Catalog excerpts
IMPRINT © KLH Massivholz GmbH Publisher and responsible for content: KLH Massivholz GmbH Version: Environment and Sustainability, Version 01/2013 The content of this brochure is the intellectual property of the company and is protected by copyright. Any type of reproduction is strictly forbidden and only permitted after written approval from the publisher.
Open the catalog to page 2The climate change that has been experienced over the last decades, global warming, the increase in natural disasters and the possibility of using wood to usefully counteract greenhouse gas emissions, have prompted us to dedicate the first chapter of our handbook to the topic of environment and sustainability. makes a significant contribution to the attainment of climate goals. It is important for us to make an active contribution to the protection of our environment, in order for it to remain inhabitable for the next generations. With this brochure we address especially the architects &...
Open the catalog to page 4CLIMATE CHANGE The reason for global warming and the climate change that goes with it lies in the big increase in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. In this context it is important not to seek the cause in the natural greenhouse effect, without which life on earth would not even be possible, but much more in the anthropological greenhouse effect, largely caused by CO2 emissions. © picture -alliance / dpa CONSEQUENCES OF THE CLIMATE CHANGE caused by CO2. Experts reckon with a yearly increase in CO2 emissions of 0.5% – as a result the CO2 concentration could double by the year...
Open the catalog to page 5THE NATUR AL GREENHOUSE EFFECT In principle, the greenhouse gases of the atmosphere – especially water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) – make life on earth possible in the first place. If the natural greenhouse effect did not exist, the average temperature on earth would be -18°C. Illustration 2 – Diagram of natural greenhouse ef fect, w w w. b i l d u n g s s e r v e r. h a m b u r g .d e The natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are responsible for warming the surface of the earth, starting at temperatures of -18°C to +15°C. This...
Open the catalog to page 6Share of anthropogenically released propellants associated with the greenhouse effect The greenhouse potential is measured in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq.). This means that all emissions are placed in relation to CO2 regarding their potential greenhouse effect. Because the retention period of the gases in the atmosphere is included in the calculation, the time horizon must be specified for the estimation (usually 100 years). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is quantitatively the most significant greenhouse gas, with a percentage of about 50%, even though the specific climate effectiveness of...
Open the catalog to page 7Share in greenhouse effect: Yearly emission: Causer: 50% 25 billion tonnes Among others, exhaust fumes, burning of fossil fuels Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) Share in greenhouse effect: Yearly emission: Causer: 22% 1 million tonnes – 18,000 times more harmful than CO2 Among others, propellants, coolants, solvents Share in greenhouse effect: 13% Formed by: Decomposition of organic material under exclusion of oxygen, incl. fossil fuels, in waste disposal sites and sewage works Ground level ozone Share in greenhouse effect: Harmful for: Formed by: Causer: 7% Humans, animals and plants Strong...
Open the catalog to page 8AGENDA 21 – CLIMATE CONVENTION – K YOTO PROTOCOL Climate protection has become a central environmental topic and has long since reached the notice of the general public. This has come, of course, against the background of divergent scientific and political positions, which have also determined the various Conferences of the United Nations on climate protection that have been held since 1992. Conference on Environmental Protection in Rio de Janeiro, 1992, Agenda 21 Agenda 21 comprises 359 pages and 40 chapters on social and business aspects, covering everything from the conservation of...
Open the catalog to page 9The agreement records the combined responsibility of the states for the problems resulting from the climate change. At the same time this Convention emphasises the responsibility of the industrial states that on the one hand emit anthropogenic propellants and on the other hand have the financial means to take measures. A further policy of this Convention is to take into account the special needs of developing countries and to aspire to a provisional principle for the sustainable development of all states. Kyoto Protocol The provisions, strategies and conventions agreed on in Rio de Janeiro...
Open the catalog to page 10Obligations from the Kyoto Protocol and developments to date from 1990 – 2002 Contract parties Reduction obligations Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic Poland, Hungary Source: UNFCCC, the values relate to carbon dioxide equivalents without change in land use Countries with the highest CO 2 emissions due to burning of fossil fuels CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in mt Great Britain South Korea Illustration 8 – Countries with the highest CO2 emissions due to burning of fossil fuels
Open the catalog to page 11Criticism of the Kyoto Protocol The logic of market forces means that sooner or later, a situation will arise where all available emission rights will either be used by the countries themselves or sold and used by others. The industrial nations, including the countries from the former Eastern Bloc, should reduce their emissions by an average of 5.2% by 2012. Even official positions in the UN have determined that in fact a reduction of 60 – 80% would be necessary. Other countries, however, can increase emissions as much as they want, which means an increased burden especially for those...
Open the catalog to page 12CLIMATE PROTECTION AND RE ACHING CLIMATE TARGETS Within the term “climate protection” all possibilities for counteracting global warming are summed up, as well as all the measures for reducing the consequences – to prevent them is, according to numerous climate researchers and institutes, unlikely. In connection with climate protection, there are two main approaches – on the one hand, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and on the other, the expansion of carbon sinks. As well as an appropriate international climate policy, climate protection includes among other things: • increase in...
Open the catalog to page 13All KLH Massivholz catalogs and technical brochures
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