chrome-plated staff, and rust or anthracite painted base. Push-dimmer switch – Tisch- leuchte mit Schirm aus BorosilikatBorosilikatglas und halbdurchsichtiger verkupferter oder verchromter FeiFeinarbeit. Gestell aus Metall mit verkupfertem oder verchromtem Stab und Rost- oder Anthrazit-lackiertem Fuß. Schalter vom Typ Push-Dimmer – Lampe de table en verre borosilicate et finissage cuivré ou chromé semi-transparent. Armature en métal avec hampe cuivrée ou...
Open the catalog to page 19
WIMPY DESIGN / R. TOSO, N. MASSARI & ASSOCIATES WITH G. TOSO – Two sizes wall and ceiling lamp in white satin-finished blown glass. LED or incandescent light source – Wand- und DeckenDeckenleuchte in zwei Größen aus weiß-satiniertem geblasenem Glas. LED-Lichtquelle oder glühlampen – Applique et plafonnier en deux tailles en verre soufflé satiné blanc. Source lumineuse à LED ou à incandescence – Lámpara de pared y plafón en vidrio soplado blanco satinado, en dos variantes dimensionales. Fuente de luz de LED ou à incandescence – Настенный светильник и плафон из белого сатинированного дутого...
Open the catalog to page 20
– Two sizes wall and ceiling lamp in white satin-finished blown glass. LED or incandescent light source – Wand- und DeckenDeckenleuchte in zwei Größen aus weiß-satiniertem geblasenem Glas. LED-Lichtquelle oder glühlampen – Applique et plafonnier en deux tailles en verre soufflé satiné blanc. Source lumineuse à LED ou à incandescence – Lámpara de pared y plafón en vidrio soplado blanco satinado, en dos variantes dimensionales. Fuente de luz de LED ou à incandescence – Настенный светильник и плафон из белого сатинированного дутого стекла, в двух размерных вариантах. Источник света в а LED...
Open the catalog to page 21
Lampada da parete e plafone in vetro soffiato bianco satinato, in due varianti dimensionali. Sorgente luminosa a LED (WIMPY PP32). 9 3.1/2” – Two sizes wall and ceiling lamp in white satin-finished blown glass. LED light source (WIMPY PP32) – Wand- und Deckenleuchte in zwei Größen aus weiß-satiniertem geblasenem Glas. LED-Lichtquelle (WIMPY PP32) – Applique et plafonnier en deux tailles en verre soufflé satiné blanc. Source lumineuse à LED (WIMPY PP32) – Lámpara de pared y plafón en vidrio soplado blanco satinado, en dos variantes dimensionales. Fuente de luz de LED (WIMPY PP32) – Настенный...
Open the catalog to page 22All Leucos srl catalogs and technical brochures
Leucos 2016
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LAGUNA P60 Delta
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2 Pages
3 Pages
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beamer 11s3
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shaker tr 1
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229 Pages
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2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
LAGUNA P35 ´platino´
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2 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
general catalogue
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Archived catalogs
14 Pages
22 Pages
Collection 2007 (EN + IT)
30 Pages