Standard Plant Mix


Catalog excerpts

Standard Plant Mix - 1

Standard Plant Mix Living conditions can be very demanding on rooftops. Plants are subject to extreme temperatures, wind and extended droughts. It is crucial to choose particularly hardy species for extensive green roofs. Sedum, chive, carnations and thyme are succulent plants highly resistant to the multiple sources of stress associated with rooftop living conditions. These plants are able to establish themselves and create long-lasting plant cover. They are capable of withstanding extended dry periods and then resuming their growth. These plant varieties, which vary in height, are blended to obtain plant cover that remains attractive and uniform overtime. Standard plant mix - plant cover with a vibrant appearance Plant cover based on the standard plant mix is low-lying and uniform, but wild. It features colors that change with the seasons and the intensity of the stresses to which the plants are subject. The overall appearance can vary from green, during periods of active growth (spring and fall) to bronze or even reddish-brown when plants are exposed to water shortages or frost. The flowering season is generally May/June, during the summer or in September, depending on the species planted. Flowers tend to be white, yellow or pink. The location and exposure of the project, as well as the degree of maintenance also have a significant impact on the condition of the plants and therefore the general appearance of the roof. These variations in appearance can be enhanced by maintenance. specifications Climate Exposure Weight at System Vegetation General maintenance MWRC thickness height (number of sessions)

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Standard Plant Mix - 2

Assorted perennials Plant cover appearance 95% cover on the date of installation Minimal-maintenance, lightweight vegetation solution vegetal i.D. projects featuring the standard plant mix August (marine west coastal) March (marine west coastal) June (marine west coastal) October (humid continental) April (humid continental) July (humid continental) October (mediterranean) September (mediterranean) July (mediterranean) Maintenance Plant cover using the Standard Plant Mix requires minimal maintenance: the main upkeep operations (described in the ‘‘Maintenance’’ section) can be carried out...

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Standard Plant Mix - 3

logo doit être présent mais pas aussi visible qu’avec le bandeau vert. Ex: page rédactionnelle du classeur, intérieur fiche produit 2. logo doit être moins visible Properties of the main plants in the standard plant mix Latin name Plant height Appearance Flowering season and color 3. logo rectangulaire peu adapté au format Allium Schoenoprasum Allium Senescens ssp. Montanum Armeria Maritima Campanula rotundifolia Dianthus areenarius Dianthus Deltoides Hieracium aurantiaum and pilosella Petrorhagia saxifraga Sedum Angelina L’espace disponible sur le support de communication est peu adapté au...

Open the catalog to page 3
Standard Plant Mix - 4

logo doit être présent mais pas aussi visible qu’avec le bandeau vert. Ex: page rédactionnelle du classeur, intérieur fiche produit 2. logo doit être moins visible Non-exhaustive list. Varieties may vary between batches Latin name Sedum Album Sedum Sexangulare Plant height 3. logo4’’-6’’ rectangulaire peu adapté au format Sedum Spurium Elizabeth Sedum Floriferum Kamtschaticum Sedum Rupestre Sedum Hispanicum Sedum Oreganum Sedum Acre Sedum spurium John Creek Flowering season and color Ground cover J F au format rectangulaire. Logo D visible en format carré. M A M J J A S O N plus Ground cover...

Open the catalog to page 4
Standard Plant Mix - 5

Accent Plant Mix Standard Plant Mix with additional plugs Diversified, flowering plant cover For easy landscaped solutions PLANT VARIETIES he Accent Plant Mix plant cover solution is based on the Standard Plant Mix to which small plugs are added to form landscaped roofs featuring a variety of shapes and colors. Native varieties, herbs and medicinal plants can be included in the mix. The «accent» plugs are added at a density of one to two plants per module, i.e. 0.4 to 0.8 plants per sq. ft. Plants are generally selected to form groups with varied colors that change over the course of the...

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Standard Plant Mix - 6

Custom Plant Mix Personalized plant selections Custom plant cover For landscaped solutions plant varieties ustom Plant Mix offers the most flexible solution; the customer compiles a personalized list of plants for their project and submits their order at least three months in advance. Vegetal i.D.’s team of horticulturists are on hand to offer advice on compiling a suitable list of plants. all waterproofing assemblies any pitch Maintenance exposure Depends upon particular plant mix. Very vari cover ed vegeta Landscap Flexibility Examples of plants used in the Accent Plant Mix

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