Catalog excerpts
Outdoor - Garden Products Produse Gradină Amenajări Exterioare
Open the catalog to page 1English KroneMag® is trademark of KroneMag Millenium ltd. KroneMag este marca inregistrata a firmei Millenium srl. KroneMag® headquarter is in Brasov City, located in the geographical center of Romania. We deliver our products trough our logistic department or specialized transport companies anywhere in Europe. Our company is a supplier for various construction companies, landscape, real estate and urban developers, municipalities and of course all people that are interested in exterior design and urban products from cast iron, aluminum and wood. We supply terrace and garden furniture sets,...
Open the catalog to page 2Cişmele Fountains Cutii Poştale Mail Boxes Mobilier Gradină Garden Furniture Decoraţiuni Exterioare Outdoor Decorations model 601 Bănci Benches Console Perete Wall Brackets Stâlpişori Iluminat Lighting Bollards Stâlpi Iluminat Lighting Poles
Open the catalog to page 3România-Braşov Hărman-507085 Ştefan cel Mare 327M
Open the catalog to page 5Cast Iron Fountains / Cişmele Fontă Best Sale Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 6Aluminium Fountains / Cişmele Aluminiu Best Sale
Open the catalog to page 7Aluminium Fountains / Cişmele Aluminiu
Open the catalog to page 8Aluminium Fountains / Cişmele Aluminiu
Open the catalog to page 9Aluminium|Cast Iron Fountains / Cişmele Aluminiu|Fonta Robineti / Foucets Cast Iron Best Sale
Open the catalog to page 10Cast Iron Fountains / Cişmele Fonta 480 Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 11Garden Fountains / Cişmele Grădină The fountains are integrally from Cast Iron or Aluminum. Can be painted in various (RAL) colors and can be antiqued with following colours: - gold - copper - green - silver Cişmelele sunt turnate integral din Aluminiu sau Fontă. Sunt vopsite in diferite culori (RAL) şi pot fi patinate cu: - auriu - cupru - verde - argintiu Dimensions / Dimensiuni: Karaci Legend / Legendă: H= Height / Inălţime; l= width / lăţime; a= depth / adâncime We protect the environment ! Materials used to manufacture the products are 100% recyclable. Noi protejam mediul ! Materialele...
Open the catalog to page 12MAIL/POST BOXES CUTII POŞTALE
Open the catalog to page 13Post Boxes / Cutii Poştale Best Sale Material Cutii Postale turnate integral din Aluminiu
Open the catalog to page 14Post Boxes / Cutii Poştale Cutii Postale turnate integral din Aluminiu
Open the catalog to page 15Post Boxes / Cutii Poştale Cutii Postale turnate integral din Aluminiu
Open the catalog to page 16Post Boxes / Cutii Poştale Best Sale Cutii Postale turnate integral din Aluminiu
Open the catalog to page 17Post Boxes / Cutii Poştale Post boxes are integrally from Cast Aluminum. Can be painted in various (RAL) colors and can be antiqued with following colours: Cutiile Poştale sunt turnate integral din Aluminiu. Vopsite in diferite culori (RAL) şi pot fi patinate: gold / auriu copper / cupru green / verde silver / argintiu Legend / Legendă: H= Height / Inălţime; l= width / lăţime; a= depth / adâncime We protect the environment ! Materials used to manufacture the products are 100% recyclable. Noi protejam mediul ! Materialele utilizate la fabricarea produselor sunt 100 % reciclabile. Cutii...
Open the catalog to page 18Garden Furniture Mobilier Gradină
Open the catalog to page 19Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina Best Sale
Open the catalog to page 20Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina
Open the catalog to page 21Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina Acacia Wood Lemn Salcam
Open the catalog to page 22Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina Acacia Wood Lemn Salcam
Open the catalog to page 23Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina
Open the catalog to page 24Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina Acacia Wood Lemn Salcam Material
Open the catalog to page 25Garden Furniture / Mobilier Gradina Acacia Wood Lemn Salcam
Open the catalog to page 26Garden Decorations Decoraţiuni Grădină
Open the catalog to page 27Garden Decorations / Decoraţiuni Grădină
Open the catalog to page 28Garden Decorations / Decoraţiuni Grădină
Open the catalog to page 29Garden Decorations / Decoraţiuni Grădină
Open the catalog to page 30Garden Decorations / Decoraţiuni Grădină Ceas Solar
Open the catalog to page 31Garden Decorations / Decoraţiuni Grădină Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 32Cast Iron Benches Bănci Fontă
Open the catalog to page 33Cast Iron Benches / Bănci Fontă Spruce Wood Lemn Molid Cast Iron 701 Spruce Wood Lemn Molid
Open the catalog to page 34Cast Iron Benches / Bănci Fontă Acacia»Spruce»Oak Wood Lemn Salcam»Molid»Stejar Fonta Varna Cast Iron Spruce Wood Lemn Molid
Open the catalog to page 35Cast Iron Benches / Bănci Fontă Spruce Wood Lemn Molid Cast Iron Spruce Wood Lemn Molid
Open the catalog to page 36Wall Brackets Lămpi de Perete
Open the catalog to page 37Wall Brackets / Lămpi de Perete Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 38Wall Brackets / Lămpi de Perete Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 39Wall Brackets / Lămpi de Perete K344/200 K341/200
Open the catalog to page 40Lighting Bollards Stâlpişori de Iluminat
Open the catalog to page 41Lighting Bollards / Stâlpişori de Iluminat
Open the catalog to page 42Lighting Bollards / Stâlpişori de Iluminat So200/200P
Open the catalog to page 43Lighting Bollards / Stâlpişori de Iluminat
Open the catalog to page 44Lighting Poles Stâlpi de Iluminat
Open the catalog to page 45Lighting Poles / Stâlpi de Iluminat Best Sale Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 46Lighting Poles / Stâlpi de Iluminat Cast Iron
Open the catalog to page 47Lighting Poles / Stâlpi de Iluminat Metal Plastic
Open the catalog to page 48Lighting Poles / Stâlpi de Iluminat Metal Plastic Best Sale
Open the catalog to page 49Lighting Poles / Stâlpi de Iluminat Metal Plastic
Open the catalog to page 50Local I in Tap Afacen Rumania 2(111 .^ou can jind" more products on our AVeGsite .mat muftc proause gasiti pc site~uC nostru
Open the catalog to page 51KRONEMAG MILLENIUM srl RO - Braşov - Hărman - 507085 str. Stefan cel Mare 327M Tel RO : +40.268.477.587 : +40.268.477.585 Tel EU : +40.268.477.583 Fax : +40.268.477.586 Distributor / Distribuitor: Deutschland / Schweiz / Österreich: Magyarország: Europe: Products presented in this catalog, represents a summary from KroneMag offer. Die Produkte die in diesem Katalog vorgestellt sind, stellen eine Zusammenfassung von KroneMag anbieten. Produsele prezentate in acest catalog reprezinta doar sumarul ofertei...
Open the catalog to page 52All KRONEMAG MILLENIUM srl catalogs and technical brochures
Urban and Garden Furniture KroneMag
168 Pages