Kreon Tools of Light 2012-2013 E-N
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Catalog excerpts

Kreon Tools of Light 2012-2013 E-N - 2

Table of contents - Inhoudstafel Introduction Inleiding Down in-Line 152 Down in-Line 55 154 Down in-Line 76 157 Photo index Down in-Line 80 168 Foto-index 6 Down in-Line 153 173 Down in-Line 165 184 Aplis 10 Down in-Line 183 193 Aplis 80 12 Aplis 165 14 Erubo 198 Erubo 201 Aplis in-Line 20 Erubo on-Track 209 Aplis in-Line 80 24 Aplis in-Line 165 28 Holon 214 Holon 217 Cadre 38 Cadre T16 41 Nuit 222 Cadre QR-CBC51 49 Nuit 224 Nuit profile 228 Diapason 56 Diapason 59 Onn 236 Diapason Cover 65 Onn-Air 239 Small Diapason 71 Square Onn-Air 242 Gearbox 76 Onn-Wall 245 Totem Ceiling 81 Onn-Corner...

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Project Rose House Location Kiama, Australia Beauty is not created by adding one more detail; it is conceived by removing the last. The design of our collection represents a way of thinking that reduces each product to the essential components without compromise. Luminance and illumination are the primary goals. The luminaire requires a deep understanding of the intrinsic nature and unified elements of architectural styles. It constitutes a detail that can reflect and integrate in architecture within the purest form, enhancing and adding value to its environment. The essential elements of...

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Photo index - Foto-index Profile systems - Profiel systemen Cadre Dolma Semi-recessed wall luminaires - Semi-inbouw muur armaturen Nuit Mini Rokko Mini Square Rokko Recessed wall luminaires - Inbouw muur armaturen Prologe in-Dolma Prologe in-Line Prologe Ligna Rei Down 55 45°/65° Diapason Erubo Xharon Track systems - Rail systemen Diapason on-Track Erubo on-Track Flat Down 55 Side Projectors - Spots Side in-Line Up XC Up Circular XC Wall mounted luminaires - Wandmontage armaturen Prologe on-Regule Xharon on-Styx Xharon on-Track Recessed floor luminaires - Inbouw vloer armaturen Erubo...

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Project Private house Location Maasmechelen, Belgium Recessed ceiling luminaires - Inbouw plafond armaturen Down 35 Down in-Line 55 Down 55 Down in-Line 76 Down 80 Down in-Line 80 Down 113 Down in-Line 153 Down 165 Down in-Line 165 Down 183 Down in-Line183 Aplis 80 Aplis in-Line 80 Aplis 165 Aplis in-Line 165 Down 600 kreon 8 kreon 9 Architect Valerie Van Der Put Photographer Kreon

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Aplis Circular integration When Le Corbusier published “Vers une Architecture”, a new approach to architecture was developed. It was a period of “purification” of forms and celebration of plane surfaces and orthogonal angles. Kreon has always pledged the values of Le Corbusier’s postulate looking for sober, efficient and geometrical purity throughout its right angled collection. In an attempt to improve the dialogue with the increasing demands for organic forms within contemporary architecture, Kreon sets a milestone in its long time orthogonal philosophy: Aplis. A round recessed spotlight...

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Aplis 80 name Aplis 80 is developed for QR-CBC51 and LED (2700k, CRI ≥80) light sources. Aplis 80 can be rotated up to 360° and tilted by 30° without compromising the recessed position of the lamp or the glare control. The luminaire can aim at both vertical and horizontal surfaces. Aplis 80 is equipped with a filter holder and antiglare ring. Aplis 80 is ontwikkeld voor QR-CBC51 en LED (2700k, CRI ≥80) lichtbronnen. Doordat de lichtbron 360° kan roteren en 30° kan inclineren, kunnen zowel objecten als wanden uitgelicht worden. Met een maximale inclinatie van 30° wordt in elke toepassing een...

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Aplis 165 name Aplis 165 is developed for lightsources ranging from 20W to 100W. High efficiency aluminium reflectors for QT12-ax, HIT-TC and LED (2700k, CRI ≥80) are easy to install and provide great flexibility in lighting effects to suit any project requirement. The standard range is equipped with a softening lens within an antiglare ring. Additional filters can be inserted into the same ring. Aplis 165 is ontwikkeld voor lichtbronnen variërend van 20W tot 100W. Aluminium hoog rendementsreflectoren voor QT12-ax, HIT-TC en LED (2700k, CRI ≥80) zijn zeer eenvoudig te installeren wat het...

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Aplis 165 Aplis 165 name aplis 165 lamptype aplis 165 directional Project Caztan Location Dendermonde, Belgium naam directional lamptype HIT-TC HIR-CE111 white kr937881 kr937851 wit black kr937882 kr937852 zwart grey kr937883 kr937853 grijs rotation/ inclination 360°/30° 360°/30° rotatie/ inclinatie visible Ø 180 180 Ø zichtbaar cut-out Ø 173 173 Ø opening min. depth 230 230 min. diepte thickness boardmaterial 9-26 9-26 dikte afwerkplaat fitting G8.5 GX8.5 lampvoet 20W/35W/70W 20W/35W/70W max. watt voltage 230V/5kV 230V/5kV voltage symbol X c symbool excl. excl. IP 40 40 IP class 2 2 klasse...

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Aplis 165 Project Interieur 2010 Location Kortrijk, Belgium Int. Architect Minus Photographer Arne Jennard name aplis 165 wallwasher aplis 165 wallwasher aplis 165 wallwasher lamptype QT12-ax HIT-TC LED 1300lm 2700K, CRI≥80 naam lamptype white kr937411 kr937481 kr937431 wit black kr937412 kr937482 kr937432 zwart grey kr937413 kr937483 kr937433 grijs rotation 360° 360° 360° rotatie visible Ø 180 180 180 Ø zichtbaar cut-out Ø 173 173 173 Ø opening min.depth 175 205 230 min. diepte thickness boardmaterial 9-26 9-26 9-26 dikte afwerkplaat fitting GY6.35 12V voltage 20W/35W/70W lampvoet G8.5...

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Aplis in-Line Designers strive to create space. Space is brought to life by light and can be controlled in every detail with Aplis in-Line. Its construction, comprising of plasterkit, housing, reflectors and louvres can be adapted to suit spatial requirements. Different plasterkits give the option to choose between seamless finish or a discreet shadowgap. Without the use of any tools, it is possible to change reflectors to control light or louvres that define colour and depth of ceilings. Architecten zijn gepassioneerd door het creëren van ruimten. Ruimte wordt tot leven gebracht door licht...

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Aplis in-Line 165 kreon Project Private house Architect Pedro Verhue Location Kortrijk, Belgium Photographer Arne Jennard 22 Aplis in-Line 165 kreon Project Boetiek Kiasma Location Roeselare, Belgium 23 Architect Yves Luyckx Photographer Arne Jennard

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All KREON catalogs and technical brochures

  1. esprit

    6 Pages

  2. holon 60

    33 Pages

  3. prologe 40

    9 Pages

  4. raga

    7 Pages

  5. rokko

    7 Pages

  6. side

    8 Pages

  7. wabi

    6 Pages

  8. Mama Cloud

    4 Pages

  9. Cloud

    5 Pages

  10. Cana 40

    2 Pages

  11. Aplis 165

    3 Pages

  12. Fuga

    2 Pages

  13. Wabi

    2 Pages

  14. Rei

    2 Pages

  15. Raga

    2 Pages

  16. Kreon cana

    15 Pages

  17. Kreon 1200

    8 Pages

  18. Kreon aplis

    11 Pages

  19. Kreon up

    9 Pages

  20. Kreon dolma

    8 Pages

  21. diapason 120

    13 Pages

  22. audio in cadre

    13 Pages

  23. side in-line

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Novelties 2016

    41 Pages

  2. Novelties 2015

    39 Pages

  3. Kreon LEED

    17 Pages