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Basaltina Stone Project


Catalog excerpts

Basaltina Stone Project - 1


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Basaltina Stone Project - 2

Quella dura potenza, intrinseca alia pietra. La basaltina, fatta di calore, ceneri, gas, energie millenarie. Il suo grigio naturale rivive oggi nella ceramica, acquistando toni e sfumature nuove. Riempie gli spazi con gusto e discrezione; ogni venatura trattiene una storia. The hard, intrinsic power of stone. The power of earth crystallizes in lava stone. Basalt rock, made of heat, ashes, gas and energies thousands of years old. Its natural grey comes back to life again in ceramics, taking on new tones and variations. It fills spaces with subtle style, as every vein holds a story within.

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Basaltina Stone Project - 3

STUCCATA NATURALE SABBIATA VELVET BASALTINA STONE PROJECT 7 COLORI 7 COLORS lappata stuccata naturale sabbiata sabbiata velvet texture scalpellata

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Basaltina Stone Project - 7


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Basaltina Stone Project - 9


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Basaltina Stone Project - 10

SIZES AND COLORS_FORMATS ET COULEURS_FORMATE UND FARBEN SABBIATA VELVET 30x60cm / 12”x24” nat. rett. (spessore 11mm) lev. rett. (spessore 11mm) 60x60cm / 24”x24” nat. rett. (spessore 11mm) lev. rett. (spessore 11mm)

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Basaltina Stone Project - 11


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Basaltina Stone Project - 12

PEZZI SPECIALITRIMS PIECES SPECIALES FORMSTUCKE MOSAICO 1 sabbiata 28,5x28,5cm / IhuXlhu" LG9BS00 ANGOLO SX GRADINO PLUS* 35x35cm / 133/4"x13s/4" texture nat. LG9BSZ7 ANGOLO DX GRADINO PLUS* 35x35cm / 133/4"x133/4" texture nat. LG9BSY7 ANGOLO SX GRADINO PLUS* 35x120cm / 133/4"x48" sabbiata LG9BSS0 ANGOLO DX GRADINO PLUS* BATTISCOPA 10x60cm / 4"x24" sabbiata sabbiata velvet naturale stuccata scalpellata texture nat. lappata texture lev. RACCORDO JOLLY 1,3x30cm / 1/2"x12" sabbiata sabbiata velvet naturale stuccata lappata scalpellata texture lev. texture nat. BEAK JOLLY 1,3x1,3cm /...

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Basaltina Stone Project - 13

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS_CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES_TECHNISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN BASALTINA STONE PROJECT gres tutta massa UGL full-body porcelain gres cerame en pleine masse vollgemischtes durchgefarbtes feisteinzeug caratteristiche tecniche* technical characteristics caracteristiques techniques technische eigenschaften metodo di prova test method methode d’essai prufmethode fondi plain tile fond unifliese impieghi uses emploi anwendungsbereiche 66 6 6 6 assorbimento d’acqua (E) water absorption (E) absorption d’eau (E) wasserabsorption (E) resistenza al gelo frost resistance resistance au...

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Basaltina Stone Project - 14

KlimaHaus® CasaClima cc _DOPOOILEA_ _05_ LEA CERAMICHE VI* Cameazzo n“21 - 41042 Rorano Modenese (MO) - Italy EN 14411:2012 Dry-pressed ceramic tifcs with low water absorption Kb * 0,5 % for flouting A marchio CE ^leed A ecolabel CASACLIMA Lea Ceramiche, tramite la holding Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A., ha ottenuto la certificazione Partner Casaclima. Through Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A., Lea Ceramiche has obtained the Partner Casaclima certification. Par le biais de Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A., Lea Ceramiche a obtenu la certification Partner Casaclima. Lea...

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Basaltina Stone Project - 15

LEA CERAMICHE Via Cameazzo, 21 41042 Fiorano Modenese Modena Italy Tel +39 0536 837811 Fax +39 0536 830326 Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A. SHOWROOM LEA CERAMICHE Via Durini, 3 20122 Milano Tel +39 02 76011406

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All LEA CERAMICHE catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Side Stone

    45 Pages

  2. Anthology

    57 Pages

  3. Bio Attitude

    43 Pages

  4. Cliffstone

    28 Pages

  5. Bio Recover

    17 Pages

  6. Absolute

    10 Pages

  7. Bio Select

    47 Pages

  8. Nextone

    53 Pages

  9. Waterfall

    43 Pages

  10. Dreaming

    10 Pages

  11. Delight

    55 Pages

  12. Protect

    17 Pages

Archived catalogs