Catalog excerpts

Table of contents - Inhoudstafel Photo index Kwadro Vertical and Horizontal 109 Mini Square Rokko 424 Small Square Side 437 Square Side in-Line 453 Small Side in-Line 461 Small Square Side in-Line 461 Mini Side in-Line 465 Mini Up Circular Outdoor 471 Mini Up in-Line Outdoor 507 Mini Up Circular in-Line Outdoor 509 Up Circular in-Line Outdoor 514 Kreon ceiling solutions 540 Photometrical data General terms and conditions 616 Kreon offices
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Project Villa Sud Location Cannes, France Beauty is not created by adding one more detail; it is conceived by removing the last. The design of our collection represents a way of thinking that reduces each product to the essential components without compromise. Luminance and illumination are the primary goals. The luminaire requires a deep understanding of the intrinsic nature and unified elements of architectural styles. It constitutes a detail that can reflect and integrate in architecture within the purest form, enhancing and adding value to its environment. The essential elements of each...
Open the catalog to page 3
Photo index - Foto-index Profile systems Prologe in-Dolma Prologe in-Line Prologe Ligna Rei profile recessed mounted Diapason Erubo Recessed floor luminaires Prologe on-Regule Xharon on-Styx Xharon on-Track Mini Up Outdoor Mini Up Circular Up in-Line Up in-Line Circular Mini Up in-Line Mini Up in-Line Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Circular Outdoor Up Circular Double Up Mini Up Free standing luminaires Diapason Totem Esprit Semi-recessed wall luminaires Mini Rokko Mini Square Recessed wall luminaires Down 55 45765° Flat Down 55 Side Side in-Line UpXC Wall mounted luminaires Pendant luminaires...
Open the catalog to page 4
Photo index - Foto-index Semi-recessed ceiling luminaires Regard Regard Regard double Recessed ceiling luminaires Aplis 40 Aplis in-Line 40 Aplis £ Aplis 120 Aplis in-Line 120 Aplis 165 Aplis in-Line 165 Down 35 Down 55 Down in-Line 55 Down in-Line 76 Down 40 Down in-Line 40 Down £ Down 120 Down in-Line 120 Down 165 Down in-Line 165 Down 113 Down in-Line 153 Down 183 Down in-Line 183
Open the catalog to page 5
Aplis Circular integration When Le Corbusier published “Vers une Architecture”, a new approach to architecture was developed. It was a period of “purification” of forms and celebration of plane surfaces and orthogonal angles. Kreon has always pledged the values of Le Corbusier’s postulate looking for sober, efficient and geometrical purity throughout its right angled collection. In an attempt to improve the dialogue with the increasing demands for organic forms within contemporary architecture, Kreon sets a milestone in its long time orthogonal philosophy: Aplis. A round recessed spotlight...
Open the catalog to page 6
Aplis 40 is developed for LED light sources. Aplis 40 can be rotated up to 360° and tilted by 30° without compromising the recessed position of the lamp or the glare control. The luminaire can aim at both vertical and horizontal surfaces. Aplis 40 is equipped with a TIR lens holder and antiglare ring. Aplis 40 is ontwikkeld voor LED lichtbronnen. Doordat de lichtbron 360° kan roteren en 30° kan inclineren, kunnen zowel objecten als wanden uitgelicht worden. Met een maximale inclinatie van 30° wordt in elke toepassing een verblindingsvrije verlichting gegarandeerd. Aplis 40 is voorzien van...
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Project Light+Building 2014 Location Frankfurt, Germany Photographer Frank Dora Aplis 40 name lamptype naam lamptype dikte afwerkplaat max. watt thickness boardmaterial max. watt drive current installation manuals: www.kreon.com kreon lens optiek optioneel installation manuals: www.kreon.com included lens optic
Open the catalog to page 8
Aplis 80 is developed for QR-CBC51 and LED light sources. Aplis 80 can be rotated up to 360° and tilted by 30° without compromising the recessed position of the lamp or the glare control. The luminaire can aim at both vertical and horizontal surfaces. Aplis 80 is equipped with a filter holder and antiglare ring. Aplis 80 is ontwikkeld voor QR-CBC51 en LED lichtbronnen. Doordat de lichtbron 360° kan roteren en 30° kan inclineren, kunnen zowel objecten als wanden uitgelicht worden. Met een maximale inclinatie van 30° wordt in elke toepassing een verblindingsvrije verlichting gegarandeerd....
Open the catalog to page 9
rotatie/ inclinatie rotation/ inclination rotation/ inclination rotatie/ inclinatie thickness boardmaterial dikte afwerkplaat thickness boardmaterial dikte afwerkplaat 1 filter magazijn oriëntatie voltage drive current 1 filter holder orientation optional plasterkit concrete 1 filter magazijn oriëntatie pleisterkit beton optional plasterkit concrete pleisterkit beton louvres & lenses louvers & lenzen sculpture lens sculpteer lens louvres & lenses diffusing lens sculpture lens sculpteer lens diffusing lens anti-glare louvre anti verbl. louver louvers & lenzen * For correct build-in...
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Aplis 120 aplis 120 directional Aplis 120 is developed for lightsources ranging from 13,6W to 60W. High efficiency aluminium reflectors for QT12-ax, HIT-TC-CE and LED are easy to install and provide great flexibility in lighting effects to suit any project requirement. The standard range is equipped with an antiglare ring. Additional filters can be inserted into the same ring. Aplis 120 is ontwikkeld voor lichtbronnen variërend van 13,6W tot 60W. Aluminium hoog rendementsreflectoren voor QT12-ax, HIT-TC-CE en LED zijn zeer eenvoudig te installeren wat het mogelijk maakt om de lichteffecten...
Open the catalog to page 11
name lamptype Project Private residence Location Brussels, Belgium naam lamptype thickness boardmaterial dikte afwerkplaat drive current spot reflector spot reflector flood reflector flood reflector wide flood refl. wide flood refl. pleisterpl. beton plasterkit concrete Remarks * For correct build-in dimensions check installation manual. ** All connections in plenum should be also IP44. Opmerkingen * Voor de juiste inbouwmaten controleer de installatiehandleiding. ** Alle connecties in het plenum moeten ook IP44 zijn. installation manuals: www.kreon.com kreon Architect Serge Roose...
Open the catalog to page 12All KREON catalogs and technical brochures
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side in-line
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Archived catalogs
Novelties 2016
41 Pages
Novelties 2015
39 Pages
Kreon Acoustic Systems
23 Pages
kreon Novelties
39 Pages
Kreon LEED
17 Pages
Catalogue - Catalogus 2012-2013
550 Pages
US Catalog 2012-2013
169 Pages
Kreon Ceiling brochure 2014
37 Pages
Kreon Tools of Light 2012-2013 E-N
261 Pages