Catalog excerpts

GENERAL CATALOGUE www.lennoxemea.com LENNOX'}
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Introduction Facts and figures • Production centers • Training Center • Our engagements F-Gas and Ecodesign information • A world of applications High efficiency packaged air treatment unit 27 eNeRGy eNeRGy+ Rooftop packaged units Air cooled rooftop packaged units BALTIC Commercial packaged and split air units Packaged air conditioners AQUALEAN Split units FLATAIR FIC/FIH/FIX & FSC/FSH - COMPACTAIR CIC/CIH & CSC/CSH - AIRCOOLAIR CIC/CIH & ASC/ASH Chillers & Heat pumps Air cooled condensers & dry-coolers Air cooled chillers/heat pumps eCOMFORT - ECOLEAN - AQUA4 - NEOSYS Water cooled chiller &...
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LENNOX EMEA (European Middle-East Africa), part of Lennox International Incorporated (LII) is a leading provider of climate control solutions for heating, air conditioning and refrigeration markets and has the commitment to assisting its customers in their projects, to provide optimized and sustainable solutions. LENNOX EMEA ensures that each employee flourishes within the group, so as to contribute to the success of our customers’ projects. Every day we develop our reputation by providing maximum comfort and efficiency through our air conditioning and refrigeration solutions. Our reputation...
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HEAD OFFICE EMEA : Lyon (France) EUROPEAN PRODUCTION AND R&D SITES : Burgos (Spain): Plant Dijon, Lyon (France): Plants Lyon (France): European Development center SUBSIDIARIES AND REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES : Belgium and Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom. CURRENT DISTRIBUTION NETWORK : Algeria, Bahrain, Belarus, Botswana, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Morocco, Norway, Oman, Romania, Russia, Serbia,...
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Our engagements INNOVATION Technologies evolve, regulations too: the LENNOX EMEA R&D teams work to invent solutions that, day after day, improve the lives of our customers, responding to ever changing expectations : • Ease of installation • Energy efficiency: how to provide the highest level of comfort while minimising energy costs On a 4000 m² site, product ranges are tested in one of our 5 tests chambers including Rooftop room, Chiller rooms, Refrigeration room and 2 Lifetest cold rooms. The Rooftop room is the largest in Europe, able to qualify units up to 250 kW cooling capacity and...
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Our engagements Training Center E M E A To enhance your refrigeration and air conditioning skills, in an ever changing technological and regulatory environment To increase your competitive advantage in an ever changing technological and regulatory environment, for refrigeration and air conditioning, LENNOX EMEA offers you a European training center, to : • Improve your operational knowledge • Optimise your professional activities • Become more competitive. Modern and innovative, situated at the heart of one of our European manufacturing site in France, this complex benefits from all the...
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Our engagements Sustainable development Sustainable performance Perfectly aware of the importance of all ecologic issues, LENNOX EMEA is involved in : • Planning and making commitments for the long term, conducive to the fulfilment of everyone’s needs and the development of ever more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. • Answering high environmental standards by developing low GWP solutions, respecting all environmental directives and our customers needs in energy consumption savings. • All of our products, developed by a team of technical experts, meet the normative requirements...
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F-Gas regulations The F-Gas recommendation on fluorinated fluids imposes : • Bans of some refrigerant for some applications • Frequent inspections (with or without leak protection systems) • Qualification of companies and participants. Usage restrictions for new equipment: Concerning air conditioning applications, the only regulatory point to be taken into account is the following one : Perfectly aware of the importance of all ecologic issues, LENNOX EMEA have been working hardly since a long time, on alternative solutions reducing as much as possible the environmental impact of their...
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Ecodesign directive 2009/125/EC GENERAL INFORMATION Ecodesign: origins & perspectives • KYOTO (1997), COP21 (Paris 2015) and COP 22 (Marrackech 2016) define the targets to restrict the global warming to 1,5°C. • Ecodesign directive 2009/125/EC define a framework for all energy-consuming equipments. It is mandatory for all products sold and used in European Union. • The regulations resulting from Ecodesign define, for each product family, minimum efficiencies to achieve in 2 steps. Rules The regulation ensue from Ecodesign are mandatory to apply, even if the local governments don’t implement them...
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ROOFTOP ranges Rules EU 2016/2281 1st january 2017/Rev 2018.02 BALTIC & FLEXAIR, water cooled units Concerned without minimum performance to achieve eNeRGy without condenser Range concerned by EU 2014/1253 (ventilation units) BALTIC R-FLEX FLEXAIR eNeRGy Minimal seasonal energy efficiency Since the 1st of January 2018, each unit is delivered with a datasheet as defined in EU 2281/2016. Seasonal efficiency BALTIC C^SGASgn Other items
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UNITARY ranges Rules EU 2016/2281 1st january 2017/Rev 2018.02 Which UNITARY range products are concerned by regulation EU 2016/2281 ? Are concerned since 1st January 2018: • Split and packaged air to air units, • Water to air units • Air handling units sold separately (without condensing unit), • Multi split and VRF units • The condensing units (without air treatment unit) It means that : The minimum performances to achieve are summed up in the following graph: This range is concerned, but no minimum performance to achieve. FLATAIR ADVANCED COMPACTAIR ADVANCED Minimal seasonal energy...
Open the catalog to page 12All Lennox catalogs and technical brochures
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perfectly precise
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4 Pages
LRP16/ LRP14
4 Pages
Lennox VRF
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6 Pages
4 Pages
Elite® Series
4 Pages