Catalog excerpts

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CASTELLAMONTE Stufe da sempre. Persempre. Stoves since 1975. Tradition is a starting point... In the history of Castellamonte lives the presence of a “red thread” that has united countless generations: it is the continuity in the processing of clay, natural raw material, that has always been used for the realization of functional and decorative objects. Roberto Perino and Silvana Neri, are the owners of R. P. Castella-monte, which has been producing artistic handicrafts for many years and has obtained, in 2001, the prestigious “Piedmont Handicraft Award of Excellence”. The firm has been...
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Technology The stoves La Castellamonte are made of ceramic materials with high thermal resistance. The link with the past, respecting the tradition of Castellamonte, is reflected in the forms and fine workmanship of the finely hand painted decorations. In addition, the use of new special technical construction skills makes these stoves “modern” in their functionality: the structure in stackable sectors, fixed dry with an interlocking system, facilitates assembly, disassembly and cleaning operations. The thickness of the ceramic walls varies from 25 to 50 mm. The fireplaces of iron or steel,...
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air can be closed to a minimum with the appropriate register. After the combustion of the charge, in the fireplace will remain a large bed of embers which will last several hours. In need of reactivating burning, it is sufficient to introduce more wood and open the combustion air register. Some models of our production can be equipped with fans that speed up the distribution of convection air, favoring an even more rapid and widespread heating. The outer surface of our stoves, while giving off heat, doesn’t get red-hot and maintains temperatures within the limits which fall in the current...
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Hot air canalization system. Kanalisierungs system der warmluft. Fire is one of the four basic elements of life: air, water, earth and fire are the protagonists, as always, of philosophical theories of peoples and civilizations. Even today, the sight of burning wood in the fireplace has a charm that has its roots in the distant past. It is not only a source of heat, but also arouses feelings such as security, intimacy and tranquility. In our stoves you can appreciate the natural warmth that emanates from the burning logs and the comfort that they help to create. From the practical point of...
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• It is essential to avoid obstacles of various nature, which can create impediments to the smoke output, as well as sudden enlargements that reduce the output speed, creating stagnation. Surveys will be needed to determine the size of the flue to be installed. • If there is need to create a column containing the chimney inside the house, in masonry or prefabricated panels, this will be covered with brick, ceramic tiles or panels, creating a pleasant aesthetic effect. • Having to use an existing chimney, it is necessary to first check its efficiency and possibly provide for repairs where...
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Recommended system for the installation of waterstoves Empfohlene Systemvoraussetzungen für die Installation von Wasser-Kaminöfen. 1. Waterstoves La Castellamonte for models: Vienna 2nd size, Grand’Ovale 1st, 4th and 5th sizes 2. Opened expansion tank with float 3. Overflow drainage 4. System water 5. Insulated security pipe of 1 inch minimum 6. Load pipe of 1 inch minimum 7. Delivery pipe of 1 inch minimum 8. Return pipe of 1 inch minimum 1. Wasser Kaminöfen La Castellamonte für Modelle: Vienna 2 Größe, Grand’Ovale 1, 4 und 5 Größe 2. Geöffnete Expansionsgefäß mit Schwimmer 3. Überlauf...
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OUR MODELS UNSEREN MODELLEN Gran Pellet Volutamente Pellet Stack Collection
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Below: Vienna 1st size, smooth, one colour, Great Fire door. On the right: Vienna 1st size, with fn Great Fire door. Unten: Vienna 1 Grofie, glattes mod. einfarbig, Grofte Feuertur. Rechts: Vienna 1 Grofie, mit Frieze, Grofte Feuertur.
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The Vienna is the flagship of our production. Suitable for large rooms, can also be used as waterstove. Classical, linear, square shaped, blends harmoniously into any environment. It is available in two sizes, with regular door or Great Fire door, and two choices of ceramic coating: with a rich ornament or an easier smooth tile. Das Modell Vienna ist das Flaggschiff unserer Produktion. Es eignet sich für große Räume und kann auch als Warmwasserheizer eingesetzt werden. Klassisch, linear, quadratisch in der Form – passt sich dieser Ofen harmonisch jeder Umgebung an. Er ist in zwei Größen...
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Vienna 1st size Great Fire door Vienna 1 Größe, Große Feuertür Vienna 2nd size Great Fire door Vienna 2 Größe, porte Große Feuertür Vienna 1st size, smooth Great Fire door Vienna 1 Größe, glattes mod., Große Feuertür Regular door Door measures: 22 x 22 cm Fireplace measures: 33 x 36 x 42 cm Great Fire door Door measures: 22 x 32 cm Fireplace measures: 33 x 36 x 120 cm Große Feuertür Tür: 22 x 32 cm Feuerstelle: 33 x 36 x 120 cm Vienna 2nd size, smooth Great Fire door Vienna 2 Größe, glattes mod., Große Feuertür Holz Größe: 30-35 cm 1st size 1 Größe Heat Output / Wärmeleistung * Minimum and...
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Vienna luxury series, 2nd size with frieze, gold decorated, Great Fire door. Vienna Luxus-Serie, 2 Größe, mit Frieze, Gold verzierte, Große Feuertür.
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Vienna 2nd size, smoooth, one colour, Great Fire door. Vienna 2 Grofie, lisse, teinte unie, Grofie Feuertur.
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Vienna 1st size with frieze, one colour, Great Fire door. Vienna 1 Größe, mit friezes, einfarbig, Große Feuertür.
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I 'iennii 2nd size with frieze, hand decorated, Great Fire door Vienna 2 Grofe, mit friezes, handdekoriert, Grofe Fenertu.
Open the catalog to page 16All LA CASTELLAMONTE Stufe di Ceramica catalogs and technical brochures
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Stack The new stoves collection
76 Pages