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IMPERMAX POLYUREA H Hot spray-applied polyurea waterproofing membrane DESCRIPTION Physical state polyurea resin, applied with a hot spray machine, totally free of solvents and mineral totally Non-volatile content waterproofing membrane. (without joints or overlaps), Yellow (without pigmentation) (may darken along Slightly yellow Flash point of high mechanical and external Liquid Metal container fillers. Once cured, it forms a Liquid Metal container thermoset and elastomeric (with the ability to bridge the possible fissures of the support). The membrane heals in a few seconds and its commissioning is in a few hours. Waterproofing of roofs, terraces, and balconies on different types of supports (concrete, metal, old asphalt fabrics, prefabricated membranes), always using a suitable primer. Waterproofing and protection of concrete structures, especially those exposed to the outside. Protective finish of polyurethane insulating foam. Waterproofing of foundations and buried structures. Fast polymerization. See Pot life data. Yellow - brown. Component A is pigmented by addition of pigment paste (Pigment Spray) for Impermax Polyurea H. Keep between 10º y 30ºC. Product is hygroscopic: protect from moisture. Component B may become hazy upon storage at low temperatures. Reheat mildly before use. Use before 12 months since manufacture date Fully continuous, thermoset, flexible and elastic membrane, with an excellent ability to bridge possible fissures of the support. Extremely fast curing and commissioning. Possibility of high solar reflectance finishes type "cool roof" with the Colodur Pigmented in white. It can be exposed to the outside or covered by tiles, concrete or other material. Being a membrane of aromatic nature, if it is exposed to sunlight it is recommended to protect it with an aliphatic protective finish (Colodur Pigmented or Impertrans Eco) to maintain its aesthetic appearance over INFORMATION ON THE FINAL PRODUCT Final state Colour Hardness (Shore) Tear strength Resists continuous contact with stagnant (neutral) water on decks. Elongation at break: 400% Tensile strength: 15 MPa (EN-ISO 527-3) Good resistance to UV-induced degradation. Aromatic polyureas undergo change of colour under sunlight. Additional UV protection can be achieved by application ETA: European Technical Assessment nº 11/062 (W2, 10 years without topcoat and W3, 25 years with protective topcoat, Impertrans Pigmented), certificate of resistance to root penetration is included, based on EN13948. Variable, depending on the chosen pigmentation. For colours available, please contact Krypton Chemical. Solid elastomeric membrane Reaction to fire class: Cfl-s1, based on EN-13501-1. TECHNICAL DATA of a Impertrans Pigmented or Colodur Pigmented topcoat. Abrasion resistance Electric strength Does not break or crack (EN-495-5) INFORMATION ON THE PRODUCT BEFORE APPLICATION Chemical description Adhesion strength Aromatic isocyanate KRYPTON CHEMICAL SL C/ Martí i Franquès, 12 - Pol. Ind. les Tàpies 43890 - l'Hospitalet de l'Infant - Spain Tel: +34 977 822 245 - Fax: +34 977 823 977 –

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IMPERMAX POLYUREA H Hot spray-applied polyurea waterproofing membrane External fire behaviour Reaction to fire Water vapour permeability Chemical resistance Immersion test. Continuous contact. (0=worse, Pressure should be at least between 135 and 170 bar while spraying. 5=better) During application, check layer thickness and curing speed. Chemical Ethyl acetate Isopropyl alcohol Sodium hydroxide (40g/L) Hydrogen Spray Impermax Polyurea H at 2 kg/m2 as a rule. Wind speeds more than 25 km/h may result in excessive loss of exotherm and interfere with the mixing efficiency of the spray gun...

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IMPERMAX POLYUREA H Hot spray-applied polyurea waterproofing membrane For stain removal, a surface treatment with Rayston solvent or isopropyl alcohol may be attempted. Strong acids are totally inadequate. Some solvents may damage the membrane. If this happens, the affected area must be cut and repaired with a new Impermax Polyurea H or Impermax application. Product does not cure Pressure differences Check and correct machine operation open pores Apply suitable primer No primer before Impermax Polyurea H Too little No hiding power Horizontal? Too little pigment Colour change Can it be...

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