Catalog excerpts

Energize Workspaces with Open Weave and Glass ScreensWith strong horizontal lines and visual lightness, Glass Screens and Open W torage SolutionsStorage Towers, Sliding Door Overheads and Ov anel Base OptionsDividends Horizon includes three base panel op eave Screens, incorporating an innovative structural textile by Suzanne Tick, set a new standard for delineating space between individual workstations.Integrate New Furniture Elements and Practical S erdesks create graphic workstation geometry while fulfilling multiple storage requirements. Table Desks, Meeting Tables and Credenzas reflect contemporary work styles.Create Rich Spatial Effects with Three P tions: Standard, Tile-to-Floor and Open Base, which features triangular legs that enhance airflow while offering a lighter appearance. > ή knoll.comPrinted in Canada. B-DH082008 Knoll, Inc. All rights reserved. size="-1">
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Energize Workspaces with Open Weave and Glass ScreensWith strong horizontal lines and visual lightness, Glass Screens and Open W torage SolutionsStorage Towers, Sliding Door Overheads and Ov anel Base OptionsDividends Horizon includes three base panel op eave Screens, incorporating an innovative structural textile by Suzanne Tick, set a new standard for delineating space between individual workstations.Integrate New Furniture Elements and Practical S erdesks create graphic workstation geometry while fulfilling multiple storage requirements. Table Desks, Meeting Tables and Credenzas reflect...
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New Texture and Transparency for Shared Workspaces 42"- high Open Weave Screens in Warpnet, Medium Grey, foreground, offset by the signature Dividends Horizon T riangular Frame in Bright White, energize workstations. Graphic Sliding and Flip Door Overheads, background,punctuate shared workspaces with 64"-high panels. Panels in Interknit, Gale; Overhead cabinets in Bright White. EWC Tech chairs, foreground, with Beige Taupe suspension back and Eclat Weave, Tangerine, seat cushion; EWC Sportٙ chairs, background, in Harrison, Blair, with back and seat accent in EWC Sport Beige Taupe. >
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New Texture and Transparency for Shared Workspaces 42"- high Open Weave Screens in Warpnet, Medium Grey, foreground, offset by the signature Dividends Horizon T riangular Frame in Bright White, energize workstations. Graphic Sliding and Flip Door Overheads, background,punctuate shared workspaces with 64"-high panels. Panels in Interknit, Gale; Overhead cabinets in Bright White. EWC Tech chairs, foreground, with Beige Taupe suspension back and Eclat Weave, Tangerine, seat cushion; EWC Sportٙ chairs, background, in Harrison, Blair, with back and seat accent in EWC Sport Beige Taupe. >
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Spatially Aware. Dividends Horizon ushers in the next generation of one of the most popular Knoll offi ce systems, energizing the workplace with new, pragmatic planning and aesthetic opportunities for linked workstations and individual offi ces. Transcending a traditional systems aesthetic, Dividends Horizon creates a sense of community and space. > Dividends Horizon | 1 size="-2">
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Pra g For o Hori z wor k Flip D By o yet o > Integr a 64"-hi g with Tr i Works u Harris o 2 | Knoll size="-3">
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Linear and Luminous Low Horizons for the Open Plan With strong horizontal lines and visual lightness, Dividends Horizon Open W eave Screens feature a triangular profi le frame that offers depth and character for workstations. In combination with low horizon Standard panels, Open Weave Screens address the needs of organizations seeking more collaborative space in settings that leverage natural light. > Address Technology Create an exceptionally light and technologically effi cient workplace by combining 42"-high Open Weave Screens, right and above left, in Warpnet, Medium Grey, with 14"-high...
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Illu m Divi d prov i in m i and t both > Lever a Focus o above aesthe t Suspe n 6 | Knoll size="-3">
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Illuminating the Interior Landscape Dividends Horizon offers continuity between furniture and interior architecture, pr oviding broad opportunities to plan workstations with access to natural light in mind. With a focus on optimizing users relationships to their workstations and those around them, Dividends Horizon moves the workplace forward both practically and aesthetically. > Leverage Panel Options Focus on the artful contrast of structure and materials with Dividends Horizon Open Weave Screens in Warpnet, White, above right, and the T riangular Legs of the Open Base Panel, left and...
Open the catalog to page 11
Rich Spatial Effects Dividends Horizon incorporates furniture elements that refl ect contemporary work styles. T able Desks, Meeting Tables and Credenzas for individual and shared spaces complement the range of Dividends Horizon panel, worksurface and worksurface support options, including Open Leg Support. > Integrate Table Desks and Open Leg Support Combine 36"-high Open Weave Screens, right, with a freestanding Table Desk in Cherry Techgrain for texture and lightness of scale. Meeting T able, above left, in White laminate with Tubular Brno chairs. 36"-high panels in Palladium, Talc, with...
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ry d rface > n Dividends Horizon | 9 size="-3">
Open the catalog to page 13
Furniture Focused for the Private Offi ce Dividends Horizon incorporates contemporary furniture elements to create effi cient yet classic private offi ces. Versatile in scope, Dividends Horizon offers not only fl exibility but also aesthetic continuity among workplace applications, whether in the open plan, meeting room or private offi ce. > Extend Material Options Use a Table Desk in Cherry Techgrain, a 24"-high Credenza and a 64"-high sliding door Overdesk in Silver with 14" -high Cherry Techgrain door, to create an open, layered, individual workspace. Enhance privacy, left, with a single...
Open the catalog to page 15
Streamlined Perspective Dividends Horizon Meeting Tables create shared workspaces that maximize worksurface ar ea. Meeting Tables and Table Desks are available in a variety of fi nishes and feature a signature fl oating leg. Calibre Storage Towers, trapezoid-shaped worksurfaces and Sliding Door Overdesks create graphic workstation geometry. > Energize Workspaces Defi ne workstation boundaries for individual and shared meeting space, right, with a Meeting Table in Natural Techgrain featuring signature fl oating legs, and Sprite chairs in Maple with seat cushions in Eclat, Black. Tile-to-fl oor...
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