Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL
1 / 244Pages

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 1

ceiling solutions

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 2

Clip-in Tech Tile 16 Clip-in Hinge Tile 18 Application: Wall to wall 26 Application: Floating ceiling 30 Application: Ceiling in ceiling 32 Edge finishing & sub construction 40 Application: Wall to wall 42 Long Mini Down 84 Small Square Side 124 Prologe 80 Ligna in-Line/in-Dolma 140

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 3

Kreon tools of light 242

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 4

Clip-in Tech Tile 16 Clip-in Hinge Tile 18 Toepassing: Muur tot muur 26 Toepassing: Plafond in plafond 32 Toepassing: Muur tot muur 42 Long Mini Down 84 Small Square Side 124 Prologe 80 Ligna in-Line/in-Dolma 140

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 5

Kreon tools of light 242

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 6

Kreon modular ceilings aim to materialise simplicity, unity and functionality within its design. Simplicity must not be the result of an uncritical reduction. Instead, it should be the convergence and synthesis of the complex requirements imposed on ceiling solutions by contemporary architecture. Taking its cue from this concept, Kreon ceiling solutions do more than just span a room. It offers a unique solution for the integration of building service systems that need to be accommodated in the ceiling: lighting, ventilation, cooling, heating, fire protection and much more. Kreon’s most...

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 7

Project Heymans Architect 0111 Architecten Location Rosmalen, The Netherlands Photographer Kreon

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 8

Ceiling systems Ceilings usually have an indistinctive character in the space surrounding us. In daily life, as well as in architecture, they are seldom noticed. Kreon ceiling solutions will make these anonymous surfaces come alive: structure, relief and symmetric shadow gaps support the architectural rhythm of space whilst creating effects like rest, order... and even chaos. These atmospheres are moreover duly emphasised by the repetitive use of integrated luminaires arrays. Plafond systemen Plafonds hebben meestal een anoniem karakter in de ruimte rondom ons. In het dagelijks leven,...

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 10

Ceiling systems The illustrations below show that one space can be interpreted in several ways and that it can be ‘projected’ on the ceiling. Our designers and engineers fully comprehend this graphical interplay and Kreon’s portfolio of projects reflects this. In addition, a cost effective solution can be achieved with our know-how. Vektron Clip-in Vektron Clip-in + Clip-in Tech Tile Zenon Lay-on

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 11

Plafond systemen Onderstaande illustraties tonen dat eenzelfde ruimte op verschillende manieren geïnterpreteerd en ‘geprojecteerd’ kan worden in het plafond. Onze lichtplanners, architecten en productontwikkelaars begrijpen dit grafische vormenspel. De projecten die wij wereldwijd realiseren, zijn hiervoor exemplarisch. Met deze ervarin en kennis kunnen we steeds een oplossing aanbieden: architecturaal, technisch en budgettair.

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 12

Vektron Clip-in The Vektron Clip-in system consists of a concealed supporting structure to which demountable tiles can be clipped. When the ‘clip-in system’ is mounted, a shadow joint with a width of 6 mm and a depth of 8 mm is created accentuating the grid pattern and generating a unique design. Through the combination of the ‘clip-in’ profile and specially developed connectors on the tile, a perfect levelling is ensured. Tiles of the ‘clip-in’ system can be singularly and effortlessly removed, which simplifies eventual functional adaptations of space. Het Vektron Clip-in systeem bestaat...

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 13

Project Kahl Büromöbel GmbH Location Mannheim, Germany Architect Kahl Büromöbel GmbH Photographer Michael Voit

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 14

Clip-in Tiles Clip-in tiles are made of galvanised steel and protected with a UV-resistant powder coating. They are fire and corrosion resistant. The perforated tiles incorporate a sound absorbing membrane which can be selected to respond to various acoustic requirements. Clip-in tiles worden uit gegalvaniseerd staal gemaakt en zijn beschermt met een UV- bestendige poederlak. Ze zijn vuur- en corrosiebestendig. De geperforeerde tegels beschikken over een geluidsabsorberend membraan waardoor de tegels aan specifieke akoestische eisen kunnen tegemoetkomen. tile tile tile tile perforated tile*...

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 15

Project Rehau Location Ukkel, Belgium Architect Annick Lamolle, Kookaburra Photographer Annick Lamolle

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 16

Clip-in Tech Tile Tech Tile offers potential partitioning with the aid of the 100 mm wide Tech Tile. Tiles without shadow gap on the width side can be delivered on demand. Met behulp van Tech-Tiles met een breedte van 100mm kunnen scheidingswaden eenvoudig in een Clip-in plafond geTntegreerd worden. Op aanvraag kunnen Tech-tiles geleverd worden met kopse zijden zonder schaduwvoeg. name tech tile 100 tech tile 600 tech tile 1200 naam name tech tile 625 tech tile 1250 tech tile 750 tech tile 1500 naam Standard colour is Kreon grey, (see page 44 for colour options) Standaard kleur is Kreon...

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 17

Project Euroclear Architect DB associates Location Brussels, Belgium Photographer Serge Brison

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 18

Clip-in Hinge Tile Hinge tiles give easy access to the ceiling void and are clipped into the same carriers. Maintenance on all kinds of techniques behind the ceiling can be performed while the hinge tile hangs vertically. Hinge tiles geven u de mogelijkheid om op een eenvoudige wijze het plenum te bereiken. De tegels worden in dezelfde profielen geklikt als de Clip-in tegels. Wanneer de Hinge-tile wordt losgeklikt, zal deze op twee scharnierpunten in de profielen blijven hangen. Hierdoor kunnen op een vlotte en veilige wijze werkzaamheden (onderhoud, herstellingen,...) uitgevoerd worden....

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 19

Project Dobergo Architect Dobergo Location Lossburg-Betzweiler, Germany Photographer Dobergo

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Kreon Ceiling Solutions catalogue EN/NL - 20

Edge finishing - Randafwerking Kreon ceiling solutions offers several perimeter solutions to finish edges and hide underlying structures. C-Wall, W-Wall and L-Wall are surface mounted to the wall. Edge cover L-connection and Edge Cover Plaster provide the opportunity to connect your Clip-in ceiling with a gypsum ceiling. Edge Cover provides a standard finish to floating ceilings. Kreon ceiling solutions stelt verschillende soorten profielen voor om de randen af te werken en de achterliggende constructie te verbergen. C-Wall, W-Wall en L-wall worden rechtstreeks tegen de muur gemonteerd....

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All KREON catalogs and technical brochures

  1. esprit

    6 Pages

  2. holon 60

    33 Pages

  3. prologe 40

    9 Pages

  4. raga

    7 Pages

  5. rokko

    7 Pages

  6. side

    8 Pages

  7. wabi

    6 Pages

  8. Mama Cloud

    4 Pages

  9. Cloud

    5 Pages

  10. Cana 40

    2 Pages

  11. Aplis 165

    3 Pages

  12. Fuga

    2 Pages

  13. Wabi

    2 Pages

  14. Rei

    2 Pages

  15. Raga

    2 Pages

  16. Kreon cana

    15 Pages

  17. Kreon 1200

    8 Pages

  18. Kreon aplis

    11 Pages

  19. Kreon up

    9 Pages

  20. Kreon dolma

    8 Pages

  21. diapason 120

    13 Pages

  22. audio in cadre

    13 Pages

  23. side in-line

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Novelties 2016

    41 Pages

  2. Novelties 2015

    39 Pages

  3. Kreon LEED

    17 Pages